Thursday 10 July 2014

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Spiritually How Sound Is This Theory Of God

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Spiritually How Sound Is This Theory Of God
Genesis 1:2 -"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters."It means he had no physical body on that plane yet. I think it means his spirit was wandering the void of his mind(universe), because many see thoughts of the mind to be like water, when calmed. For God to have had physical form, he had to have created a physical plane of existence, and when I hear "earth" there, it brings me back to my studies as earth is often just perceived to be the embodiment of all things physical. And as it says, the earth was formless and empty, could imply a number of things, and could point back to my void theory. What does it have to do with it being within God's mind? Simple. Mystics or those that have spent their lives pondering God's mysteries and getting closer to him, have thought of a decent concept that the universe is of God's subconscious; constantly expanding and having gone from a single point as our universe, they believed it was caused by God's slumber and when he once again awakens, all of this may in fact be gone. P.S. I needed to put this somewhere, cause someone's question was deleted as I was answering it.
