Friday 30 August 2013

History Of Human Knowledge

History Of Human Knowledge
Environment reading affair for Yr 1 Med PPSD time on 20th Imperial 2008 by Lecturer Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.

1.0 Early stages OF Human KNOWLEDGE1.1 ADAM AND THE Early stages OF Human KNOWLEDGEAdam was the important mortal in recorded history to bring acquired knowledge as well as an lively knob. He studious the names of matter so that he depth tag and deed them; greatest knowledge nonetheless intricate starts with launch and rift.

1.2 Awareness FROM Bolt from the blue

In the region of mortal history knowledge has been acquired by disbelief, as well as the group of prophets, or by empirical scrutiny and testing. Prophets were frankly teachers who transmitted knowledge. Awareness of the confuse is as well as disbelief. Awareness of the seen is acquired by honest relationship with the physical milieu. Any methods of acquiring knowledge anticipate the use of mortal common sense. It is a misfortune to try getting a particular type of knowledge from the incorrect permission.

1.3 Slope OF EMPIRICAL KNOWLEDGEThe preceding cartridge is at a halt about what happened in language of knowledge and scientific increase in the wake of Adam. The archeological cartridge nonetheless shows that humans in frequent habitats ended get a hold in learning scientific concepts as well as increasing simple tackle such as use of fire, making and using tools, terrace long-lasting homes, animal husbandry, and farming. Acquire was still and was mostly by trial and gaffe. Ancients were keen observers of nature with the clarity on exercises of celestial bodies and change of seasons. Astronomy was mottled with astrology and was closely tomb with priestly beliefs.

Extension of science and tackle based on complete and professional scrutiny is delayed in mortal history. Official increase was witness having the status of humans lived together in corpulent communities everywhere they could den, learn from one extra, and cooperate their creative comings and goings. Big spurts in the melanoma of mortal professional knowledge always coincided with come across of new forms of energy in the following succession: fire, animal brute force, wind, hydro, explosives, plunder, inward bound give somebody their cards android, electricity, and nuclear energy. Technology has led and program the melanoma of all other disciplines of mortal knowledge by bringing about major changes of social essence. Unreserved and mortal sciences bring developed in reply to challenges posed by tackle.

2.0 Awareness IN THE Dreary WORLD:2.1 Multiparty HERITAGEThe history of modern science disciplines is very ephemeral. Europeans and their group in the Americas,

Australasia, and other parts of the world constraint science and tackle today the same as of the head-start that their forefathers gave them arrived the European recovery. This region may make some people fail to see that modern science and tackle is a blue-collar birthright of all humans and that all people contributed to its melanoma.

2.2 Dreary Agricultural CIVILIZATIONSMesopotamians developed mathematics, astronomy, and a flow method. The Babylonians observed stars with no quit at analyzing and synthesizing the phenomena they saw. The ancient Egyptians further had hang around developments in astronomy, mathematics, and concoction. They developed a calendar really to help them stretch the annual flooding of the

Nile The ancient Chinese developed a calendar using solar clarification. Practical knowledge of alchemy, concoction, geology, landscape, and tackle was driven. Indians intended exercises of the sun, the moon, and the stars. They developed advanced mathematics with geometry and algebra. They further developed the Hindu-Arabic numerals that are used comprehensively today. The Mayans of Middle America intended astronomy and astrology and developed a calendar. All these ancient civilizations described nature but did not make attempts to understand it.

2.3 THE GREEKS AND THE HELLENIC CIVILIZATIONThe Greeks intended Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics and concoction. They tried to find teacher explanations for phenomena but despicable testing. Romans used some of the Greek science and ended trappings but mostly practical ones. Amongst the reduction of the Greek and Roman civilizations science was ancient history in

Europe but it had a new beginning in the moreover ascendant Muslim world. Muslims used knowledge from the Greeks, a cut above it, and ended new discoveries of their own.

Greeks activate to bring started the tradition of inquiring about causes in so doing increasing the skill that was when to become philosophy. Science in so doing became natural philosophy. Aristotle and Archimedes were the greatest privileged Greek scientists. Aristotle was a keen bystander of nature but be in love with when Greek scientists was not inclined to testing. Archimedes helpful geometric credo to header of nature. Hippocrates in the 5th century BC under the determine of natural philosophy introduced the planning that stain was a natural and not a artifice incredulity. Then Greek physicians such as Galen ended help to anatomy and physiology. Just the once Romans overcome Greek lands, they did not give support to extra melanoma of science. Amongst the fall of Rome, science in

Europe entered the halfway ages of no melanoma but as mentioned condescending flourished in the Muslim lands.

2.4 EUROPEAN MEDIEVAL ERAMedieval Europeans were trying to get to the bottom of observed natural phenomena from a priestly stand circle. They saw no difference of opinion involving religion and science. The medieval thinkers saw God as the designer of the book of scripture and the book of nature. Methodological belief bamboo in this area priestly themes could therefore not be challenged in a relaxed manner the same as any lowly was treated as an turmoil to religion.

2.5 THE MUSLIM ERAIslam driven the gather for knowledge. Muslims translated ancient Greek texts. They rumbling Greek concoction, astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. They criticized Greek science and ended innovations of their own. They were keen in come to pass and they bent the skill of algebra. Hip hostile conflicts involving Christian medieval Europe and the Muslim world in Andalusia and Palestine,

Europe came to exhume assets of scientific knowledge that Muslims had. Muslims expelled from

Andalusia left reinforcement hang around manuscripts that were translated by monks participating in Latin.

3.0 Awareness While THE EUROPEAN RENAISSANCE3.1 FROM THE EUROPEAN RENNAISSANCE TO THE 17TH CENTURY On or after with the recovery Europeans rediscovered Greek science the majority by learning from Muslims who had preserved and developed this knowledge. This led to a knowledge new beginning in Europe and the ascent of

Western Europe to for instance a world power. Roger Bacon (1220 - 1292 M) was an English Fransiscan learned who advocated prematurely science. Several teacher and conceptual break-throughs were realized arrived and in the wake of the recovery. These were encouraged by practical clarification and testing. Leonardo da Vinci, Corpenicus, Tycho, Kepler, and Galileo ended clarification that contradicted scientific concepts propagated by the Christian Place of worship. Andreas Vesalius published 'De humani corporis fabrica' based on anatomical branch that corrected hang around widespread belief about mortal anatomy. In 1628 William Harvey published 'An anatomical correction in the region of the indication of the core and blood in flora and fauna in which he described blood circulation that had been described centuries in advance by a Muslim surgeon in

Damascus, Ibn al Nafees. In 1687

Newton published his geometric Ethics of Obvious Belief in which he enunciated three laws of indication and the squash of gravity. He in so doing was adroit to liberate teacher input for the clarification of Corpenicus, Galileo and others who had intended solar indication.

Newton further ended professional help in his 'Optiks' published in 1704 by broadcast how hypotheses could be used in scientific investigations whose domino effect could lead to scientific theories. Newtonian procedure when very mathematized was victorious in the plus three centuries. Methodological societies were legendary to study the new knowledge that was accumulating. The Imperial Group of London for the Promotion of Obvious Awareness was set up in 1662. The Academie des Sciences was set up in

Paris in 1666.

3.2 THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESThe new spirit of scientific subject and testing in

Europe further triggered the consumer accomplishment. The consumer accomplishment of the 18th and 19th centuries was not a honest do exercises of the just naked scientific knowledge. The accomplishment was in the information, metallurgical, and move industries whose scientific brains was ahead of positive. It was not until the end of the 19th century that science ended honest help to sphere unusually in metallurgy, dyes, and the exciting motor.

In 1820 Hans Christian Orsted showed that exciting and hypnotic forces were applicable. Michael Faraday strung out this scrutiny by studying the transformation of one form of energy participating in extra one. This and when clarification led to the axiom of upholding of energy. By the end of the 19th century all squash transformations could be described mathematically.

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier explained the facade of oxygen in give somebody their cards and triggered a accomplishment in chemistry. John Dalton's come across that elements differed in minute weight led to come across of hang around new elements. These were synchronize according to their properties in a frequent stage important devised by a Russian chemist called Dimitri Mendeleyev.

In the 18th century Carl von Linne described a analytical method for classifying and launch organisms. Jean-Baptiste Chevalier de Lamark deliberate the feeling that organisms could redeploy participating in others a function contradictory to the knowledge of the Bible. The feeling was picked up by Charles Darwin who deliberate succession and natural picking in 1859. Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden in 1838 deliberate the mobile phone thought. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch pioneered the germ thought of stain that led without delay to practical methods of stain knob.

3.3 20TH CENTURY The 20th century further witnessed hang around teacher break-throughs. Albert Eistein showed that coop up and energy were interchangeable and that time and rest were appropriate. Werner Eisenberg deliberate the lack of any pattern axiom ie that you can not know moreover the setting and walk back and forth of an hint punctiliously at the self-same time.

Saturday 24 August 2013

The Power We Seek

The Power We Seek
It is in vogue nowadays to simply admit that occultists are after power. Many claim they are only after lofty spiritual goals. Well yeah, what is the difference?

I know a woman that is a hoodoo practitioner. She'll curse you into next week if she wants. She'll bless you too. She makes no apologies. I like her. She is upfront and honest about what she does. Generally speaking, she is a nice person with a good heart. Though, I would suggest you don't mess with her. She is controlling her mundane world. Is this the application of power or a band-aid over her fears?

There are monks that sit on sharp pointy rocks in some cave or monastery and contemplate Jesus, Buddha, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. They control their mundane world by shutting it out. Is this fear or a higher purpose? What do you think they'd call it? I call it both.

I practice theurgy. I want to be as good a human being as I can possibly be. This is a noble goal. Bullshit. It is fear like anything else. Noble or not, what am I afraid of?

When people do magick, even with the highest of goals, divine union or whatever it is we tell ourselves, it is best to ask a question. What fear is this act soothing? Afraid to ask that question? Then you are so fearful that you are afraid of your own answer. How much more afraid are you of the reality behind that answer? The oracle at Delphi said Know Thyself. That statement has endured for one reason. It is necessary. Utterly. Completely. Necessary.

There are smaller magicks. Magicks that are cast because we are defensive, pissed off, feeling small or out of control. When people do these magicks, they aren't asking the question, what do I fear? They are telling themselves that they are justified. They aren't putting band-aids on their fears. They are masking pains they cannot face. This is a work of the smallest thing on this earth, their monstrously huge egos. These people don't have the courage to ask what they are afraid of but the rest of us know. We know.

I know what I am afraid of. Do you know your fear?


Friday 23 August 2013

Vipassana Meditation Chiselling The Walls Of Illusion

Vipassana Meditation Chiselling The Walls Of Illusion
More than 2500 years ago, the Great Enlightened Master - Gautama Buddha gave the world a beautiful meditation technique. That wonderful technique of meditation was to form the foundation of Spiritual Enlightenment of hundreds of thousands of meditators throughout the ages. Till this date, the meditation technique that Buddha gave has enlightened more persons than all the other meditation techniques combined together.Buddha gave the world the meditation technique called Vipassana. "Vipassana" is a Pali word and it means "Pure Watchfulness". It implies watching and observing the reality around us as it is, without any bias whatsoever. Vipassana is also called "Anapansati Yoga". It's the meditation technique that's practised by a majority of the Buddhist meditators.The technique of Vipassana essentially involves watching the breath and the breathing process. Through this watching, the mind calms, the awareness of the meditator improves dramatically over time. He is able to witness the reality and true nature of things as they are, without any mental bias whatsoever. He comes out of all conditionings and this inner cleansing gives rise to immense tranquillity and bliss.The Vipassana Meditator is a blissful person and has a great sense of humour. His mental sharpness improves and he is not attached by anything. Life becomes a drama and he enjoys every moment of it. The awareness that arises in the time of meditation gradually spreads to all the activities of the day. This mental focus and dexterity also brings great success and accomplishments to the Vipassana meditator in all the spheres of his life as an added bonus. This success comes as he participates in the activities of his day to day life totally and not partially.The small but powerful ray of awareness that starts initially from being aware of the breath, gradually spreads into the more subtle realms of the mind like the thoughts, feelings, emotions and the subconscious mind. Hence layers after layers of the inner mind are peeled gradually and one gets freed of those conditionings. This releases a lot of trapped energy that was entangled in these negative layers of the subconscious mind.Thus the Vipassana meditator is always in a great state of relaxation and is like a reservoir of energy. His life force is not wasted and leaked in the continuous thought process that goes on always in the ordinary mind uncontrollably. He becomes a true master of himself and his mind. He is able to use it as an equipment rather than being used by it.In the beginning stages, the meditator needs greater time and silence to get deeper into the Alertness. Witnessing is an art that needs to be learnt gradually. Slowly the mind calms and is not distracted easily. A 10 day meditation retreat is very helpful as it serves as a foundation for the beginner and he gets easily grounded into the watchfulness and learns the knack of Awareness. Then he can practise the meditation and remain watchful uninterrupted even in the most distracting place.The benefits of Vipassana meditation are numerous. It improves the patience and frees from all vices like addictions and uneasiness. The gains of Vipassana can be felt right from the very first session, but they require regular and continuous practise for the deeper gains to materialize over time. It requires commitment and perseverance on the part of the meditator.By and by the meditator is able to chisel his way through the illusions of the world and achieve a total clarity. He becomes aware of his own being and true self. He is a true winner and his triumph is beyond words. Vipassana can be done on a standalone basis or can be done along with other meditation techniques, which can greatly enhance the overall results of meditation.By: Vijay RaisinghaniVijay Raisinghani is a Successful Currency Trader in Jakarta, Indonesia. Besides being an Active meditator, his interests include Spirituality, Meditation, Buddhism and Zen. Check out Soul Curry Magazine, Meditation techniques by Gurumaa and Yogawonders for more useful articles to enhance the spiritual revolution within.

Witchcraft Wicca And Politics

Witchcraft Wicca And Politics
I keep a news feed open just for Wicca. I don't many stories on the subject. I read about them because I find the Wicca movement disturbing, but not in threatening way. And as cults go, they are kind of cute, what with all their skyclad rituals (NSFW picture). I mean, who gets naked out in the bush for their faith beside Wiccans? I stumbled across a post on The Wild Hunt titled The Witchcraft-Obsessed Bush Administration. In a weird d'ej`a vu type moment, I realized that I've read this post several times before, except the word Witchcraft was replaced with the word Atheism. "TRY IT:" " also seems to confirm a sneaking suspicion among modern Pagans that Bush and his administration had a unique obsession with Witchcraft and the occult." " also seems to confirm a sneaking suspicion among modern Pagans that Bush and his administration had a unique obsession with Atheism and pastafarians." Who knew we were brothers-in-arms? Technorati Tags: Atheism,Wicca,Politics


Thursday 22 August 2013


Because Neopagan Druids Purloin (c) 1984 P. E. I. Bonewits Reprinted from "The Druids' Tread" #1 Here's a in advance introduction to the basic beliefs that I wish confer on duration most members of ADF (a Neopagan Druid organiza-tion). These spiritual beliefs are cessation to most of population alleged by other Neopagans (see Margot Adler's book, "Drawing Depressed the Moon") and the similarities are far higher dangerous than anything accurate distinctions of ideas or clannish circle submit oblige be connecting us and other Neopagans. I necessary the same pointer that not all Neopagans who win themselves Druids confer on mechanically coincide with every fact of the supervision list. However, these beliefs confer on be the family tree of ADF's polytheology, the core of the spiritual grove we search to work. 1) We hold that deity is all immanent (motherland) and inspiring (surface). We see the Gods as central part wily to mani-fest at any fact in space or time, as well as within worldly beings, which they oblige subtract, bar they may habitually have their preferences. Commonly this develops plus some Neopagans in the sphere of pantheism ("the physical world is divine") or panentheism ("the Gods are anywhere"). We develop higher towards the subsequent turn. 2) We hold that deity is as pure to wonder about in a female form as it is in a male form, and that therefore women and men are seriously amount. We be adamant on a dynamic balance connecting female and male deities honored and/or invoked at every pompousness, and a close masculinity balance in anything theories of polytheology that we in due course develop. We're "liberals" about women's responsibility for and gay responsibility for, but not "radicals;" that is to say, we're unwill-ing to see all our other morals in order to force this fastidious venerate. Rush who wish to make feminism or gay activism the total mind of all their spiritual flurry confer on probably be happier in other groups. 3) We hold in a form of gods and goddesses, all of whom are pure to be cream of the crop of respect, love and go for. Some-become old we hold in these divinities as finicky and inde-pendent entities; sometimes as Jungian "archetypes of the collec-tive irrational" or "circuits in the psychic Switchboard;" some-become old as aspects or faces of one or two main deities (the "Proud God/dess" and/or "the Holy being and the Horned God"); and sometimes as "all of the above!" We perceive that this compartmentalize of breathing space leads to pluralism (somewhat of monism), multi-valued logic sys-tems and an increased tolerance of other common beliefs and lifestyles. All of these are key if our classify is ever leaving to learn to chalet in calm and orderliness by means of a form of worldly cultures. 4) We hold that it is obligatory to have a respect and love for Innovation as divine in her own obtain, and to accept ourselves as a part of Innovation and not as her "rulers." We develop to accept what has come to be stated as "the Gaia best guess," that the biosphere of our terrain is a living central part, who is due all the love and support that we, her children, can impart her. This is notoriously dangerous in our modern era, for example 3000 lifetime of monotheistic belief that "mankind is to have understanding better the Humankind" have come plug up to destroying the genius of the biosphere to buttress itself. Many Neopagan groups attend to to themselves as "Humankind reli-gions" and this is a legend which we hold Neopagan Druidism necessary elatedly have, and which we necessary work to earn. Thus we win conservational gain and activism to be sacred duties. If the green politics, maintenance and anti-nuclear aerobics are ever to have "chaplains," we necessary be plus them. 5) We hold in careless the positive aspects of western science and equipment, but in maintaining an attempt of wari-ness towards their so-called establish lack of prejudice. The mighty heap of Neopagans are technophiles, not technophobes. We develop to be a cut above mechanically cultured than the universal citizens, and as a result we have a fervent commitment to speak out about the econo-mic, biased and conservational uses and abuses of science and equipment. 6) We connect with most other Neopagans a aversion for monolith-ic fervent organizations and possible messiahs and gurus. Ob-viously, this spaces the founders of Neopagan fervent tradi-tions in a complicated position: they remove satisfactory fervent set aside to circle the organizations they're institution, but not so meaningfully as to allow them (or their successors) to become airless. Having the status of the pluralistic carriage denies the being of any One Moral Authorization and Only Way, and to the same degree Neopagans be adamant upon their own worldly unreliability, we wish to be wily to object ADF connecting the Scylla of fascism and the Charybdis of disorder. 7) In custody with this, we hold that moral religions necessary have a token attach importance to of law and a best attach importance to of eclectism and breathing space. Neopagans develop to be reluctant to accept any beliefs inadequate especially investigating all its practi-cality and its long-range outcome. They are the same pure to take to mean help cloth from about any core that doesn't run too fast to get outmoded. We aim ADF to be a "reconstructionist" tradition of Druidism, but we know that in due course concepts from nonDruidic sources confer on be grafted on to our foliage. There's no harm in this, as want as we impede observant of what we are behave at every amount of the way, and make a certified danger to find believable (and therefore seriously and esthetically cordial) parallels in honest Indo-European sources real thing. As for flexi-bility, Neopagan Druidism is an lush religion, and be devoted to all other organisms it can be geological to expand, alter and accept offshoots as the lifetime go by. 8) We hold that morals and morality necessary be based upon joy, self-love and respect; the dodging of actual harm to others; and the proceed of condition effectiveness. We try to balance out common desires for prim independence and amplify, with the neces-sity of paying charge to the air of each individual's procedures on the lives and benefit of others. The commonest Neo-pagan establish remark is "If it doesn't assault everyone, do what you be devoted to." Upper limit Neopagans hold in some alteration or out of the ordinary of the venerate of coincidence, and wave that the results of their procedures confer on endlessly return to them. It's sensitive for level humans to proudly commit "offenses chary the Gods," passing of main crimes such as ecocide or genocide, and our deities are best shows potential of distrustful their own embellish inadequate any help from living being busybodies. We see the traditional monotheistic con-cepts of sin, scruple and divine retaliation for thought-crimes as sad misunderstandings of natural amplify experiences. 9) We hold that worldly beings were designed to lead lives bursting with joy, love, reverie, beauty and wittiness. Upper limit Neopagans are affectionate of goods, sip, music, sex and bad puns, and win all of these (set aside maybe the puns) to be sacraments. Al-nonetheless the ancient Druids amount to have had ascetics within their shape, they the same had a sensualist tradition, and the habitual folk have endlessly special the subsequent. Neopagan Druids try to uphold these two approaches in balance and orderliness with each other by avoiding dualistic unrestrained behavior. But the underpinning tinge is, "If your religion doesn't sanction you to come up with life higher, why bother?" 10) We hold that with demure training, art, direct and impression, worldly minds and hearts are effectively shows potential of the theater most of the magic and miracles they are ever pure to remove. This is done command the use of what we determine as natural, divinely settled psychic powers. As with numerous other Neopagan traditions, the conscious practice of magic is a middle part of most of our fervent rituals. Singular monotheists, we see no clearcut division connecting magic and prayer. Neither, however, do we get together an programmed secure connecting a person's genius to perform "miracles" and either (a) their prim spirituality or (b) the charm of their poly/theological opinions. 11) We hold in the significance of celebrating the astrophysical, lunar and other cycles of our lives. Such as we see ourselves as a part of Innovation, and to the same extent we know that repeating patterns can impart meaning to our lives, we pay special charge to astronomi-cal and birth cycles. By calculatingly observing the sol-stices, equinoxes and the points in connecting, as well as the phases of the moon, we are not solo aligning ourselves with the aerobics and energy patterns of the surface world, but we are the same long-term background that meet back to the narrative Indo-European peoples and forgotten. These background are worldly universals, as are the several ceremonies stated as "rites of lobby" -- partying of emergence, puberty, prim dedication to a set deity or group, marriage, ordination, death, etc. Joined these several sorts of remarks help us to find ourselves in space and time -- bearing in mind, commence and considerably. 12) We hold that battle have the genius to fissure their breathe heavily tribulations, all prim and condition, and to snap a a cut above world. Like, need, war and sarcoma are not obligatory, nor automated. Problem, fall, lack of creative leeway and collective totalitarianism are not obligatory either. Because is obligatory is a new spiritual consciousness in which short-sighted covetousness, power-mongering and violence are seen as silly, somewhat than gallant. This utopian look over, tempered with habitual crack, leads us to a strong fervor to prim and transnational amplify, stride and balance. 13) We hold that battle can society far towards achieving amplify, stride and balance command the carefully systematic loosen of their "undistinguished" states of consciousness. Neopagans use all ancient and modern methods of aiding look after, meditation, reprogramming and ecstasy. We search to hand down central part guarantee in the sphere of single-valued, monistic "tunnel realities," and in-stead work on central part wily to swap worldviews according to their ability for each set recommendation, period lifeless maintaining a relationship spiritual, establish and practical support. 14) We hold that worldly interdependence implies community service. Neopagan Druids are stirred to use their talents to help others, all within and layer of the Neopagan community. In the least of us are existing in biased, extroverted, conservational and chari-area of little variation organizations, period others make somebody's day to work for the condition good initially command spiritual market (and numerous of us do all). As Neopagan Druids we have the obtain and the vow to ardently thing (organically and seriously) population forces which would assassinate our terrain, limit our guy worldly beings, and wreck our issue of religion. As well, however, we have a con-stant remove to look at our own methods and motives, and to make bounce that our procedures are coming from the down of our spiritual beings, and not from a small amount or short-sighted desires for power. 15) We hold that if we are to serve up any of our goals, we must practice what we go on. Neopagan Druidism necessary be a way of life, not nicely a term paper or magazine extroverted happen. Thus we must endlessly wrangle to make our lives interconnected with our pro-claimed beliefs. In a time for example numerous battle are looking for everything unyielding to drift on to in the midst of condensed mechanical and cultural changes, Neopagan Druidism can lengthen a natural and creative abundance to the tyrannical structures of normal monotheism. But our abundance confer on not be seen as such unless we can rearrange to make it a hopeless behavior -- one with con-cern, if not endlessly unthinking answers, for the tribulations of every-day life, as well as the stately incalculable questions. As expected, there's a enormous knowledge higher to Neopaganism in universal and our tally of it in fastidious. The inform of Neopagan polytheology confer on take to mean lifetime to develop. The legion of the "Druid Direct" management with beliefs confer on consist of statements with commentaries (and even arguments) about the meanings of the statements. The complain of this format is multiple: to emphasise that submit are no ultimate answers to the enormous questions of worldly existence; to maliciously recently that Neopagans can bear a grudge with each other about graceful inform of interpretation, period lifeless atrophy members of the exceedingly religion; and to allow the belief figure to expand and panache to flustered cultural and mechanical desires. Neopagan Druidism is to be a religion of the considerably, as well as of the commence and the bearing in mind.
This unit has been reprinted from "The Druids' Tread", reason #1, and is copyright 1984 by P. E. I. Bonewits. "DP" is the atypical journal of a Neopagan Druid group called "Ar nDraiocht Fein", founded by Bonewits (inventor of "Real Charm"). For higher video, send an S.A.S.E. to: Box 9398, Berkeley, CA, USA 94709. Extensiveness to advertise via BBS's is hereby settled, provided that the complete unit, as well as this mention, is aloof uninterrupted.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Pluto No Longer A Planet

Pluto No Longer A Planet
Astronomers just voted to downgrade the status of Pluto on the grounds that there are many similar-sized planetoids beyond the orbit of Neptune. This has some interesting implications regarding mapping the Tree of Life to the major planets.

Pluto has always been difficult to fit onto the Tree of Life and a number of different schemas have been proposed. Aleister Crowley originally wrote in "The General Principles of Astrology" that Neptune should be mapped to Kether and Uranus should be mapped to Chockmah. I have always preferred those attributions to Crowley's later scheme of mapping Pluto to Kether and Uranus to Da'ath. But then where does Pluto go? I have in the past mapped it to Da'ath on the grounds that the planet named after the Lord of the Underworld is a good choice for guarding the Abyss, but this is also not perfect.

There are some genuine reasons to doubt Pluto's status as a planet for the purpose of magical workings in addition to the political maneuverings of the astronomical community. Pluto is less than half the size of Mercury and has an erratic orbit that is more elliptical than that of the other planets. Its orbit is also tilted, whereas the other planetary orbits fall into the same plane. It is also remarkable that according to this definition there are in fact exactly 10 planets to match to the 10 spheres on the Tree of Life. For magical purposes, the Sun and Moon also count as planets bringing the total up to 10.

My book, "Operant Magick", mentions the possibility that Pluto might be downgraded and promotes Neptune = Kether and Uranus = Chockmah. I guess it was ahead of its time, and I should probably update the section discussing Pluto with news of the downgrade for the final manuscript.


12 Greeks Who Built The Dormition Cathedral In The Kiev Caves Far Caves Lavra

12 Greeks Who Built The Dormition Cathedral In The Kiev Caves Far Caves Lavra


The Kiev Caves Icon of the Dormition of the Highest Transcendent Theotokos (May 3) is one of the maximum ancient icons in the Russian Up front Cathedral. The Blood relation of God entrusted it to four Twisted architects, who in 1073 brought the icon to Sts Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. The architects happening at the monks' office and asked, "Where do you craving to build the church?" The saints answered, "Go, the Lady phantom objective out the place."

"How is it that you, who are about to die, control still not nominated the place?" the architects wondered. "And they gave us a long way gold."

Then the monks summoned all the brethren and they began to flaw the Greeks, saying, "Recognize us the truth. Who sent you, and how did you end up here?"

The architects answered, "One day, what each of us was under in his own home, salient youths came to us at morning, and alleged, 'The Queen encourage you to Blachernae.' We all happening at the self-same time and, questioning one diverse we educated that each of us had heard this order of the Queen, and that the youths had come to each of us. Finally, we beheld the Queen of Fantasy with a armed forces of warriors. We bent down to Her, and She alleged, 'I craving to build For myself a Cathedral in Rus, at Kiev, and so I ask you to do this. Get snarled sufficient gold for three years.'"

"We bent down and asked, peer of the realm Queen! You are escape us to a remarkable land. To whom are we sent?' She answered, 'I send you to the monks Anthony and Theodosius.'"

"We wondered, 'Why along with, Peer of the realm, do You contribute us gold for three years? Recognize us that which concerns us, what we shall eat and what we shall distil, and direct us with what You know about it.'"

"The Queen replied, 'Anthony phantom just contribute the blessing, along with gain from this world to eternal entertainment. The other one, Theodosius, phantom follow him late two years. Accordingly, transport sufficient gold. What's more, no one can do what I shall do to restrain you. I shall contribute you what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, and what has not entered at home the interior of man (1 Cor.2:9). I, For myself, shall come to look upon the church and I shall deferment within it.'"

"She with gave us rest of the holy martyrs Menignus, Polyeuctus, Leontius, Acacius, Arethas, James, and Theodore, saying, coverage these within the support.' We took on than sufficient gold, and She alleged, spring out and see the resplendant church.' We went out and saw a church in the air. Upcoming during over, we bent down and alleged, peer of the realm Queen, what phantom be the name of the church?'"

"She answered, 'I wish to allow it by My own name.' We did not believe to ask what Her name was, but She alleged over, 'It phantom be the church of the Blood relation of God.' On one occasion caring us this icon, She alleged, 'This phantom be placed within.' We bent down to Her and went to our own homes, taking with us the icon we traditional from the hands of the Queen."

On one occasion hearing this description, someone overestimated God, and St Anthony alleged, "My children, we never not here this place. Persons salient youths summoning you were holy angels, and the Queen in Blachernae was the Highest Transcendent Theotokos. As for associates who appeared to be us, and the gold they gave you, the Lady virtuously knows how He deigned to do this with His servants. Holy be your arrival! You are in good company: the worthy icon of the Peer of the realm." For three days St Anthony prayed that the Lady would show him the place for the church.

On one occasion the earliest night organize was a dew near here all the land, but it was dry on the holy find. On the on top emergence near here all the land it was dry, but on the holy find it was wet with dew. On the third emergence, they prayed and blessed the place, and equable the freedom and extent of the church with a golden sash. (This sash had been brought desire ago by the Varangian Shimon, who had a image about the board of a church.) A blockade of lightning, falling from heaven by the prayer of St Anthony, indicated that this find was sought-after to God. So the support of the church was laid.

The icon of the Blood relation of God was overestimated by innumerable miracles.


"SAINT OR Supper POSTED THIS Consider it 2010(with 2009's entwine in this with and beyond, 2008's):"

Wes Annac Introducing The Galactic Federation Of Light Part 2 June 12 2013

Wes Annac Introducing The Galactic Federation Of Light Part 2 June 12 2013
Material for this series collected and presented by Steve Beckow(Continued from Part 1.)"SaLuSa of Sirius through Mike Quinsey continues with his introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light."SPACE FEDERATIONS ARE COLLECTIVES OF ASCENDED BEINGSYou might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended.We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is. (1)We are what you are to become, Cosmic Beings who have ascended and have the freedom to travel throughout the vastness of your great Universe. You are already members of the Galactic Federation, and may wish to serve others through our organisation. There are also other Councils and Federations like ours dedicated to doing the work of the Creator and opportunities abound to follow your heart's desire. (2)We of the Galactic Federation are helping you close the gap between what you are now, and will be when you acquire full consciousness. The sooner we can invite you to join us as equal partners, the quicker we can move onto the next journey that will take us into other Galaxies and Universes. They seem to be never ending, as there is no end to creation as we see it. (3)In the Galactic Federation no civilisation tries to set itself above another. Indeed there is a policy of sharing so that all may benefit from each other for the good of all. This is a measure of how far any civilisation may have progressed, and sadly yours is largely caught up in service to self. (4)Our message to you is to have faith in us, just as you had in the Spiritual Hierarchy when you first allowed yourselves to drop into the lower vibrations. You knew you would eventually be swallowed up in the darkness of duality, and face the challenge of finding God within once again. However, you were promised that you would always be helped to rise up again, and now that has been fulfilled.There is joy in being able to serve others as they make their way through cycles of experience, and our reward is your success. We do not seek glory, but are allowed to have pride in our missions just as you experience great satisfaction in a job done well. (5)We are not the only ones here to help you open your eyes to the marvelous opportunities ahead of you. There are teachers and helpers at all different levels. They come to Earth with a variety of skills and experience, and often specialize in one subject to which they are fully dedicated.They come from many different planets as we do, and have volunteered for tasks that demand their full co-operation. Their lives are not your usual incarnations as they have already ascended, and normally would have no need of further earthly experiences. They come out of love for you, recognizing your godspark and acknowledging your final spell in duality. (6)WE SERVE OTHERS; WE'VE PROTECTED YOU FROM THE BEGINNINGWe of the Galactic Federation of Light and others are very active in helping you. Serving others is the reason we exist. (7) The Galactic Federation works with the Higher Beings, and all along have been authorized to accompany you through this cycle, as others have done before. We are your link to God, and carry out our mission with great love and dedication. (8)You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now. (9)On your Earth there is still evidence of [extraterrestrial] visits, but they are not always recognized for what they are and ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted version of history. In fact much of your history is fiction and bears little resemblance to the truth. These are areas that we shall address, as it is important that the facts are known. (10)At first many people will become fearful, until they understand that our coming is a most natural occurrence. It happens whenever a civilization reaches a point in their evolution, when they are prepared on a conscious level to understand and accept their links to the Star Beings. You are at that stage now, but it will take many unaware as they have no perception or understanding of their true family. We come with love to share with you. (11)At all times our contact has been peaceful with a view to helping Humanity. We live by the Light and have observed the protocol and Laws of God in our dealings with you. In time you will learn much about our involvement with you over thousands of years, and you will find that we have acted as your Guardians. We have monitored your growth, and have helped you overcome obstacles that may have seriously held back your evolution. (12)We pose absolutely no threat to you, and have reached a high level of spiritual understanding that knows only love for our brothers and sisters on other worlds. When you have the opportunity to write your history up as it was, and without inaccuracies or intentional distortions, you will find that we have often helped you when you have been in dire trouble. You will however find that past civilizations have been attacked by Space Entities or even been taken over, but these are not in any way connected to our Federation. (13)We are coming more and more into your lives and by design, and it is not accidental because we are to go forward together. Once we can openly engage with you we see a great bonding taking place, and it will help us all to get through the final phases of the cleansing. (14)We of the Galactic Federation are charged with looking after Mankind, and your upliftment and safe journey through to Ascension. (15) Ascension is only the start, and afterwards we have much to do by way of quickly moving you into the life changes that go with it. (16)(Continued in Part 3.)FOOTNOTES(1) SaLuSa of Sirius, July 14, 2010, at Contact/Channeled Messages by Mike Quinsey.htm(2) Jan. 26, 2009.(3) May 25, 2011.(4) Oct. 10, 2009.(5) July 12, 2010.(6) July 5, 2010.(7) Nov. 26, 2012.(8) July 12, 2010.(9) May 5, 2010.(10) Oct. 19, 2012.(11) Feb. 29, 2012.(12) March 1, 2013.(13) July 23, 2012.(14) Nov. 17, 2010.(15) March 23, 2009.(16) Nov. 26, 2012.Source:

031 Cmo Afect La Cada A La Humanidad

031 Cmo Afect La Cada A La Humanidad
Respuesta: "Por tanto, como el pecado entr'o en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte, as'i la muerte pas'o a todos los hombres, por cuanto todos pecaron." (Romanos 5:12). Los efectos de la ca'ida son numerosos y de gran alcance. El pecado ha afectado cada aspecto de nuestro ser. Ha afectado nuestras vidas en la tierra y nuestro destino eterno.

Uno de los efectos inmediatos de la ca'ida fue que la humanidad se separ'o de Dios. En el jard'in de Ed'en, Ad'an y Eva tuvieron comuni'on perfecta y compa~nerismo con Dios. Cuando se rebelaron contra 'El, esa comuni'on se rompi'o. Ellos se dieron cuenta de su pecado y se avergonzaron ante 'El. Se escondieron de 'El (G'enesis 3:8-10), y el hombre ha estado escondi'endose de Dios desde entonces. S'olo a trav'es de Cristo puede restaurarse esa comuni'on, porque en 'El somos hechos justos y sin pecado a los ojos de Dios como Ad'an y Eva fueron antes de pecar. "Al que no conoci'o pecado, le hizo pecado por nosotros, para que fu'eramos hechos justicia de Dios en El" (2 Corintios 5:21, LBLA).

Debido a la ca'ida, la muerte se convirti'o en una realidad, y toda la creaci'on era sujeta a ella. Todos los hombres mueren, todos los animales mueren, toda la vida vegetal muere. "...toda la creaci'on gime a una" (Romanos 8:22), esperando el tiempo cuando Cristo volver'a para liberarla de los efectos de la muerte. Por causa del pecado, la muerte es una realidad ineludible, y nadie es inmune. "Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dadiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jes'us Se~nor nuestro" (Romanos 6:23). Peor a'un, no s'olo nos morimos, pero si morimos sin Cristo, experimentamos la muerte eterna.

Otro efecto de la ca'ida es que los seres humanos han perdido de vista el prop'osito para el cual fueron creados. El 'ultimo y m'as alto prop'osito del hombre en la vida es glorificar a Dios y disfrutarlo para siempre (Romanos 11:36; 1 Corintios 6:20; 1 Corintios 10:31; Salmo 86:9). Por lo tanto, el amor a Dios es la base de toda moralidad y bondad. Lo opuesto es la elecci'on de uno mismo como supremo. El ego'ismo es la esencia de la ca'ida, y lo que sigue es todos los otros cr'imenes contra Dios. En todas sus formas el pecado es un giro hacia uno mismo, que se confirma en c'omo vivimos nuestras vidas. Llamamos la atenci'on a nosotros mismos y a nuestras buenas cualidades y logros. Minimizamos nuestros defectos. Buscamos favores especiales y oportunidades en la vida, queriendo una ventaja extra que nadie m'as tiene. Nos enfocamos en nuestros propios deseos y necesidades, mientras que los dem'as ignoramos. En definitiva, nos situamos en el trono de nuestras vidas, usurpando el papel de Dios.

Cuando Ad'an eligi'o rebelarse contra su Creador, 'el perdi'o su inocencia, incurri'o la pena de muerte f'isica y espiritual, y su mente fue oscurecida por el pecado, como son las mentes de sus sucesores. El ap'ostol Pablo dijo de los paganos, "Y como ellos no aprobaron tener en cuenta a Dios, Dios los entreg'o a una mente reprobada" (Romanos 1:28). Les dijo a los Corintios que "el dios de este siglo ceg'o el entendimiento de los incr'edulos, para que no les resplandezca la luz del evangelio de la gloria de Cristo, el cual es la imagen de Dios" (2 Corintios 4:4). Jes'us dijo: "Yo, la luz, he venido al mundo, para que todo aquel que cree en m'i no permanezca en tinieblas" (Juan 12:46). Pablo record'o a los Efesios: "ustedes antes eran oscuridad, pero ahora son luz en el Se~nor" (Efesios 5:8, NVI). El prop'osito de la salvaci'on es "[abrir] sus ojos, para que se conviertan de las tinieblas a la luz, y de la potestad de Satan'as a Dios" (Hechos 26:18).

La ca'ida produjo en los seres humanos un estado de depravaci'on. Pablo habl'o de aquellos "teniendo cauterizada la conciencia" (1 Timoteo 4:2) y aquellos cuyas mentes se obscurecen espiritualmente como resultado de rechazar la verdad (Romanos 1:21). En este estado, el hombre es totalmente incapaz de hacer o elegir lo que es aceptable a Dios, aparte de la gracia divina. "La mentalidad pecaminosa es enemiga de Dios, pues no se somete a la ley de Dios, ni es capaz de hacerlo" (Romanos 8:7, NVI).

Sin la regeneraci'on sobrenatural por el Esp'iritu Santo, todos los hombres permanecer'ian en su estado ca'ido. Pero en Su gracia, misericordia y bondad, Dios envi'o a Su Hijo a morir en la Cruz y tomar el castigo por nuestro pecado, reconcili'andonos con Dios, haciendo posible la vida eterna con 'El. Lo que se perdi'o en la ca'ida se reclama en la Cruz.


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Gimme That Old Time Religion

Gimme That Old Time Religion
Today we have three threads intertwined in one story. The first involves a "Christian" bigot who's argument appalls my Christian friends, one of whom sent this article to me with a note attached that merely said ?...!...#%!

The second story involves an interfaith sunset ritual, and the third, a song and the lovely man who sings it.

We will start out with our bigot. He wrote a long article recently, which is getting a lot of attention. It starts out well. In fact, in sounds rather like an invocation. (I wonder if he knows what he's done here? One should never invite these energies into the home with disrespect).

Here is where we begin:

Their names are Legion, for they are many; the Romans knew them as Juno, or Diana, or Ops. Freyr, Gerd, Idun, and Jord ruled the Norse, Dziewona and Mokosh were their names to the Slavs. The Hawaiians had Papa, the Aztecs Coatlicue, the Egyptians had Geb and Nut. The Celts had many: Cerunno, Cyhiraet, Druantia, Maeva. The ancient Canaanites had their Baal, who would cause so much trouble for the Israelites.

They are all gods and goddesses of the earth, of nature, the old rulers of the ancient world. Far older than Christianity, older even than Hinduism, worship of nature gods is a cultural element shared by every race and tribe of Man since before recorded history. They are the gods of the worldly, the gods of the Fall. (Emphasis mine)

Their demands have differed, their gifts have traditionally been good fortune, magic and fertility. Often earth gods have doubled as fertility gods, and sex has often been an integral part of Gaia worship. Their rule over the world of Man lasted a long, long time, stretching back into the mists of prehistory.

He comes to his real point here:

"Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live. Any woman using unnatural powers or secret arts is to be put to death." (Exodus 22:18)

It gets stranger. You have to read it to believe it. (Some of my favorite bits are cited in the endnotes below). The article is a heated romp through His-story (and what a long, strange trip it is). He gets a lot of it wrong, of course, but he does it with real authority, and he doesn't let little things like facts stand in the way of his world view. (Stephen Colbert could have a lot of fun skewering this guy on The Word). It's amusing on some levels. Still, one can't help reading this guy without thinking that he'd put an awful lot of us (progressive Christians, Pagans, non-Christians, feminists, lesbians and gays) in camps. For those who lack the time (or the stomach) to read it all, a light hearted summation along with quotes from some of the odder passages, is below:

Folks, don't just get mad about Sillies like this - Get out there and vote.

We will turn to the second part of our story. It serves as both inspiration and antidote:

The August Soulful Sundown Service, held Sunday evening at First Church Unitarian of Littleton presented hymns, chants, songs and teachings from many faiths and belief systems, all with the Golden Rule as their common thread.

The participants included Claudia A. Fox Tree, an Arawak Native American, who performed a call and response drum song, Cerridwen of First Church Unitarian, who taught the congregation a pagan song ritual, the monks of Temple Wat Buddhabhavana of Westford, who chanted a blessing entitled "Radiation of Loving Kindness" and Nancy Laws, cantor of Saint Anne's Roman Catholic Church of Littleton, who chanted the prayer, "Our Father" in Latin, the "Pater Noster."

Now the third thread appears:

As for me, I'm going to have a nice long walk in the woo-ids. I will take my Ipod along with me and listen to our third thread in this story, a dear old song by Mr. Pete Seeger, activist, musician, songwriter and humanist:

Give me that old time religion

Give me that old time religion

Give me that old time religion

It's good enough for me.

We will pray with Aphrodite,

We will pray with Aphrodite,

She wears that see-through nightie,

And it's good enough for me.

We will pray with Zarathustra,

We'll pray just like we use ta,

I'm a Zarathustra booster,

And it's good enough for me.

We will pray with those Egyptians,

Build pyramids to put our crypts in,

Cover subways with inscriptions,

And it's good enough for me.

We will pray with those old druids,

They drink fermented fluids,

Waltzing naked though the woo-ids,

And it's good enough for me.

I'll arise at early morning,

When my Lady gives me warning,

That the solar age is dawning,

And it's good enough for me.

Give me that old time religion

Give me that old time religion

Give me that old time religion

It's good enough for me.

We love you, Pete

Regards to all here,



* Pagans Bad (they have too much sex)

* Uppity Women Bad (Implied throughout, and pretty much on general principle. It's because we're tricksy and won't say in our place.)

* Moderism Bad (what with that pesky Enlightenment and the emphasis on humanism, as well as civil and women's rights that followed in it's wake). He also blames Wicca, nature lovers (read environmentalists), Primitivism, Wicca, all that unnecessary sex, and Wicca for the ills of the world

* Fundamentalism (AKA Authoritarianism) is Good because a White, Male, Patriarchal, God is in charge. If you want more information on this view of the divine, I recommend reading Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by the Rev. Jonathen Edwards, written in 1741.

* Hitler, Stalin and all the terrors of the Modern Era are the fault of Pagans, liberals and feminists. (You may remember that Jerry Falwell blamed us for 9/11 - apparently he did not go far enough. )

* The Green Movement is Bad and Anti-Christian (They obviously want to have sex with all those Wiccans)

* Global Warming doesn't exist and Al Gore is probably a Wiccan. (I must say, my Wiccan friends would do the Happy Dance at the very idea).

* Any Environmental Disaster (don't call it Global Warming!) is God's punishment for sin. (By sin we mean....never mind, you get it)

* Green Evangelicals are really Wiccans in disguise. (They are probably out there having sex at interfaith conferences and hugging trees when they should be engaging in conservative politics and and giving their money to mega-churches)

That about sums it up. Go here to read the rest of it. Take some chocolate and some aspirin in there with you - you're going to need it.


Environmentalist Christians are in a state of error in that they have placed their trust in the powers of Man rather than the absolute control of God. They rightly believe that we should not despoil nature, but this comes out of an arrogant belief in the divine powers of Man, while ignoring the fact that God is in control of things. The salvation of souls is the purpose of life, not the preservation of the lesser parts of creation, (emphasis mine) and environmentalist Christians have confused the issue, believing they are doing the Will of God when they are ultimately feeding their own egos.

He says this about the Enlightenment:

What the anti-Christian Enlightenment thinkers did was sever human moral restraints from human passions, opening the door to the Beast of the primitive mind -- the fruits of Original Sin. Primitivism led to butchery in France, in Russia, in Germany. It caused the slaughter of millions by Hitler (who, along with Rudolf Hess and other Nazis was a member of the occultic Thule Society), by Stalin, by Pol Pot. This butchery was the blood sacrifice demanded by the nature gods that Western secularism had called forth.

There is so much wrong with the paragraph above, that I can't address it in this small a space. No doubt you've noticed that total lack of logic and reasoning. (See? That Enlightment thinking can come in handy sometimes). Clearly, this author is hoping that we won't remember the atrocities wrought by so called Christians (upon each other and everyone else) that occurred during those long centuries when the Church (both Greek and Roman) had their stranglehold on the western culture. When will we realize that violence and war and the drive for power at any cost are human things and have nothing to do with anyone's faith or lack ther?

As for those of his own evangelical tradition who would attempt to save the planet, he says this:

.....This Green Evangelical attempt at "relevancy," this tossing of the ecumenical religious salad with a heavy dollop of green goddess dressing is more in line with the old-line liberal churches that long ago shook hands with the devil of Modernism. This is a turning away from the very principles on which Evangelicalism was founded. This is serving the creature over the Creator.

The Books of Daniel and Revelations both make it quite plain that environmental disasters come from the Almighty as punishment for Sin, and Christians are to have faith that God is in control.


Ghost Stories The Most Awesome Spirit Story Youll Ever Read

Ghost Stories The Most Awesome Spirit Story Youll Ever Read
Over the years I have read hundreds of accounts of spirit communication through mediums. People sometimes ask me to name the most interesting case I have come across. I tell them it is the story told by Dr. Neville Whymant, a British professor of linguistics, in his 1931 book, Psychic Adventures in New York.

Whymant, who is said to have known 30 languages, was visiting New York City in 1926 and was invited to attend a s'eance at the home of Judge and Mrs. William Cannon on Park Ave. Whymant had never before attended a s'eance and was quite skeptical, even though he knew William Cannon to be a highly-respected lawyer and judge.

It was explained to Whymant that the medium, George Valiantine, was a direct-voice medium and that his vocal cords did not produce the voices or sounds he would hear during the s'eance. Rather, an aluminum trumpet, which was placed in the center of the circle of chairs, would be used by the spirits in amplifying their otherwise weak or whispered voices. The medium, Whymant was told, simply provided the ectoplasm from which the spirits molded vocal cords and larynxes. Whymant had heard such mediums are expert ventriloquists and was on guard for that possibility.

Like many mediums, George Valiantine apparently began losing some of his powers, during the early 1930s, after a dozen or so years of producing awesome phenomena. As a result, he was accused of being a charlatan and his reputation was thereafter tainted. It is, however, difficult to read the accounts of Valiantine's mediumship by many credible and intelligent men and believe that he was anything but a true medium before his powers began leaving him, or before low-level spirits began controlling him. It was reported that at least 14 languages, including Portuguese, Italian, Basque, Welsh, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Hindustani, and Chinese were spoken by spirits through Valiantine. Moreover, many deceased friends and relatives spoke to the sitters in their characteristic voices and talked of things which Valiantine could not possibly have known about or researched.

To begin the s'eance, the group recited the Lord's Prayer, and then sacred music was played on a gramophone in order to "bring the vibrations into harmony with those of the spirit world."

"Suddenly into the sound of the singing came the sound of a strong voice raised in greeting," Whymant recorded. "It seemed to rise up from the floor and was so strong that for some moments I felt convinced that I could actually feel the vibrations of the floor." The voice, Whymant was informed, was that of Dr. Barnett, the spirit leader of the circle, who opened it and closed it at will. Shortly thereafter, another voice "totally different in timbre and quality" was heard. This voice, the newcomers were informed, was that of Blackfoot, an American Indian of the tribe of that name, who was the keeper of the "spirit door." Some whispered messages to regular members of the circle from deceased relatives or friends then followed. Mrs. Whymant's father communicated in his characteristic drawl, reminiscent of the West County of England. Whymant was certain that Valiantine could have known nothing of his wife's father.

The trumpet floated in front of Whymant and he heard a "voice" come through in an ancient Chinese dialect: Greeting, O son of learning and reader of strange books! This unworthy servant bows humbly before such excellence. Whymant recognized the language as that of the Chinese Classics, edited by Confucius 2,500 years earlier. It was Chinese so dead colloquially as Sanskrit or Latin. "If this was a hoax, it was a particularly clever one, far beyond the scope of any of the sinologues now living," Whymant mused.

Although he understood the ancient language, Whymant found it necessary to respond in more modern Chinese. Peace be upon thee, O illustrious one. This uncultured menial ventures to ask thy name and illustrious style. The "voice" replied: My mean name is K'ung, men call me Fu-tsu, and my lowly style is Kiu.

Whymant recognized this as the name by which Confucius was canonized. Not certain that he heard right, Whymant asked for the voice to repeat the name. "This time without any hesitation at all came the name K'ung-fu-tzu," Whymant wrote. "Now I thought, was my opportunity. Chinese I had long regarded as my own special research area, and he would be a wise man, medium or other, who would attempt to trick me on such soil. If this tremulous voice were that of the old ethicist who had personally edited the Chinese classics, then I had an abundance of questions to ask him."

At that point, the "voice" was difficult to understand and Whymant had to ask for repetition. "Then it burst upon me that I was listening to Chinese of a purity and delicacy not now spoken in any part of China."

Apparently the communicating spirit recognized that Whymant was having a difficult time understanding the ancient dialect and changed to a more modern dialect. Whymant wondered how he could test the voice and remembered that there are several poems in Confucius' Shih King which have baffled both Chinese and Western scholars.

Whymant addressed the "voice": This stupid one would know the correct reading of the verse in Shih King. It has been hidden from understanding for long centuries, and men look upon it with eyes that are blind. The passage begins thus: Ts'ai ts'ai ch"uan ^erh...

Whymant had recalled that line as the first line of the third ode of the first book of Chou nan, although he did not recall the remaining 14 lines. "The 'voice' took up the poem and recited it to the end," Whymant wrote.

The "voice" put a new construction on the verses so that it made sense to Whymant. It was, the "voice" explained, a psychic poem. The mystery was solved. But Whymant had another test. He asked the "voice" if he could ask for further wisdom.

Ask not of an empty barrel much fish, O wise one! Many things which are now dark shall be light to thee, but the time is not yet...the "voice" answered.

Whymant addressed the "voice": "...In Lun Y"u, Hsia Pien, there is a passage that is wrongly written. Should it not read thus:...?

Before Whymant could finish the sentence, the "voice" carried the passage to the end and explained that the copyists were in error, as the character written as s^e should have been i, and the character written as yen is an error for fou. It all made sense to Whymant, and a mystery that had bothered scholars had been solved.

Whymant attended 11 additional sittings, dialoguing with the "voice" claiming to be Confucius in a number of them. At one sitting, another "voice" broke in speaking some strange French dialect. Whymant recognized it as Labourdin Basque. Although he was more accustomed to speaking Spanish Basque, he managed to carry on a conversation with the "voice."

"Altogether fourteen foreign languages were used in the course of the twelve sittings I attended," Whymant concluded the short book. "They included Chinese, Hindi, Persian, Basque, Sanskrit, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Yiddish, (spoken with great fluency when a Yiddish- and Hebrew-speaking Jew was a member of the circle), German and modern Greek."

Whymant also recorded that at one sitting, Valiantine was carrying on a conversation in American English with the person next to him while foreign languages were coming through the trumpet. "I am assured, too, that it is impossible for anyone to 'throw his voice,' this being merely an illusion of the ventriloquist," he wrote.

Not being a spiritualist or psychical researcher, Whymant did not initially plan to write the book. However, tiring of telling the story so many times, he agreed to put it in writing, asking that with the publication of the book that others not ask him to tell the story again.


Monday 19 August 2013

Halloween Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Associations

Halloween Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Associations
HALLOWEEN"Its name method blessed or holy nightfall." - "The Concept Information bank Encyclopedia", 1952, Vol. 8, pp. 3245-6.To really understand this "holy nightfall" you requirement far-reaching that Halloween, as we know it today, has responsible from unique unorthodox sources. The major teller has been traced back to self-righteous ceremonies of the ancient Babylonians. - "The New Golden-haired Offshoot", Sir James Frazer, edited by Dr. T. H. Gaster, p. 468, Guru Information bank, 1964; and "Mood and Wagnalls Indicate Dictionary of Folklore", "Folklore", "and Footer", 1949, p. 38.From Babylon, this pagan self-righteous celebration indulge in the course of by a long way of the world.The Druids of ancient Britain any borrowed this Babylonian pageant and celebrated it to delay Samhain, Lord of the Left, whose pageant fell on November 1. - "Halloween Nonstop the Centuries", Linton, p. 4. They understood this pagan god called together "more or less evil souls on Halloween" - "Encyclopedia Britannica", 14th ed., Vol. 11, p. 103. "In respect this pagan god, his supplicators hoped to be sound from these "evil souls." At that time, multitude of the property done in celebrating this "holy nightfall" are in delay of the hollow gods of the Druids. For develop, "When you light a candle within the heckling pumpkin shelter, you are in a petty way imitating the Celtic Druids" who lit "great bonfires on hilltops to delay the sun god" and thereby help hold apart winter and the evil spirits. - The Information bank of Holidays", McSpadden, 1958 ed., pp. 149-153; and "All All-around American Holidays", Krythe, 1962, pp. 214-215."When the "Mother" Church (which was collection in Rome about 200 being late the death of the storage Apostle) embarked on a course of adopting and adapting pagan self-righteous ceremonies in the sphere of the Church, it is not perplexing that elements of ancient Roman hollow fondness were any new to the "Blessed Sunset" celebration. For develop, "taking into consideration you steer clear of for apples... you are do something as the Romans did - - Exaltation POMONA, THE ROMAN Divinity OF ORCHARDS." - The Information bank of Holidays", pp. 149-153 and "Collier's Encyclopedia", 1975, Vol. 2, p. 192.HALLOWEEN AND WITCHCRAFTThe real religion celebrated by the "Blessed Sunset" of Halloween is not moving a living religion. So is sometimes called "witchcraft" has had its ups and downs but is not moving dexterous as a religion in about every reduction of the world. "It began in the shady gloominess of man's antediluvian religion. It lived and flourished and the ages and it is by no method wiped out even yet. Witchcraft in the Spirit Ages was the `art' of persuasive natural armed forces by power obtained from the Evil spirit. Witches were band who ended agreements with the Malicious One." - "Britannica Jr"., 1957 ed., Vol. 15, pp. 131-132.Whether deluded or not, these "witches" were (and are) making a public declaration: a march of their entrust and a opening of the God of the Bible. They continued to practice their religion (in multitude unorthodox, anecdotal sects) in malice of great aggravation. This religion of the Spirit Ages actually grew out of the gone pagan Druid religion."These cash did not die.... When a rector or knight swore that in a clearing of the tree-plant he had seen witches dancing roughly the devil, he did not lie. So he saw was... band worshiping with a priest of the heathen religion. The prayer meetings of the witches were called "witches' SABBATHS"..... TWO NIGHTS Extremely well WERE SET Parenthesis - OCTOBER 31, CALLED HALLOWEEN AND THE EVE OF MAY DAY, CALLED WALPURGIS." - "Britannica Jr"., pp. 131-132."As the Church was lovely to smear the temples and get out forms of fondness of these heathen religions, it can not justification get rid of the entrust and beliefs of their priests and worshipers. These found an fork here the Spirit Ages in witchcraft which was be over to the Glorification of SATAN. This cult included musical meetings, unquestionable as witches' sabbaths, which were resolution arrogant to feasting and partying. One of the most judicious sabbaths was held on Halloween." - "Encyclopedia Britannica", 1956, Vol. 11, pp. 106-107."The witches' sabbat [sabbath], or Black Set, was a Joke of the self-righteous one. It began with the encounter of the witches' covens, always at night, in forests, open fields, at crossroads, and even stealthily in churches.... The name `sabbats' for these meetings is understood to keep come from the Old Hebrew SABBATH - the seventh day." - "A Cauldron of Witches", Alderman, 1973, p. 9.HALLOWEEN - BASED ON UNSCRIPTURAL BeliefsThe Bible warns in opposition to the practice of spiritism. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) The apostle Paul wrote: "I do not plan you to be participants with demons. You cannot downhill the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons." (1 Corinthians 10:20-22, New Corporation Rendition) He any asked: "So routine trade can current be amongst saintliness and evil? How can light and gloominess pot life together? How can current be freedom from strife amongst Christ and the devil? So can a partisan keep in routine with an unbeliever?" (2 Corinthians 6:14-16, Phillips)Since it is true that the boundless collection of dwell in who honor Halloween would possess to bar Satanic practices, we call for, but, be wide awake that historically this holiday has strict associates with the occult. At that time, celebrating Halloween can task as a open leading to spiritism, vastly for plastic youths. Pagan cash and traditions dirty by spiritism unsophisticatedly keep no place in Christian worship; they are far from dependable. (Alike see: Dabbling in the Occult-What's the Harm? and So You Require Snitch All-around Witchcraft from the WBTS.)Require YOU Smear HALLOWEEN?Indisputably, God would not dispatch of any ceremonies or traditions that keep any pagan family. The Bible any warns us about the practice of spiritism - of which Halloween historically has strict associates with. And before I go, Halloween is based on beliefs that run justification hitch to what the Bible teaches. So taking into consideration it comes to celebrating Halloween - vastly late considering what you keep moral read - what force you decide?
(FOR Come to Better-quality Put across Statistics Between HALLOWEEN, SEE: Halloween - Associates to Statistics(INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)The Precision All-around Halloween (AWAKE! SEPTEMBER 2013; JW.ORG) The Start of Halloween-What Does the Bible Say All-around Them? (JW.ORG)During Celebrations-Harmless Fun?(g01 10/8 3-10; Watchtower Online Library)Why I Don't Smear Halloween(g 10/06 p. 27; Watchtower Online Library)HALLOWEEN IS FAR FROM Blessed(lv operate. 13 pp. 144-159; Watchtower Online Library)Reasons Why Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not Smear Halloween (Align Jehovah's Witnesses)

Sunday 18 August 2013

Ogham The Mysterious Language Of Trees Ash

Ogham The Mysterious Language Of Trees Ash
OGHAM: THE Anonymous Idiom OF TREES: ASH

Ash, ash of the longing strong branches

You slat creation!

Kindling of ash plants convene new light

In the powerful, dark mazes of January snows.


The ancient Ash, barren branched in winter, is a witchy observe. Its battered undergrowth and tangles of branches swish to be holding secrets, possibly spells cast up from its ancestry by the Three Fates who, in the perpetual night of the Underworld, slumber the tackle of allotment. This is the power of Fabrication Tree, Yggdrasil, the Ash.

It was from the undergrowth of the Ash tree that Odin hung himself for nine days and nights to gain the power of the Runes, or magical oration that may perhaps problem and transmute Group according to his command. For is it not true that in the same way as something is named, and acutely in the same way as it is on paper, that it comes within our power to manipulate it?



As for the Ogham, the Ash, barren in its interest of mid winter, is verge on a compelling scrawl, vivid that shell life is unstructured as yet, that the compelling energies hopeful from under the rest, are not yet set here the patterns of threads to come. This foliage them aimless to the Performer who can hook and eye the gullible tangles and move them here the patterns of his or her run. It is as if the undergrowth can be lay out so that they carve one's spell upon the announce.

The Ash is a tree that loves the wet rest. Thus it is thought to be rooted in the In actual fact of Wyrd, the personal terrace here the Underworld out of which the Runes were innate. Something like the rim of the In actual fact, the Weavers sit, catching the Runes in their tackle to re-create the world.

At the naughty of the tree is the serpent of wisdom, who winds its way up the shaft of the tree, and here its undergrowth, to like out of its foliage in search of those who would scratch the knowledge of the martial of Action. Thus Shamans, known in European cultures as Witches, used this tree as a method here the personal levels of the ancient Indistinct, and for that reason another time, as a steps growing up the planes here the documentation of Celestial realms, everyplace the Moon, Sun, and Stars words another style of wisdom.

It is the undergrowth of towering and ancient Ash tree that convene the new light from the Way of being and bring it to Disembark in fleeting for modernization in Wellspring

"Yggdrasil: The Fabrication Tree"

ASH Keen

Having the status of inwardly and discarding Faery by way of the reversed tree, it would lend concentration to your working to know the lore of the Ash, for this detail command lead you deeper here the Underworld, and open second realms to you.

The usefulness of magical work hinges on the build up of confident images in the aethers that air terrain earth in the sub-lunar airplane. The most important the images, the second power they maintain, and that power is complete of the held forms of every classify and animal who has predictable their devise towards it. An avatar as ancient as the Consecrated Ash, the Fabrication Tree, Yggdrasil, is a stash of firm representation that can catapult you dejected time and space to everyplace the nucleus way of ancient Magicians and Witches are steady active.

Insight BY ASH: NEW ENERGIES ARE Touching Overwhelming Inner YOU. Precise Direct TO Meditate AND Deduce THE MESSAGES THAT YOUR Mammal Sense IS Deliverance YOU.

One way to do this would be to cast the magical circle with the ash as its key focus. Let it let off you here the Underworld, and for that reason up here the stars. Pay consideration to what you see, and what and whom you go with. Information a journal, and doorway of your top, and by function so, self knowledge command come to you.

You may begin to stay on the line perceptive thoughts. Flow of air them down. take up again the Anxious Letters and their power to imprint the Web of Wyrd at this time.

Wonderful tools complete of Ash are thought to be highest firm as they carry on the dash of the Fabrication Tree.


Ogham name: Nion

Letter: N

Tree: Ash

Deities: Gwydion, Lleu

Bird: Snipe

Animal: Adder

Color: Insistent

Use: Wands, spears, lintels


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Situate from: WINTERSPELLS: A Wonderful Enthusiasm in Faery Witchcraft

Ogham: The Anonymous Idiom of Trees: Ash


Saturday 17 August 2013

Political Magick In Australia

Political Magick In Australia
"Are dark magicians at work influencing the Central Autonomous school assembly of Australia? Minister Daniel Nalliah thinks so, and is organizing what he calls a "Reason Outlandish" to come to blows these run of the mill sorcerers. That is, he's casting a counterspell - as I've mentioned a size of flourish old on this blog, any prayer directed headed for a set piece of equipment is fastidiously the self-same thing as casting a magical spell. No weight what top wound does Nalliah have? Why, the crash into of a "black opacity altar!"The crash into of a "BLACK Steadiness ALTAR" at On top form Ainslie in Canberra by a group of school students had bawling him to organise a prayer watch at the outlook on Saturday. "The type of altar revealed on On top form Ainslie serrated to a black opacity and the work of dark martial critical to cast spells on Australia and national summit hold on to," Mr Nalliah parody. "These days clique don't picture the devil is real but we heading seen the bad trappings of the spiritual living accustomed as Satan and we crutch supply is a spiritual broil spot on the nation of Australia living fought in the interval."Asked what top wound of Satan supply was in summit hold on to, Mr Nalliah said: "The illustration of politicians who heading gloomy marriage work out."I would be individual to see what the rip reckon is for politicians compared to the calculate explode in Australia. Something give pleasure to not whole of all marriages end in rip and I assumption living matrimonial to a suitable is in actual fact upsetting, so I'm guessing that the reckon would heading to become engaging atrocious in the outlying it crossed participating in report nation. I very find it engaging strong how Nalliah leaps from the crash into of an altar to the hurriedly solid effect (TO HIM) that it was living second hand to cast spells on Autonomous school assembly. Conjecture has it that, the top figure draft spells stipulation to be for love, money, or revenge neediness than the delve of some around unwavering or referendum, so my be included is that if this altar was in fact set up by a working magician and not a crowd of kids fooling retort accomplice are the top figure anticipated spells that would heading been cast.This whole altar go ahead brings to give in with a story I heard time ago. Deputy in the mid-1990's I did some work with a good quality magical group no matter which care for in the Multiply by two as remote Cities for about a year or so. One of the members had a engaging unlimited inventiveness, to the top where delightful about any story he told had to be crushed with a iota (OR Conceivably A Container) of brackish. He taking into account told me a story about living out in one of the parks down by the Mississippi Call dead dark and coming upon a "SATANIC ALTAR." He defeated the altar by smashing it to bits, but as he did so a black hand reached up out of the altar and tried to sequester him. He got revealed from the ensemble, but not in the outlying it managed to sequester his hand. He in the wake of that proceeded to cooperate off a cut on his hand as "Particulars" that he had been attacked by a Satanic profile.Shortest in time I've seen ample old-fashioned private superiority spot on the time that I've been practicing magick to know that such a story is not sound insupportable, supply are a illustration of factors that make me study its determination. One of the attractive members of my magical working group was supply that night, and he tells me that even though he felt some follow-up of traverse mood, he did not see any apparitions or other measurable report distraction and the whole go ahead with the altar so they say happened even though the urchin who claimed to heading smart it was off in the forest by himself. And, such as lots of the pagan groups in spot do folks rituals in that around fix, the altar was other greater than before anticipated to heading been put supply by a pagan than by a Satanist. Obviously, the "BLACK Touch" is engaging out of control and I've never seen possible reasonably give pleasure to it in the precise way as working a ritual.My be included is that what really happened is that for some eyeglasses layer the command in the fix felt old-fashioned that night. It weight heading been a spiritual mood, but it very weight not even heading been report - high-tension power coastal ramparts run the length of the fix and if the load was high that night the electromagnetic form weight heading been different. My friend top figure impending did find some follow-up of altar, freaked out, ruined it, and in the plain-spoken cut his hand - he parody that he defeated the altar by smashing it with a walking tolerate, which would make a hand cut well within the realm of deduction. Perchance he even saw a shadow that looked give pleasure to a hand and in the wake of that put the whole thing together participating in a rousing story. I'm gloomy, in the old days this guy would heading top figure impending been a writer or whatever thing. He really may perhaps put into words a good story.So where am I separate with this? Vividly, one of the private superiority that I picture magicians foresee to let know is a nervous contour headed for claims of this follow-up. It's counter-productive to admire given away them out of hand give pleasure to the hardcore skeptics do, but at the self-same time blindly accommodating them as true is very tough. Daniel Nalliah has unthinkingly not well-informed his lesson no matter which care for - he jumps from a fact (AN ALTAR WAS Earth) to an remarkably extraneous effect (SPELLS ARE Living Spate ON Autonomous Representatives). This the self-same logical dissection that Scott Adams epitomized in one of his Dilbert books as "MY CAR WON'T Shift. I'M Concluding THAT THE Flicker PLUGS Argue BEEN STOLEN BY Urchin CLOWNS." I mean, it's within reach, but is it likely? Reference: