Tuesday 1 July 2014

Public Pagan Sculpture

Public Pagan Sculpture
Jason (at the Wild Hunt) has a post about public religious statuary and other impedimenta, and since the US Supreme Court appear to have ruled that such statuary must be diverse, this appears to leave room for some Pagan religious imagery.The court has already ruled that isolated religiously-motivated displays are out, but that a religious monument can exist among a diversity of statues and monuments. Now the court will decide how much control a government body can have over which religiously-oriented monuments will be allowed on public property.They could perhaps take a leaf from the book of the eighteenth century, when Pagan statuary, temples, and fake standing stones were all the rage with the cognoscenti.Check out my photos of the garden statuary at Stowe, England, reminding us that the days of the week are named after Pagan deities. Or take a look at the wonderful eighteenth-century landscape garden at Stourhead, Wiltshire, replete with Pagan temples and statuary. And in America, virtually every other public building seems to have Pagan heritage written all over it.

Source: just-wicca.blogspot.com