Sunday 30 June 2013

Thursday Poem Sometimes

Thursday Poem Sometimes
A lambent moon in the east tonight, she pours her

light across the sleeping garden, the hills beyond,

shadows painting the old fence in pansy purple

and dusky indigo, fragrant cedars beyond the

pale rustling like thin silk in the hollow wind.

Starlight, moonlight and inky darkness make their

way along the grass under the trees, there's the

light tinkle and swaying movement of wind bells

suspended high from the rafters over my head

in the richly textured fabric of this autumn nightfall.

It's the journey's face, its true and ardent shape,

these lights and darks, those peaks and valleys,

the meandering trail into the bosky hills being

followed by an elderly shapeshifting acolyte -

she's alone and yet magically enfolded on this

windy night in September's middling pages.

Sometimes, just sometimes, being alone in

the hills at night out under the waxing moon

confers a sense of community, a wild and gentle

benediction. It makes the passionate wanderer

long to dance and howl, rejoicing in the light.

Cate (Me)
