Saturday 1 June 2013

How To Deal With Gong Tau Sorcery Properly

How To Deal With Gong Tau Sorcery Properly
Gong Tau magic is well known in Asia for being the "most deadly sorcery" due to all the media's brainwashing over time. A lot of people got cursed by Gong Tau magic and got into tons of troubles, with their life totally ruined, and can't find a way to solve the problem. Beside that Gong Tau is as scary as it is often heard, but it is also a very scary thing when you do not know how to handle it properly and deal with the problem with an effective method. Here we will tell you what Tin Yat Lineage Taoism offers and why you should not try other methods that can do you more harm and not help.


First thing first, NEVER pray, worship or make sacrifices and such. Please see our post on "Prayers and Praying are Dangerous" and "Dangers of Worshiping". Doing more things like that only welcome the "Evil God" to do more crap on you and play you around like a puppet.


Gong Tau is not just those magic in Thailand for doing crap to people, but in general, we classified Gong Tau as "Any evil magic done with the power of evil gods". Meaning that, if evil god is involved in the magic, no matter the sorcerer calls it Gong Tau or not, it is classified as a "Gong" magic in our dictionary because they are the same thing, and shares the same properties, and can be dealt with in the same way.


Professional here means "us" in general, because I can only tell you who I can guarantee to have the power to fix any Gong Tau magic for you. Other than ourselves, i cannot think of anyone else, so I will only advise you to seek help from us. If you want to go to other people for help, well, do so at your own risk, but it's all your own choice.

Here is a few tips for you to look out for, in case you are shopping around, at least you know what is NOT good to go for! These things I listed below are what you should look out for. If the "professional" do these things, you can just walk away.

* Pray
* Worship
* Do sacrifice
* Beg GOD for help
* Talk about karma and such

* Tell you to pray/worship/etc. * Free service / part-time / freelance / not doing the job it as a real career
* Scam cults related (Luk Yam Shen Gong, Mao Shan, etc.)
* Those who do Gong Tau for others
* Those who say to use Gong Tau to fight Gong Tau
* DIY magic

These should be your best bullshit filter for finding a trustworthy professional.


In case you are coming for help, we will first advise you to tell us your story, and go through a proper diagnosis. With the diagnosis, you need to send in your most recent photo and we will come back to you with a report that shows you what we see from a soul-travel diagnosis session.

After the diagnosis is done, we will provide you solutions and suggestions, which you can choose what you want to do. If budget is a concern, just tell us and we will offer you cheaper services that are more affordable. It's really flexible and we will make sure we can offer something that you can afford. Please be up front and honest, and the communication will go well!

Gong Tau cases are usually dealt with by distance exorcism AND having some Taoism FU from us that is to be shipped to you and used on your end by yourself. Depending on the case, if it is more severe and long term, you might need more than one exorcism to get things fixed up. If it is less severe, it could be all neutralized in one go and you will then need post-treatment things like to get your energy cleaned up, strengthen and so on. We will discuss your situation and plan out the potential routes with you by email and you will be able to ask questions and choose what you want to do.

If you got a Gong Tau on you, and you want a place that is trustworthy for help, maybe I will be your best choice!

The post How To Deal With Gong Tau Sorcery Properly appeared first on Taoist Master Blog.
