Friday 21 June 2013

Thank You Look Up Fellowship Readers

Thank You Look Up Fellowship Readers
Dear Readers,

Today, Look Up Fellowship celebrates her birthday! She turns 1-year-old today at precisely 6:11 PM EST since that's when THE VERY FIRST POST was made to this website. Here we are 12 months and 9xx entries later! Wow! Praise the Lord!

With that in mind, I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you -- my Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, my loyal readers, who I can proudly say are a caring and considerate and smart bunch known as the Look Up Fellowship community -- for helping this online ministry reach hundreds of thousands worldwide. That was always the goal since day one -- to point as many people to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ using the vehicle of end times prophecy as possible because it was never about me, or about building up a "congregation" of sorts, but about Him.

I thank my Heavenly Father for not only pushing me until I finally responded to His call by creating this blog, but also for helping me grow in my relationship with Him and His Son Jesus Christ through increased knowledge of Him and His ultimate plans for humanity. The process is on-going, it continues to this very day, and it will never cease for as long as He allows me to draw breath on this planet! I cannot begin to describe what that means to me. I'm also in awe at how He has used this ministry to bring glory and honor to Himself worldwide. I never thought I'd be corresponding with people from Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia on a regular basis. Not little old me here in Buffalo, NY.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. From the bottom of my soul, thank you Lord.

Recently, He's begun to open other doors that I never even knew existed let alone gave any serious thought to pursuing for obvious reasons. As more and more people come to Look Up Fellowship to engage in serious studies of end times Bible prophecy, He's provided me with some exciting ideas for the future as well as new forums and platforms for sharing the good news of His Gospel of Salvation while still showing others that prophecy is being fulfilled all around us at this very moment in time, and that time is short.

As I've tried to walk through each open door with blind faith and obedience no matter how "unimportant" or "unqualified" I've felt, He's always been there right on time to see me through effortlessly despite my fears. Actually, He's also seen me through some extremely difficult storms in this life lately. In fact, He's turned unexpected and sometimes tragic circumstances in life (i.e. the suicide of a dear family member; the severe depression of my dear wife; and the likely loss of my small business within the next 30 days). Through it all He's given me a sense of calm and peace that only God can provide despite the fact that the world tells me I should be a nervous wreck right now.

That's also how I know that I'm right where He wants me to be. Yes, we all have trials and tribulations to endure in this life. No one is any "better" or "worse" off than another because it's all subjective. Still, for me, I've learned pretty quickly since being saved several years ago that EVERY SINGLE TIME that I've acted on faith and obedience (and especially every time God has moved in my life in such an extremely personal way to perform a "minor miracle" of sorts) that's PRECISELY when Satan ramps up his attacks to try to discourage me further if not distract me outright.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint him, but this redheaded babe in Christ isn't backing down! Not now, not ever! Not when events have unfolded to prove that we're truly on the cusp of all hell breaking loose on the planet. Now's the time when we need to be reaching out to others for Jesus Christ as much as we possibly can -- not by my power, but by His!

Perhaps that's the perfect place to end for now. Please stop by over the next few days for some BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS about the direction and future of this ministry. OF COURSE, THAT'S ONLY IF THE LORD TARRIES AND WE'RE NOT ALL OUT OF HERE WEDNESDAY JULY 22ND AROUND 3:19AM EST!

I can assure you that it has the potential to connect this community in such a way we've never explored before and apply the "iron sharpens iron" spiritual law given to us in PROVERBS 27:17 in a real world, real time setting!

I gotta believe that, God willing, it could transform this fellowship of believers into a virtual army of soldiers for Christ whose sole purpose is to point people to Jesus Christ using the Sword of Truth and the unparalleled mystery of Christian eschatology.

Maybe, just maybe, that's what the world (as it exists today in a Web 2.0 society) needs in this late and urgent hour. But like I said, I'd be happier if none of it ever saw the light of day because of some "TWINKLING OF AN EYE" global event. We'll know soon enough.

My friends, thank you all for your continued fellowship and support.

In Christ,

Jeffrey K. Radt

Webmaster / Look Up Fellowship

Co-Host / The Big Finale
