Wednesday 25 June 2014

Valkyries Goddesses Of The Battlefield

Valkyries Goddesses Of The Battlefield
Note: I'm switching my blogging day to Thursdays. I'm off of work and carry time to get it done. Now on to the crux.

This is leaving to be the formerly in a series called Appeal Warriors. You can thank @jessfortunato for this devise. The formerly in the reach atmosphere be:


So, the word Valkyrie tone "chooser of the slain." They were these goddesses that worked for Odin in Norse Tradition. (For folks that don't know: Odin was the king of the Norse gods. He is the good of war and death as well as dialect and wisdom.) They show of hands ultimate men who die in clash to become einherjar and grasp for Odin at Ragnarok (the Norse end of the world). Such as the einherjar weren't preparing for Rgnakrok, they were served mead by the Valkyries in the stanch hall of Valhalla.

Top figure of the time, Valkyries are depicted as elegant women with golden-haired hair, depressed eyes, and fair leather. They wear ruby corsets and carried shields and spears. They sometimes stream winged cattle as in the picture advanced.

One of the greatest extent noted Valkyries is Brynhidr or Brunhilde. In the Volsunga Description she was a casing maiden who had to show of hands linking to kings, Hjalmgunnar and Agnar, to grasp for. Odin chosen Hjalmgunnar but she chose Agnar. So Odin turned her participating in a beast and enslaved her in a get up everywhere she had to peacefulness in a ring of fire until a man rescued and married her. This turned out to be Sigour Sigmundson. They go on to carry their trials and evils. Diverse prepare is told in "The Hymn of the Nibelungs," which I carry been told was sway for some of J.R.R. Tolkein's work.

Brim, Valkyries cartel out of changed 13th century Norse poems and stories. If you haven't yet, you must assessment out Norse Tradition. It is full of Epic. While about you be keen on readers. Do you carry any Appeal Warriors you plea me to blog about? Let me know!
