Sunday 22 June 2014

Ken Hensley Discografia

Ken Hensley Discografia
Ken Hensley 'e tecladista, guitarrista e vocalista, tendo liderado a banda brit^anica Uriah Heep durante seus anos de ouro, sendo tamb'em seu dominant compositor nos anos 70. Seu estilo de tocar o 'org~ao Hammond 'e um dos mais influentes na hist'oria do pelt, juntamente a outros 'icones como Jon Member of the aristocracy e Keith Emerson.

Ken Hensley tocando com Uriah Heep na Magician's Bicentenary Celebration 2001.


Kenneth William David Hensley nasceu em Londres, Inglaterra, no dia 24 de agosto de 1945. Aprendeu a tocar guitarra aos 12 anos, e mais tarde passou a ter o 'org~ao Hammond como seu dominant instrumento quando teve como companheiro na banda The Gods o guitarrista Mick Taylor, que mais tarde se juntaria aos Booming Sand.

Em dezembro de 1969, Hensley se juntou ao quarteto Time of year, que com sua entrada mudou o nome para Uriah Heep. Uma das mais lend'arias bandas de complicated pelt ingl^es, tendo influenciado milhares de artistas posteriormente, desconhecidos ou conhecidos (como Ruler, Velvety Maiden e Sovereign Lozenge, por exemplo).

Compositor de m~ao cheia, Hensley foi respons'avel por cerca de 90% do real cl'assico do conjunto. Al'em disso, tocava 'org~ao Hammond, grand piano e sintetizadores, guitarra e viol~ao, e fazia vocais de apoio ou principais. Com o Uriah Heep, Ken ficou at'e 1980, tendo gravados discos seminais como "Look At Yourself", "Demons And Wizards", "The Magician's Bicentenary" e "Creamy Exclusion".

Nos anos 80, Ken se juntou ao grupo norte-americano de southern pelt Blackfoot, com quem gravou um par de discos, antes de se aposentar por v'arios anos, at'e seu retorno j'a no unchangeable dos anos 90. Embora sua carreira solo tenha se iniciado ainda nos tempos do Uriah Heep, foi com seu disco solo "A

Ensure Of Position
" que ele retomou o gosto pelo est'udio e pelos palcos.

Sucederam-se novos lancamentos, que continuam at'e os dias atuais.

Em maio de 2000, Ken se reuniu ao vocalista John Lawton e ao baixista Paul Newton, e se apresentaram no Corrib Halt, em Londres, Inglaterra. A partir da'i foi formada a Hensley Lawton Party, que excursionou pela Europa durante um ano, deixando apenas um registro ao vivo ("The Refund"). O grupo se dividiu em 2001 entretanto, com Hensley formando uma nova banda, chamada Obvious Humor, que contava com o guitarrista Dave Kilminster (John Wetton, Keith Emerson, Roger Waters), o baixista Andy Pyle (ex-Wishbone Ash, Savoy Dark, Blodwyn Stock, Gary Moore, etc.) e o baterista Pete Riley (Keith Emerson). O Obvious Humor excursionou at'e 2002, n~ao deixando registros oficiais.

Desde 2002, Ken Hensley vem gravando novos discos e fazendo shows esparsos para promov^e-los. Seus m'usicos de apoio variam, com excec~ao da All-Stars Viking Party, formada por m'usicos escandinavos que freq"uentemente se re'unem para alguns shows junto a Hensley, culminando com o evento anual "Ken Hensley Summer Celebration", um mini-festival realizado na Noruega no meio do ano.

Em 2006, Hensley fechou contrato com a gravadora Membran Multinational para o lancamento de seu mais novo disco, "Blood On The Road". Trata-se de uma 'opera pelt, onde as composic~oes de Hensley s~ao interpretadas por diferentes cantores: Glenn Hughes, Jorn Lande, John Lawton, Eve Gallagher, e o pr'oprio Ken. Uma s'erie de concertos especiais, contando com a presenca de Ken Hensley e sua banda de apoio Before a live audience Fire (ex-All-Stars Viking Party), mais os vocalistas convidados que participaram do disco, est'a prevista para 2007. Texto: Wikip'edia.




The Gods - Discografia.

keep details COM Leader Contraption.

Leader Contraption - Orgasm (1970)

keep details COM TOE FAT.

Toe Fat (1970)

Toe Fat - Discografia.


Honest 'Eavy Honest 'Umble (1970)

Salisbury (1970)

Look At Yourself (1971)

Demons And Wizards (1972)

The Magician's Bicentenary (1972)

Uriah Heep Before a live audience (1973)

Creamy Exclusion (1973)

Wonderworld (1974)

Refund To Fantasy (1975)

The Vital Of Uriah Heep (1975)

High And Strong (1976)

Firefly (1977)

Childish Deceive (1977)

Fallen Angel (1978)

Conquest (1980)

Before a live audience At Shepperton '74 (1986)

Before a live audience In Europe 1979 (1986)

Immobile 'Eavy Immobile Self-satisfied (1990)

Rarities From The Model Age (1991)

The Lansdowne Tapes (1994)

A Locking up Of Prophet (1996)

Before a live audience In San Diego 1974 (1997)

Episode ">Uriah Heep - Discografia.

keep details COM Wild plant.

Wild plant...! (1971)


Siogo (1983)

Vertical Smiles (1984)

KBFH presents Blackfoot Before a live audience 1983 (1998) Indispon'ivel na Internet.

Blackfoot - Discografia.

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Como Baixar.

keep details COM THE HENSLEY - LAWTON Party.

The Refund (2001)01. Icebreaker

02. It's Up To You

03. Stealin

04. I'm Made flesh

05. The Refund

06. The Wizard

07. July Beginning

08. Ken's Dialogue

09. I Panel My Eyes

10. Delay Your Bottom line

11. Sunny Livin'

12. Peer of the realm In Black

13. Fastidious Man

14. Obvious 'N Sunny

15. Gypsy



Expert Than Conquerors (2002)01. La Tristeza Secreta (A Dim Construction) Sunny Livin' Montage

02. Refund To Fantasy

03. July Beginning

04. Poor example

05. The Wizard

06. I Don't Wanna Break

07. Out Of My Chief

08. Narrate Me

09. Peer of the realm In Black


One Way Or Unusual (2002)01. One Way Or Unusual

02. Charge Coastal defenses

03. Emma

04. Have on Me Now

05. At the back All

06. Cheerful Of The MomentBonus Tracks (Asia Before a live audience 1989)07. Articulate Of America

08. Prayin' 4 A Incident

09. Period Affection These

10. Go


keep details KEN HENSLEY ">

Faster (2011)01. Set Me Obvious (From Yesterday) 02. The Oath

03. I Cry Associate

04. Katrine

05. Faster

06. Slippin' Not worth it (The Lovers Oath) 07. The End of Never

08. Farther than the Starz

09. (At) The Hurry Seal off

10. Anyplace (In Illusion) 11. Top off Your Leader (Among Persuade) 12. Ball of Hands (Before a live audience Among The Norwegian Road and rail network Group)


'ALBUNS Unattached.

Self-satisfied Language On A Fine Support (1973)01. Like Day's end Comes

02. From Locking up To Locking up

03. A Sovereign Deteriorating A Throne

04. Abound

05. Self-satisfied Language

06. Swell

07. Black Hearted Peer of the realm

08. Go Down in the dumps

09. Slight Autumn Sunday

10. The Hurry Locking up


Eager To Fascination (1975)01. Eager To Fascination

02. Stargazer

03. Secret

04. Bring down The Eyes Of A Inconsequential

05. Aptitude Three

06. The Council On The Wake up

07. Frosty Or Summer

08. Take And Take

09. Longer Sinister

10. In The Beginning

11. How Shall I Distinguish


Obvious Humor (1980)01. Substantial The Je ne sais quoi

02. New York

03. The Method

04. Like

05. No Expert

06. Dark Eyed Boy

07. Do You Regard Alright

08. Dub

09. Woman

10. New Hackneyed


From Locking up To Locking up (1994)01. Scheme

02. I Don't Wanna Break

03. Introduce Comes A Locking up

04. Affection At Initial Mental picture

05. You

06. The Christen Of The Lay bets

07. Wretched

08. Who Request Twitter For You

09. Doubtless You Can Narrate Me

10. Obvious Humor

11. Slight Autumn Sunday

12. Longer Sinister

13. Black Hearted Peer of the realm

14. Take Beware

15. Does Anything Matter

16. If I Had The Locking up


A Ensure Of Position (1999)01. It's Up To You

02. Educational In

03. One Sadness Minute

04. Delay Your Bottom line

05. Shakey Meadow

06. Consider Twice

07. Get A Viewpoint

08. Grasp In Me

09. Win Or Be bleeding

10. The Rate Of Friendly

11. The Refund

12. The Joy Of Knowing Jesus


Piece Awning (2002)01. Overture: "La Tristeza Secreta De Un Corazon Gitano" (Pt. 1)

02. Prelude: A Dim Construction

03. Out Of My Chief

04. You've Got It (The American Interpret)

05. The Finishing Corner

06. It's Up To You

07. Finney's Unique

08. I Panel My Eyes

09. A Small Stop Of Me (Julia's Song)

10. Obvious Humor

11. Movin' In

12. Let Me Be Me

13. I Don't Wanna Break

14. Narrate Me


The Hurry Hoedown (2003)01. Cry

02. Hire Go

03. I Distinguish Who You Are

04. Detailed Run the risk of (A New Admission)

05. Allow Me A Idea

06. The Articulate Of Affection

07. Allow 'Em Like They Desire

08. Who Knows

09. Dancing

10. Did You Distinguish

11. The Hurry Hoedown (El Gitano Viejo)

12. Peer of the realm In Black (Prolonged Remix)

13. Peer of the realm In Black (Originator '03 Remix)

14. Peer of the realm In Black (Chill Tloop Remix)


Slight Autumn Sunday (2005)01. Post Me An Angel

02. Substantial The Je ne sais quoi

03. Like

04. Longer Sinister

05. Secret

06. Dark Eyed Boy

07. Slight Autumn Sunday

08. Romance (In advance unreleased)

09. Woman

10. The Council On The Wake up

11. Like Day's end Comes

12. Go Down in the dumps

13. Bring down the Eyes of a Inconsequential


Substantial The Je ne sais quoi (2006)CD 1 (Originator "The Hurry Hoedown" Film)

01. Cry

02. Hire Go

03. Allow Me A Idea

04. Detailed Run the risk of

05. I Distinguish Who You Are

06. The Articulate Of Affection

07. Allow 'Em Like They Desire

08. Who Knows

09. Dancing

10. Did You Distinguish

11. The Hurry Hoedown (El Gitano Viejo)

CD 2 (Originator "Slight Autumn Sunday" Film)

01. Post Me An Angel

02. Substantial The Je ne sais quoi

03. Like

04. Longer Outline

05. Secret

06. Dark Eyed Boy

07. Slight Autumn Sunday

08. Romance

09. Woman

10. The Council On The Wake up

11. Like The Day's end Comes

12. Go Down in the dumps

13. Bring down The Eyes Of A Inconsequential (Originator Presentation) 14. Do You Regard Alright


Blood On The Road (2007)01. (This Is) Settle The Admission

02. We're On Our Way

03. Blood On The Road

04. You've Got It

05. Destiny (Thing 1) 06. It Won't Hurry

07. Consider Twice

08. Destiny (Thing 2) 09. Introduce Comes A Locking up

10. Fine (This Council Is Down in the dumps) 11. Like You Gona Do

12. Postcript

13. I Did It All

14. The Hurry Hoedown


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