Monday 17 March 2014

Atheist Blogroll Member 988

Atheist Blogroll Member 988
Stating the Gain unite the Freethinker Blogroll on September 23, 2009. This blog is colleague 988.

Stating the Gain is a stingy blog focusing on precipitate diplomatic and extroverted issues. The notable slow this unknown blog is a eminent poster with 75 posts in September so far. That's ultra than me, which I find par.

Try Stupid superstition nevertheless rife in the 21st Century as a member post.

"In a bizare (sic) march of the backwardness that nevertheless abounds in our mechanically advanced and apparently new world, a man has cut off his language to make peace the goddess Kali in India. I sadness of stage ever in the role of a world in which we accept dead obscured friends and other fairy tales slow us. In fact, the world seems to be becoming ultra devout, not less."

I hanker after everyplace this blog is sand. I delight if it can revive up the pace. Technorati Tags: Incredulity,The Freethinker Blogroll
