Wednesday 30 October 2013

Faerie Magickfaerie Offerings

Faerie Magickfaerie Offerings

Faerie Magick/Faerie Offerings

If you want to attract fairies to your home you should leave some food offerings. This will give the fairies something they want and it leads them to trust you. Try leaving small cakes, candies, ginger, barely, icing candies (like for birthday cakes), etc. They also love gardens, so you leave some of these offerings there, in a bowl or basket. Planting roses, bluebells, thyme, etc. will also help attract them to you.

Don't look for the offering to disappear because the fairies don't physically eat them. Fairies are capable of taking the energy from the offerings, rather than taking the offering itself. In a few days, the cake may still be there, but it may look a bit plastic or unreal. Of course, if an animal comes along and eats the offering, this is a good sign. Don't send it away. It may be the fairy in animal form coming for its present.


Fairy Garden- You can plant a garden for the fairies. This is a wonderful idea. You can think about planting bluebells and roses in the garden, since fairies love them. Also, fairies and animals alike love water. You can create a wonderful pool in the middle of your garden. Just dig a small hole and line it. Place rocks around the edge. You can replenish the water each time you water your garden. Fairies also like the wild. Let a small portion of your garden overgrow and get tangled, without de-weeding it. This will be the place for those wild Faeries.


You can set aside a table top, corner, dresser top, etc. for a fairies Altar. On this altar you can place your offerings in a basket. Also, you could have flowers and statues. Dirt and water are also good. Make it pretty, but home-like as well. A rose oil burner can be great too.


Buy one of those cheap bubble bottles (for kids) and sit in your garden. Ask the fairies to join you and just blow bubbles. Watch the bubbles and relax. Don't just blow them all out for the heck of it. Smile and have fun doing it. Don't be nervous because 1) there is no reason to be and 2) the fairies may sense it.


Fairies can be very helpful in magick, as they have a lot of power and they are certainly not ignorant when it comes to using it. Fairies know a great deal of magick and glamour themselves, so, if you can get them to trust you, they can be a great help.

Fairies, with the except of a small few, hate love spells and will not be able to help you with them. Love isn't a big thing on the Astral Plane, so they really don't understand it and can't work for it. Selfish spells, for only self improvement, are not good spells to ask for help for either. Fairies will gladly help, when asked correctly and well thanked by offerings, with spells that benefit others and nature.

When asking a fairy to help you, make sure you are safely inside a sacred circle of power or at least have a protection charm and spell working for you. Never let a fairy inside your circle of energy, as there is no telling how dangerous they could be. If a bad fairy comes through to you, send it on its way and ask for another.

Fairies are not content to simply stand on the outside of your circle and watch. Get them involved. Singing, chanting, and music are great for involving the fairies, along with enhancing your spells. Get them interested. If you're singing and dancing, they'll want to come to you.

Thank the fairies when you're done, but give them an offering too. They prefer food and trinkets to a simple little "thanks"
