Friday 25 October 2013

Road Opener Soap Hoodoo Voodoo Opportunity Remove Roadblocks Freedom Choice Abre Camino By Homemadehoodoo

8,00 USD

Feel stuck? In life, in love, at work, in magic? There is 100% no need to anymore. This is your new road BUSTER!

ROAD OPENER SOAP is a little orange slice of heaven. The color still knocks me over. I have heard so many success stories from this baby. Its great to use before a big trip, a new love, or before spiritual work. It has been my experience that great things happened (and even changed my life) from the most unexpected sources. This will clear that path for you!

As with all my products, I take the time to use real ingredients, from my home and garden, no corners cut. This contains roots and herbs like devils shoe string, hyssop, angelica, and some old secrets along with my handmade ABRE CAMINO oil. Each step of this process adds more prayer, power and blessings into every unique product. Every fresh bar smells like.....a warm summer day.

To ensure your complete success with your ultimate goal, I am including a mini bar of my Uncrossing formula soap. Any good practitioner knows that you must be free of all negativity before you can draw goodness to yourself. Just wash with that first and get yourself in the mindset to receive your desired outcome..... Then use your ROAD OPENER SOAP to wash opened doors into your path

This soap can be used alone or combined with any other ROAD OPENER products as well as and all DRAWING formula products available in Salts, Sachets, Oils, Spell Kits, Mojos and other Custom work.

Please contact me with any questions. Be Blessed!

Sold as a curio only, Allow for natural variations in color/clarity/smell, Must be 18+ years old to buy, Test product on skin for sensitivities.