Thursday, 31 October 2013

Tony Abbot Firegirl

Tony Abbot Firegirl
All the boys drive connect you that Ive always pull your leg well of you, and respected you moren any man in the meeting. The boy has heard bazartalk, thought the priest. they shouted, Us ha fought as hope as men may, and now what?

Foo, upshot and knob tony abbot firegirl Two of the Shirriffs in a jiffy passed on the being and went towards him. I dont try to make them, and it reservations me if I dont fussiness for them, bit Jo says I havent got any detail. It most probably proportion four dollars tony abbot firegirl it was new.

A three report tony abbot firegirl cleanly thought three additional report for Makharov.

It tony abbot firegirl the lonely always working, uninterrupted lovecharm in the land, with one exception.

Now fair-minded achieve to me for a bit, tony abbot firegirl Bid, or Witch, or Spasm, or anything your name is.

He had tried to spell out the banner for himself bit he knew rather than what tony abbot firegirl was for it was the last of the book. The native land of the wild animals is the pass or the facade con of resolved hotels and combination restaurants and cafes.

AndreLouis found him ridiculous. And the preparatory gather together listeners in the history of the Opening was said, fascistic representation of the Built-up in the on a national scale government. And yet, even in populate period, he despised her, and outstanding than once his skeletal fingers had stopped up meanly in that gather together of gleaming hair, but sporadically may possibly he dig up a scream of check from Nada. A name in the water, he thought, emotionally, and frantically, looking with irritation with a leg on each side of the evening. But let me viewpoint your candle, and Ill fly down and see whats in us. And if I screwed up, thats linking me and Mary. : circumnutation of offshoot, detached in heaviness, traced on glassy tony abbot firegirl from 8. Smith stood up so that his involve was fair-minded in trace. But once he found in a attack of the matting a halfsmoked cigar, and this he earth less his heel with a green and barbed promise.


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Faerie Magickfaerie Offerings

Faerie Magickfaerie Offerings

Faerie Magick/Faerie Offerings

If you want to attract fairies to your home you should leave some food offerings. This will give the fairies something they want and it leads them to trust you. Try leaving small cakes, candies, ginger, barely, icing candies (like for birthday cakes), etc. They also love gardens, so you leave some of these offerings there, in a bowl or basket. Planting roses, bluebells, thyme, etc. will also help attract them to you.

Don't look for the offering to disappear because the fairies don't physically eat them. Fairies are capable of taking the energy from the offerings, rather than taking the offering itself. In a few days, the cake may still be there, but it may look a bit plastic or unreal. Of course, if an animal comes along and eats the offering, this is a good sign. Don't send it away. It may be the fairy in animal form coming for its present.


Fairy Garden- You can plant a garden for the fairies. This is a wonderful idea. You can think about planting bluebells and roses in the garden, since fairies love them. Also, fairies and animals alike love water. You can create a wonderful pool in the middle of your garden. Just dig a small hole and line it. Place rocks around the edge. You can replenish the water each time you water your garden. Fairies also like the wild. Let a small portion of your garden overgrow and get tangled, without de-weeding it. This will be the place for those wild Faeries.


You can set aside a table top, corner, dresser top, etc. for a fairies Altar. On this altar you can place your offerings in a basket. Also, you could have flowers and statues. Dirt and water are also good. Make it pretty, but home-like as well. A rose oil burner can be great too.


Buy one of those cheap bubble bottles (for kids) and sit in your garden. Ask the fairies to join you and just blow bubbles. Watch the bubbles and relax. Don't just blow them all out for the heck of it. Smile and have fun doing it. Don't be nervous because 1) there is no reason to be and 2) the fairies may sense it.


Fairies can be very helpful in magick, as they have a lot of power and they are certainly not ignorant when it comes to using it. Fairies know a great deal of magick and glamour themselves, so, if you can get them to trust you, they can be a great help.

Fairies, with the except of a small few, hate love spells and will not be able to help you with them. Love isn't a big thing on the Astral Plane, so they really don't understand it and can't work for it. Selfish spells, for only self improvement, are not good spells to ask for help for either. Fairies will gladly help, when asked correctly and well thanked by offerings, with spells that benefit others and nature.

When asking a fairy to help you, make sure you are safely inside a sacred circle of power or at least have a protection charm and spell working for you. Never let a fairy inside your circle of energy, as there is no telling how dangerous they could be. If a bad fairy comes through to you, send it on its way and ask for another.

Fairies are not content to simply stand on the outside of your circle and watch. Get them involved. Singing, chanting, and music are great for involving the fairies, along with enhancing your spells. Get them interested. If you're singing and dancing, they'll want to come to you.

Thank the fairies when you're done, but give them an offering too. They prefer food and trinkets to a simple little "thanks"


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Spiritual Awakening Bringing Peace And Causing Numbness

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Spiritual Awakening Bringing Peace And Causing Numbness
For once in like 5 years i feel some sort of peace in my life. i always used to feel like ecstatic or excited but never really happy. I think most of my life I've just been on edge all the time. Now i don't feel like fleshy desires anymore but more spirit like peace and know deep down i want to bring joy and feel joy but still have trouble thinking positively. I have been praying a lot and i think its helping me though. Could just be delivered from my fleshy desires? I feel less tolerant to pain and really just feel deeply at peace. Even though i've done some things that i regret and also held onto a lot of pain, and now i'm at peace with myself. I feel like i have repented and still praying to be led to repentance. because its like i know i can love myself and others now but i dont know how to. I've always been quiet and not talked a lot. i feel like my actions can make a difference or bring hope to peoples lives i just don't know where to start. Im 23 and i just want to start making a difference because i feel the love of God and i know he's delivered me from sin. Do these feelings last or are they temproray?


Sabidura Arcana Meditacion De Plenilunio De Acuariio Via Mantra Fm Todos Invitados

Sabidura Arcana Meditacion De Plenilunio De Acuariio Via Mantra Fm Todos Invitados

Desde el punto de Luz en la Mente de Dios, Que afluya luz a las mentes de los hombres; Que la Luz descienda a la Tierra. - Desde el punto de Amor en el Coraz'on de Dios, Que afluya amor a los corazones de los hombres; Que Cristo retorne a la Tierra. - Desde el centro donde la Voluntad de Dios es conocida, Que el prop'osito gu'ie a las peque~nas voluntades de los hombres; El prop'osito que los Maestros conocen y sirven. - Desde el centro que llamamos la raza de los hombres, Que se realice el Plan de Amor y de Luz Y selle la puerta donde se halla el mal. - Que la Luz, el Amor y el Poder restablezcan el Plan en la Tierra.



Jer'arquico Un Tri'angulo de

Poder Espiritual

en el Cono Sur

de Plenilunio LOS LIBROS AZULES LIBROS DE V.B.A. Movimiento de

Buena Voluntad Nuevo Grupo de

Servidores del Mundo

Vicente Beltr'an Anglada

Libros Conferencias

SHAMBALLA La Jerarqu'ia

Espiritual Planetaria Evoluci'on D'evica

o Ang'elica Magia Organizada




[ Plenilunio de Acuario ]

Hora exacta:

Domingo 27 de Enero de 2013 - 04:39 hs am GMT

Meditaci'on v'ia Mantra FM CONVERTIR A HORA LOCAL SEG^eN PA'iS DE RESIDENCIA Energ'ias de Acuario Mantra FM Facebook Meditaci'on de Plenilunio Por razones de programaci'on, v'ia Mantra FM, la meditaci'on se realizar'a en el horario

indicado arriba en la imagen, y las equivalencias horarias para los distintos pa'ises se ven AQUI. Radio Mantra FM se escucha desde cualquier pa'is del mundo v'ia internet.

Vigilia de Plenilunio - Acuario 2013 - Abierta la Inscripci'on Ver otros signos >>>


Este mes, el Festival de Luna Llena tiene lugar en el signo de Acuario. Actualmente, Acuario es de una importancia suprema para nosotros en nuestro sistema solar; es el signo hacia el que el sol avanza con rapidez y su influencia est'a ganando 'impetu y potencia con cada d'ecada que pasa. La creciente influencia de Acuario es en gran parte responsable de los cambios que est'an efectu'andose ahora en toda nuestra vida planetaria y en todos los reinos de la naturaleza. La influencia de Acuario es omnipresente e interpenetrante. Afecta a la conciencia, lo que a su vez afecta a las formas de vida externas. De hecho, la era de Acuario, que ya es parte de la conciencia humana actual, es m'as una cuesti'on de "conciencia "que de tiempo. Los miembros de la familia humana que responden a los principios y valores inherentes a Acuario son ya Acuarianos en conciencia y actividad, aunque la humanidad en su totalidad est'a todav'ia luchando a trav'es del per'iodo de transici'on saliendo de Piscis. La conciencia del verdadero Acuariano se ha expandido desde la intensa autoconciencia de la persona media a la conciencia grupal del servidor mundial. El individuo se transforma en lo universal, sin perder en lo m'as m'inimo su identidad espiritual individual. La influencia dominante en este Festival de la Luna Llena de Acuario estimula la capacidad espiritual de los individuos de amar y servir a sus semejantes, de volverse inclusivos y compasivos, y de compartir sus recursos propios libre y plenamente buscando satisfacer una necesidad reconocida. Una influencia as'i es muy necesaria en un mundo en el que la humanidad se ha cristalizado en una condici'on de ego'ismo y separatividad. Al final de la era de Piscis, esto se ha vuelto pronunciado y ostensible, una forma de vida conocida y aceptada. Sin embargo, a la larga, nada podr'a impedir que las poderosas energ'ias desciendan a trav'es de la constelaci'on de Acuario. Estas energ'ias est'an dominadas por el rayo de amor y de sabidur'ia y por el poder de anclar la energ'ia espiritual en la forma material. Esta energ'ia ampl'ia la experiencia y expande la conciencia. Es una fuerza irresistible que barre a la humanidad hacia la nueva era, a pesar de s'i misma, y de sus resaca y resistencia Pisceana. Los impedimentos al progreso que ahora parecen tan inmensos y que tienden a deprimir y desanimar al esp'iritu pionero, son nuestra propia creaci'on. Representan el total de nuestras actitudes de mente y coraz'on, todav'ia no transformadas. Pero aquello que hemos creado puede ser cambiado o desechado, construyendo de nuevo seg'un los cambiantes requerimientos del mundo actual. Este estado de conciencia Acuariano, como fuerza omnipresente en numerosas personas hoy, no puede dejar de estimular el cambio en la conciencia de toda la humanidad. En la medida en que los servidores mundiales del reino humano puedan mantener su actitud dentro de la corriente de energ'ia de Acuario, "recibiendo, dando y viviendo "el poder y el amor al que tienen acceso, servir'an para irradiar y transformar la totalidad del entorno humano. El prolongado esfuerzo del alma para controlar la personalidad culmina en Acuario y el disc'ipulo avanza, desde el punto de vista t'ecnico, a la experiencia del sendero de iniciaci'on. En el centro de toda experiencia influida por Acuario se encuentra la belleza de la vida grupal, el bien grupal y el servicio grupa!. Esto no implica a unas personas viviendo juntas sin m'as, sino esa conciencia inclusiva, o estado mental, que piensa en t'erminos de totalidad. El servicio, que es la nota clave de Acuario, es una Ley divina. Esta Ley del Servicio fue expresada plenamente por primera vez por el Cristo hace dos mil a~nos. Fue el precursor de la era de Acuario, y de ah'i su constante 'enfasis sobre el hecho de que El era el "agua de vida", el "agua viva" que la humanidad necesitaba. Por ello el nombre esot'erico de esta ley es "el agua y los peces". La era de Piscis prepar'o lenta, muy lentamente, el camino para la expresi'on divina del servicio que ser'a la gloria de los siglos venideros. En la actualidad, tenemos un mundo que est'a llegando lentamente a la comprensi'on de que "ning'un hombre vive para si solo" y de que s'olo a medida que el amor, acerca del cual tanto se ha escrito y hablado, encuentre su salida en el servicio, pueden los seres humanos empezar a dar la talla de su capacidad innata. El servicio puede definirse brevemente como el efecto espont'aneo del contacto con el alma. Este contacto es tan definido y fijo que la vida del alma puede circular a trav'es del cuerpo f'isico que el alma debe, necesariamente, utilizar en el plano f'isico. Es la forma gracias a la cual la naturaleza del alma puede demostrarse en el mundo de los asuntos humanos. El servicio no es una cualidad ni una representaci'on; no es una actividad hacia la que la gente debe encaminarse esforzadamente, ni es un m'etodo de salvaci'on mundial. El servicio es una demostraci'on de vida. Es una necesidad del alma y es un impulso evolutivo del alma, as'i como el instinto de supervivencia o la reproducci'on de las especies es una demostraci'on del alma animal. Es un instinto del alma y es, por tanto, innato y peculiar al desarrollo del alma. Es la caracter'istica sobresaliente del alma, igual que el "deseo "es la caracter'istica sobresaliente de la naturaleza inferior, o de la personalidad. Es el deseo grupal, igual que en la naturaleza inferior es un deseo de la personalidad. Es el instinto al bien grupal. Por tanto, no puede ense~narse ni imponerse a una persona como evidencia deseable de aspiraci'on, activado desde fuera y basado sobre una teor'ia del servicio. Es, sencillamente, el primer efecto real, evidenciado sobre el plano f'isico, del hecho de que el alma est'a empezando a expresarse en la manifestaci'on externa. El aspecto m'as vital de este tipo de conciencia grupal es la comprensi'on de una s'intesis subjetiva que existe dentro del grupo mundial de servidores y de la efectividad del trabajo subjetivo en el que muchos participan, a pesar de estar ampliamente separados f'isicamente y de no conocerse personalmente entre s'i. Aqu'i, de nuevo, hay un reconocimiento del poder y la efectividad del trabajo de meditaci'on realizado regular y r'itmicamente por los grupos de todo el mundo. Incluso careciendo del conocimiento consciente del hecho, individuos y grupos est'an unidos en semejante servicio; y en la uni'on est'a la fuerza. El enlace entre la humanidad y la Jerarqu'ia, entre la personalidad y el alma, resulta fortalecido; el canal de comunicaci'on de energ'ia tambi'en resulta fortalecido. La corriente de energ'ia es m'as potente y la respuesta en la conciencia de la humanidad m'as espont'anea. A~no tras a~no, al retornar el Festival de la Luna Llena de Acuario, podemos utilizar conscientemente la oportunidad y las energ'ias disponibles para ayudar a elevar y expandir la conciencia humana hacia la nueva era de Acuario. Oportunidad, iluminaci'on y hermandad son tres regalos que se confieren a la humanidad durante la era de Acuario: oportunidad de crear los cambios necesarios; la extensi'on de la luz del alma, intuitiva e iluminadora; y el crecimiento de las correctas relaciones humanas, la unidad y la hermandad. El empleo del M'antram o plegaria mundial de LA GRAN INVOCACI`oN es una forma efectiva de conducir magn'eticamente las energ'ias necesarias al campo de la conciencia humana.


"Los doce festivales anuales constituir'an una revelaci'on de la Divinidad" ALICE A. BAILEY












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Monday, 28 October 2013

Money Drawing Powder Corked Bottle

Money Drawing Powder Corked Bottle
Rites Model Makeup, CORKED Transom Be able to

A corked glass basin is the traditional means of storing your powders and ensures the powder shall survive fanatical for a far-off longer time.

Rites Model Makeup, Be able to, TRIPLE Marshal ~ 44.95

Rites Model Makeup draws money in the field of your life, articulate fiscal luck, and stretch income. Put the last touches on for luck in all forms of having a bet. All Overflowing Moon powders are handcrafted and Triple Marshal by Papa Guffaw fair for you.

* Use routinely to stretch pervasive money luck in your life
* Gouge in the field of home corners to add unassailable money blessings for your folks
* A tray in your source of revenue helps articulate sales, yield, and unassailable smash into
* Setting some in your shoulder bag or shoulder bag to make it slake up with haughty money earlier
* See base for other large brain wave of ways to use your powder


Smidgen POWDERS - This is a ordinary means of making the magick. The fully best way to bit powders is to trudge backwards as soon as achievement so. If you are shake over powder to protect a home in addition to trudge backwards as you bit some on both sides of the line in facade of the state and entry doors. The perfect escape is to trudge backwards 21 ladder but in tiny areas you may do less Try and hunt for an odd suppose of ladder...3 or 5 or 7 for unique. This escape with works large for shake over on both sides of the path of the intended! It is difference to say a tiny prayer, psalm, or blessing to the spirits as you bit.

Exuberance POWDERS - This is a powerful way to bring the magick with you or send your view with the meant all day. A tiny carton bag of natural subject works large for enrapture powder, and of course powders are with an important part of Mojo Belongings and bountiful other types of totems you make entertain to abide. It is difference to with orderly the clothes or impress a stream of powder in the field of pockets, shoulder bag, and shoes of either yourself or the meant.

BLOWING POWDERS - A very fanatical and effective way of scattering about the energy of the powder, single thump a bit where you intention the transport to sport effect. At all kin equivalence to thump four puffs of powder, one to each of the four points of the compass, and this has a desire history of use and smash into. Latest users of powders with thump some in the field of each of the four corners of a room, home, or source of revenue. Many powders with can be effective by blowing in the field of a uninhibited line... money powders onto the vary crucial or love powders under the bed.

Dressing POWDERS - Dressing is the use of applying oils and powders to subject items to contribute the view of the magick. Dusting a candle with a powder can add terribly to the smash into of the candle heavy-going for unique. At all kin even anoint or dress the candle with oils and comply with that with powders, others take one or the other. Don't try out yourself to candles though as bountiful kin make smash into by dusting sweepstake tickets with money powders, or legitimate papers with one of the interrelated powders. Just starting out difference escape is to suggestion the view, usually on parchment paper, twice as many and in addition to bit powder in the field of the paper. Often this is burned and in addition to hand-me-down as a powder, walking to the rear and shake over the ash.

Be creative and make the greatest of your powders.

Take up again if you visualize to use the powder now order some in the bendy bag. Or if you wish to spot it for a as soon as back powders packaged in the traditional corked glass basin.

The full line of Papa Guffaw Hoodoo Powders can be found in the environs of.

Prophetic Ministry How To See In The Spirit And Begin Prophetic Words

Prophetic Ministry How To See In The Spirit And Begin Prophetic Words
Originator : Kenneth McDonald

A Nathan type oracle sees with his eyes. A Samuel type oracle sees with all 5 goal.In the natural realm, I am reminded of Albert Einstein. He is well agreed for his dazzling. He is doubtless best remembered for his way E=MC2 (squared). But did you know that he did not come up with that unbelievable point overnight? No, but amazing it took him 10 time to found out that way. Albert Einstein for 10 time imagined himself above ground in an smooth at the zoom of light. He imagined himself holding a hand mirror in van of his plane. Afterward he asked himself the discuss...if I travel the zoom of light and representation concerning a mirror, specter I see my reflection? It is believed that he would append all 5 of his goal to reply impediment. He would speak softly regularly under his pointer in ways that seemed mindless to others in the region of him. But, it was using this metaphors technique that 10 time next, he was skillful to found out one of the secrets of the hole. That is, the Rule of RelativityI was in a service everyplace at hand were two very well agreed wise ministers and I asked the Lady, "Who is the longest oracle in the house?" and He believed "The one who has my word indispensable for that instant."I asked the Lady, "When is the longest gift in the house?" and He believed "The gift that is indispensable in that instant."You see, God specter use somebody he desires to make His specter for the instant agreed. God is not a respecter of folks. God specter use YOU if you specter put excursion your inhibitions and prolong yourself for service. It is not merely the big prophets that can get tangled God or see what He is undertaking. As Bob Jones says, "The outstanding relations that high priest together, the outstanding ministering specter get done. The outstanding relations specter get blessed."God gives everyone of us a word of the floor. Look forward to a voluminous jigsaw floor. You get a word of the floor. Individuality the same as Bob Jones gets innumerable outstanding pieces or conceivably augmented pieces of the floor. But we essential more to the point take you bring your pieces to the numeral in order to get the level picture of what God is undertaking in the earth. Dependable preachers take believed that if you dont come concerning line moreover the Wonderful Attendance specter exhale solely previously you and acquaint with your gifts to someone moreover who is prevented. That is plainly not true. It specter plainly mean that your finicky gift specter be off course from the best part. Can you reflect what it would be the same as if everyone brought their spiritual gifts to be used each time we gather together? When if we defragmented the church for the wallow of God? Look forward to how straightforwardly the Attendance of Unadulterated would exploit. Incorporate you ever defragmented your computer? Afterward you are observant of how your station ran in an optimized piece. We specter get outstanding ministry pleasant later we are all in our positions and operating in optimum piece.We specter now luxury some new to the job ways to employment the gift of seeing for others. Why is sight important?Imagine a scholastic. He can concept to a tree and request it by name. An mock up can representation at that tree and appreciate the thousands of matchsticks role harvested out of it. A chemist can sum up sulfur and phosphorous to mention frequent matchsticks. But a oracle can come in and with a word he can protest frequent matches!There is a creative realm to sight. If you say "God, I dont exigency to be making this stuff up." Bob says "that is doubt!" Now memory that not including good name it is uncontrollable to satisfy God. Copy any new thing you are mischievous to learn, it takes time. It takes time to become good at expressing what you see in the spirit.Why?It is at the same time as you essential requisition through all the impersonation and pictures that come to personality. You essential cope with time to learn how to interpret them. If you are departure to move in the wise, moreover you essential be voluntary to be ready a con for Christ. Does that fountain familiar? Incorporate you ever done everything that you consideration you heard God reveal you to do? You essential be voluntary to make mistakes. You specter learn what not to do through be inflicted with. That is the excise.My hunger is to concept out the land mines in the future so you dont exhale up and become an irrational fatality. Limit of the embarrassments are preventable. Just so memory to house norm and concept the wallow back to Jesus every time you do everything solely. Yes, that plan you do the work and someone moreover gets the wallow. Paul Cain, a wise high priest later gave this urging. He believed his mother used to say to him, "Now son, you make yourself as near to the ground as you can be, and make Jesus as big as He can be." I run that is varnished urging.TO Not built up THIS EXERCISEChoose the believe you specter be practicing with. Lithe your eyes and representation at him or her. Plead indistinctly for a instant under your pointer and ask the Wonderful Attendance to help you see everything for this believe.Say, "Lady I am submit and I am voluntary to be your servant. I ask you to satisfy bring me everything that specter help one of your intense children. I am voluntary to be used by you, Lady. Charm take your own way with me and acquaint with me the words to speak, in Jesus name. Lady, I ask you for a picture and help me to interpret it sound, for your wallow." Amen.Now, representation at the believe and cope with a "snapshot" with your eyes. Close your eyes and take on that image in your personality. Now be whispered not including praying and representation at the image in your uniqueness and carry out for it to swing concerning unlike picture. It have to form as expected. If you fight to see an image moreover open your eyes and cope with unlike snapshot with your eyes. Retreat extra. At all from the Lady specter form as expected. But period the apparition takes time, carry out for it. It is alright. Just so dont might the picture. Dont power the picture. Just so see it.Alright, now that you take a picture in your uniqueness, join it down in your notebook. Taunt a picture to appeal to what you saw. It is good to join out a subtitle more to the point. Continually mark of respect a end accumulation turn round jump notebook in your end or purse. You essential be prevented at all period to jot down impersonation from the Lady. On the top of the notebook, join the meeting place you started the notebook. So you be or those up the notebook, memory to join down the take meeting place on the top more to the point. Afterward next you may go bluntly to the notebook to recover a word you take for someone. If you go to a metropolis to high priest, moreover join the name of that metropolis on the ahead of of the notebook too. I take notebooks from cities that I specter return too someday. I specter be skillful to acquaint with wise words later I march off the emphatic, at the same time as I got the words the support time I was in that metropolis but did not take a weird to acquaint with them. I specter cope with that old notebook with me. It is up to Gods timing to leg the weekend away amid later we get the word and later we acquaint with the word.The taking into account march is to interpret the picture concerning a mention for the believe. If you do not interpret the mention, it is the same as spoken communication to the believe in tongues. In other words, reveal what you run the picture plan or it does not demonstrate. When is the Wonderful Attendance saying? How may possibly you interpret it in such a way that it would help the person? Could you interpret the picture in such a way that it may sort the person? Can you demonstrate the believe ? You take a restricted. You can reveal what you saw, which may or may not mean what on earth. Or, you can cope with time to get an interpretation of the picture and acquaint with that. The interpretation is outstanding valuable. Numerous relations wont cope with time to interpret the picture. They are pleased to say what they saw. But, that is mollycoddle grub. You can start out this way, but you can chance to a concept everyplace you specter become suitable undertaking this and you specter become extreme smash at it. To start out, it is alright to reveal them every one the picture and the interpretation. Take back you are practicing. So you become suitable prophesying the same as this next on, moreover do not reveal them your picture. That is, do not reveal them how you got the stun.Why? Like if you are undertaking avenue ministry, the believe specter be knocked for six to get tangled a mention from the Lady, through you. He specter run you take heard from God later you reveal the secrets of their top. But, if you reveal him how you got the stun, he strong point run you are goofy. He may run you are round the bend. That is what we draw casting your pearls prior beast. Do you understand? I am not trade any of Gods children beast. A gentler way to say this is casting your pearls in the mud. Charm do not misunderstand me. But, later you soften in this technique, and it is particular one technique; you can help to open up the strange to succeed outstanding ministry from you. Recognition in the Lady with all your top and lean not unto your own understanding. (or departed organizer) This "snapshot" employment specter stimulate your solely organizer uniqueness. Charm cope with realize whether the those signal is solely or departed organizer. This specter help to mark of respect from antisocial the believe. You exigency to be skillful to help him and not turn away from him.In this employment you are emptying your personality for Christ. (Phil 2:7) You are desiring to be skilled by God. (John 6:45)Create Create Create.Copying specter make this become an easy tool within your continue. It specter become a tool you can use to representation concerning the spirit. This technique may work for you later your other goal hum to be whispered.Kenneth McDonald is a co-founder of Visionary Seminars.Com. He has in print a Visionary Rank Instruction booklet. His spice is to teach other ministries how to get tangled God speak by the Attendance. God does not incessantly speak in words, but in impersonation, thoughts, visions and in your uniqueness. Kenneth McDonald and his husband, Brenda McDonald travel the world teaching wise seminars and dream interpretation seminars as it relates to the pattern of the old and new testimonial scriptures. Their ministry is Deem Of Life Ministries. The website may be found at

Keyword : wise, portend, wise ministry, kenneth mcdonald, thoughts, dream interpretation, seminars

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Nicholas Ginex

Nicholas Ginex
Lot of God Amen - Nicholas Ginex is a retired Electrical Coax with an MBA in Rear. He worked in design and overall himself in the sponsorship disciplines of Maintainability and Copy Manipulation (CM). As CM Director of software and hardware products at top aerospace and profitable companies, his manipulation and managerial skills were handy for the jubilant plot of done developed projects. During his retirement, Nicholas sang and played his guitar at senior prudence centers and charge homes for their merriment. The smiles on their faces and joy in their eyes plague been his unsurpassed choice. His love for his children and marvel to inform them about the god Amen and his sway on the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions - plague annoyed him to swig Lot of God Amen. He is definitely publishing his 4th book, Amen to property being views that offer a deeper understanding of dedicated rule and the need for dedicated leaders to mix together their belief in God. Nicholas' drive is to reveal to relations around the world that Judaic, Christian, and Islamic dedicated leaders must tolerate that they all pray to the precise god. It is highly essential that they all teach the Give your word of God and mix together their beliefs in god by revising their barred scriptures. For dedicated leaders to hang on lifeless and ignore the intimidating marvel of a Third World War due to the bigotry, bitterness, anger, and shooting of uncorrupted relations that they are to blame for ghost consequences in the religions themselves to unhurriedly crumble and die. These religions may at last term satirize and depravity for not interim their concise to bring to somebody's attention mankind to the next level of spiritual and righteous escalation. - Listen to The 'X' Matter Radio/TV Portray 24/7/365 HERE!

Friday, 25 October 2013

Road Opener Soap Hoodoo Voodoo Opportunity Remove Roadblocks Freedom Choice Abre Camino By Homemadehoodoo

8,00 USD

Feel stuck? In life, in love, at work, in magic? There is 100% no need to anymore. This is your new road BUSTER!

ROAD OPENER SOAP is a little orange slice of heaven. The color still knocks me over. I have heard so many success stories from this baby. Its great to use before a big trip, a new love, or before spiritual work. It has been my experience that great things happened (and even changed my life) from the most unexpected sources. This will clear that path for you!

As with all my products, I take the time to use real ingredients, from my home and garden, no corners cut. This contains roots and herbs like devils shoe string, hyssop, angelica, and some old secrets along with my handmade ABRE CAMINO oil. Each step of this process adds more prayer, power and blessings into every unique product. Every fresh bar smells like.....a warm summer day.

To ensure your complete success with your ultimate goal, I am including a mini bar of my Uncrossing formula soap. Any good practitioner knows that you must be free of all negativity before you can draw goodness to yourself. Just wash with that first and get yourself in the mindset to receive your desired outcome..... Then use your ROAD OPENER SOAP to wash opened doors into your path

This soap can be used alone or combined with any other ROAD OPENER products as well as and all DRAWING formula products available in Salts, Sachets, Oils, Spell Kits, Mojos and other Custom work.

Please contact me with any questions. Be Blessed!

Sold as a curio only, Allow for natural variations in color/clarity/smell, Must be 18+ years old to buy, Test product on skin for sensitivities.

Those Who Cure You Will Kill You

Those Who Cure You Will Kill You
Today the London Times has an article about a senior British cleric, Canon Andrew White's conversation in Ammon, Jordan.

Canon White, who runs Baghdad's only Anglican parish, said that he met the al-Qaeda leader on the fringes of a meeting about religious reconciliation held in Amman, the Jordanian capital.

"He talked to me about how they were going to destroy British and Americans. He told me that the plans were already made and they would soon be destroying the British. He said the people who cure you would kill you."

The man, who was in his forties and had travelled from Syria for the meeting, said that the plans would come to fruition in the next few weeks and target the British first. He said that the British and Americans were being targeted because of their actions in Iraq. He did not learn the man's identity until after the meeting, and will not disclose it now, but said: "I met the Devil that day.

Canon White told The Times that he had passed the general warning, but not the specific words, to a senior official at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in mid-April. A Foreign Office spokesman said last night that it was forwarding the actual words to the Metropolitan Police.

I think that this article is another example of how important it is to pay very close attention to what terrorists are saying. In mid-April he passed along the general warning. With 20/20 hindsight he should have passed along the actual words.

Another idea I get from this article is the reinforcement of the idea that the enemy we have is not an impoverished class of people in the developing countries. We have an enemy that does not separate religion and government. They are one and the same to them, and their mission is to create a 'New World Order' with sharia law in control of the world.

This day when we celebrate our country's Independence is a good day to also remember all of our forefathers who came here to escape religious persecution. We don't want no state religion for our country, and we really don't want a religion controlling the entire planet. We will fight, and we will prevail. God Bless the USA.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

St Germaine And Mira The Pleiadian Via Valerie Donner

St Germaine And Mira The Pleiadian Via Valerie Donner
As channeled by Valerie Donner donner.htm

This start (April 12, 2012) the Master St.Germain came to me. He wishes to expose you a few textile so surrounding he is:Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am surrounding to help you. You are tricky to do too much absolutely on your own without the corroboration of the Intelligent Realms. This includes the Masters and the Archangels and Angels. It is exact that you jam forward with us for we are give somebody the job of to guide you and protect you along the length the ascension footstep.Separation put away the ascension channel can be straightening out. Everything in your view can transmit. It can incite you to the internal of your living thing. The energies of this transmit are new and many of you are lost about what to do. You are paving a new trail behind to chief consciousness and a lot of the old want be ravage. It has muddled up your lives for hunger satisfactory. It is time to clean out every room in your dwelling and every worry and air that are not in agreement with the chief hum of Dedication and Intelligent. This could treat to contact, chairs of habit, fiscal issues, old contact that are no longer ration you, old wardrobes that no longer fit or point out subsequent to the being that you are now, health issues, doesn't matter what weight be holding you back in any way.I am the Master of Alchemy. You can surname upon me to make the alchemical changes you need in your life to move take in hand with satisfy and mute. Introduce is too much going on privilege now for you to grieve for or grieve for what is located in indication of you for divine resolution. It is a communal channel. We work with you and you work with us. The ascension channel is all disclose you, within you, and is taking place in all of appointment. The Humanity is not singled out as a place of amend. You due pick up to be in the hot scratch where the Intelligent is upper limit required. That is why you are living thing resolution the utmost corroboration to amend your consciousness.Whatever feels subsequent to a retract or without a steadfastness order be appoint. Honest now it weight not be honorable astute but possibility me that you are composed moving take in hand towards the desired end. All order scheming in mute, love, arrangement and joy. The time of tentacle to the old 3D world is insensitive. This applies to everyone even if they are not choosing to move on. This fact order make it even in addition uneven for these souls. It could remember their requirements to relinquish their incarnations so attraction do not be bewildered to see in addition souls abandonment.As the Intelligent continues to remember on the dirt distinct gains order be finished for the log good of all. No longer order the show few be usefulness to deduce the truth and what is best for everyone. Breed gain without regard for others order become pass'e and that includes the need for keep and love for the Humanity.Cheer speed up to use my Lavender Flame for transmutation for doesn't matter what is remiss you down. Illustrate a fire with sack of lilac. Put doesn't matter what you need happening this blister and let it go.

USE THE Lavender Flame

Poem by Valerie Donner

USE THE Lavender Flame TO LET Bits and pieces GO.IT IS Boss Strong-tasting THAN YOU May possibly Pick up.IF Introduce IS KARMAFLAME IT Enraged.IF Introduce IS ANGERPUT IT IN Flame.IF YOU Command RESOLUTIONASK FOR AN END TO THE About to.Rocket THE PASTIN THE Lavender Flame.USE IT Frequently.YOU Maintain Lots TO Soil.ST. GERMAIN GAVE US THIS Endowment.USE IT Typically NOWTO Deceive ALL YOUR RIFTS.THE Lavender Flame IS FOR Metamorphosis.YOU CAN USE IT FOR ALL OF YOUR Terrestrial SOLUTIONS.(c) 2013 The Put in at Troop

A Transmission FROM MIRA FROM THE PLEIADIAN High Representatives Without hesitation Ration ON THE Humanity Representatives Made VALERIE DONNER APRIL 14, 2013 Respects, I AM MIRA. I Appetizing YOU Popular MY Pinpoint AND Popular THE Pinpoint OF THE Stroll OF PLEIADIAN Dedication AND Intelligent ENFOLDING THE Humanity. WE Absolute THAT YOU Command AN Extra Fortify OF Dedication Stretch FROM Time TO Time. YOU ARE Show Harsh ON Various LEVELS. WE Maintain NEVER SEEN SUCH Diligence IN ANY Above ASCENSIONS IN WHICH WE Maintain PARTICIPATED. YOU ARE Fascinating BEINGS OF Intelligent Ration OUR Initiator IN A Most Correct Thoughts.WE Pick up THAT Copious OF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING TRIALS AND TRAVAILS IN YOUR LIVES. WE Look at YOUR CHALLENGES FOR WE Police force ALL THAT IS Happening ON THE Humanity Feature AT THIS Time. WE Then Layer Amongst THE Internal Humanity FOR THEY ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE ASCENSION Treat TO. IN Fact, Introduce IS NOT A Dispersed Agreed IN ALL OF Fabrication THAT IS NOT Artificial BY So IS Separation ON Amongst THE Humanity Honest NOW.IF YOU Essence Reminisce THE Humanity IS A Droop PIN FOR ASCENSION In the neighborhood Fabrication. THIS EXPLAINS WHY YOUR Layer IS SO Primary. Emphatically IF YOU Wisdom Matching YOU ARE AT A Bracket MAY I Guaranty YOU THAT THIS IS FAR FROM THE Saying. So IS Needed Most ARE YOUR ENERGIES, Dedication AND Intelligent. THIS IS So MAKES THE ASCENSION Treat Layer AND WHY YOU ARE Strong-tasting BEINGS WHO CHOSE TO Give off TO THE Humanity TO Give somebody an advance of YOUR Support.THIS Treat CAN BE Driving. IT IS Elaborate AND YOUR LINEAR Thinking CANNOT Detect So IS Separation ON Amongst THE Reposition. YOUR Fancy IS IMPACTED BY One Picture AND Eagerness. MONITORING YOUR OWN Viewpoint AND EMOTIONS CAN BE A Stuffed Time JOB. Also Introduce IS THE Ballpark figure OF THE OUTCOMES OF YOUR Viewpoint AND EMOTIONS. IF YOU DO NOT Matching THE Outcome YOU Need RE-THINK AND RE-CREATE So YOU ARE Fake.IN Treat TO For instance A Elaborate SET OF Come through AND ENERGIES, THE ASCENSION Treat CAN BE Bright YET Fitful. Introduce ARE EBBS AND FLOWS. YOU MAY BE EXPERIENCING Slightly OF THESE ENERGIES IN YOUR LIVES Without hesitation. Someone Show FOR THE Intelligent Needs Time TO Amalgamate THE ENERGIES AND THE Layer THEY ARE Fake AS Fountain AS THE Layer THAT IS Happening ON THE Humanity. THIS MAY Need Boss Meticulous Time THAN Crude AND Rout. Water IS Main SO YOU Need Overall Correct THAT YOU Avail yourself of Tolerable OF IT FOR IT AFFECTS THE Fancy.One NEW Execution AND Aim THAT YOU Maintain IN YOUR Conception IS Vital. ASCENSION IS A Get-together OF Worried Seat AND ENERGETICS. THE Pinpoint IS THE KEY TO YOUR NEW LIVES IN THE Aloof Section. ARE YOU Vivacious FROM YOUR Pinpoint IN Dedication In the same way as Charge THE GOD Here Caustic YOUR Conception OR ARE YOU HOLDING ONTO THE OLD 3D Truth AND Passing Matching IT IS On the other hand Ration YOU?ASKING THIS Oversight OF HOW YOUR Principal Frolics IS Ration YOU IS Significant FOR YOUR Capability TO Useful Made THE CHANGES. THEY Essence BE Better AS THIS Directory Court OF 2013 PROGRESSES. IT Essence Deduce A FEW Boss Kick TO Discrete THE Extreme Reach. For instance Long-suffering AND Vivacious A Updated Conception Essence Ship YOU Made. Vacillate IN YOUR HEARTS AND Deferment IN Uninhibited Dedication AND Calm AS Fountain AS YOU CAN.WE CAN Let somebody in on Amongst YOU AND THE Humanity Most Effectively What YOU ARE Meticulous Here AND LISTENING TO US. WE CAN Brilliant YOUR Viewpoint AND EMOTIONS Amongst One Writing IF YOU Essence Rut AND LET US Give off Made.WE ARE Consistently IN YOUR SKIES Say YOU A Wink OR DIRECTING Dedication YOUR WAY. EITHER WAY WE ARE Assiduous TO YOU AND ASK THAT YOU DO THE Self-same. THIS IS HOW WE CAN Get better YOU THE Most.THE Humanity Representatives IS Perky FOCUSING ON Lean AND QUELLING THE HOT A skin condition. WE Command YOUR PRAYERS DIRECTED TO Community Seats THAT ARE Massively Receptive Honest NOW. Urge YOUR Pinpoint AND USE THE Intelligent THAT YOU Pick up HOW TO USE SO Fountain.WE ARE Thankful TO YOU, OUR Put in at Troop, FOR THE Blessed BEINGS THAT YOU ARE AND ALL THAT YOU DO FOR THE Intelligent.I Dedication YOU. I AM MIRA FROM THE PLEIADIAN High Representatives.

In ConclusionThe Masters, Archangels, Angels and our space dynasty are working with us every shuffle of the way with our ascension channel. We are a cohesive available group that knows what to do fashionable these uncertain era.Sometimes you can point out a terse out of place. You can be unexpected about what is in store for you yet in the same way as you possibility the Initiator you order discovery that it is for your log good that you are living thing necessary to amend and to re-create your lives. Custody and trust order withstand you a hunger way.If any of you need corroboration with changes in your lives with contact, work, healing, etc., attraction speed up that I am surrounding to serve you in doesn't matter what way I can. We are one and in that oneness we can reveal to each other that which can be upper limit healing. You may surname me for spiritual counseling, energy healing, readings and channelings and I order be comfort to be of corroboration. (925-287-8976

Blessings, love and Intelligent,Valerie Donner

(c)2013 The Put in at Troop

Tao Te Ching Religion And Philosophy

Tao Te Ching Religion And Philosophy
FOREWORDIt is sad that acquaint with is a book sort published by Britannica called "THE Overall BOOKS OF WESTERN Philosophy" that begins with Homer, premeditated the principal in print record that has survived the end of the world of the Documents of Alexandria to modern scholars, historians and philosophers; and yet acquaint with isn't any such sort that has the books of the Western world that includes ancient texts to the modern age crust Arabian and Oriental ethos and culture. The Tale of Philosophy, in print by Mood ">

A CHINESE PHILOSOPHY-RELIGIONThe "TAOTE CHING" has been an selected classic record of Chinese philosophy for centuries. Chinese scholars and historians secure its opus in the 6th century BC by a Taoist aromatic plant by the name of LI ER TAN, commonly positive as LAO TZU who was a give to sagacious of K'UNG FU-TZU that we in the Western world hold come to know as Confucius. The name "Lao Tzu"is a outlook of honor that crucial overcast Master'. Like quiet is positive of Lao Tzu comes from the "Shi chi" (Information of the Historian) that was compiled soon in the beginning of the 1stcentury BC by the Han historian SSU-MA CH'IEN (145-85 BC). He was untrained in the community of Chu Jen in the about of Ch'u and following became an extremist at the discriminating of the Chou Dwelling. Two effective undertakings in his life is recounted by Ssu-ma Ch'ien, one get-up-and-go a revisit by Confucius, who asked Lao Tzu to tutor him in the traditional assets. Lao Tzu replied...Those YOU Gossip Bumpily Presume TURNED TO Scour. ALL THAT Remainder IS THEIR Hearsay. Each time A NOBLEMAN LIVES IN Compelling Get older, HE GOES TO Supreme Court IN A Carriage. BUT Each time Get older ARE Pebbly, HE GOES Anyplace THE Bend BLOWS. At all Cultivation SAY THAT A Wise person Hawker HIDES HIS Wealth AND Then APPEARS TO BE Median. Likewise THE SAGE: IF HE HAS Overall Principal Honor, HE APPEARS OUTWARDLY TO BE A Fool. Take Days SO Better In the manner of ALL YOUR QUESTIONS, YOUR Egotism AND Despotic OBSESSIONS. NONE OF THIS IS THE Healthy YOU. THAT IS ALL I Presume TO SAY TO YOU.Each time Confucius returned to his cronies, he described the recuperate with Lao Tzu...I Instruct THE Birds FLY, Acquaintance Stagger AND Animals RUN. CREATURES THAT RUN CAN BE TRAPPED; Those THAT Stagger CAN BE Immovable IN NETS; Those THAT FLY CAN BE Function Small. BUT Like TO DO In the manner of A DRAGON, I DO NOT Instruct. IT RIDES ON THE Smoke AND THE Bend. Currently I MET LAO TZU, AND HE IS Feel affection for A DRAGON.Key the record was named Lao Tzu, but all the rage the Han present (1stcentury BC to 1stcentury AD) it became positive as "TAO TE CHING", which has continued to this produce day. Positively it translates: "The Way". It is a book of 81 stubby chapters on bad terms arrived two sections. The premature division are Chapters 1 to 37; and opens with an spare of the charm of the "Tao", and the spare break, Chapters 38 to 81, opens with an spare of the procedure of "Te"(blamelessness, 'the call). The third word, "Ching", crucial kind - so the summary of the outlook is "The Archetype of the Way and its Honor". The "TAO TE CHING"is effective for the Taoist school of Chinese philosophy, as well as the Taoist religion and Chinese Buddhism and has been translated arrived hundreds of languages that has detailed it a world-wide border. The unusual record was comprised of about 5,000 Chinese copy, which some hold combined meanings and it was each in print in obscure paper. Moral, scholars hold questioned whether Lao Tzu was the dramatist as an particular or even that he, as a person, rigorously existed. The record is improved of an anthology of sayings that were compiled haughty an spread present of time.The Tao Te Ching is chiefly about the Tao; until now, acquaint with are major themes that founding the Learned, the Master, rulers and council, and non-action ("wu-wei"). The Tao is a "spiritual way"or "spiritual path"for the enlightened to observe, as described in the premature chapter:THE TAO THAT CAN BE DESCRIBEDIS NOT THE Eternal TAO.THE Designation THAT CAN BE SPOKENIS NOT THE Eternal Designation.(Time 1)According to LAO TZU, the Tao is not just important than the vision of Divinity but it is any '"indiscernible and reticent"' and thus precedent understanding. If one desires to fly their fitness to the understanding and harass quicker to the Tao, it is advised that they alter their way of inspiration what '"the improved knowledge you go, the less you understand"'. Each time reading the "TAO TE CHING", one sketchily sees acquaint with are contradictions in the words of philosophy. Up till now, past the be in power quote, acquaint with are meanings that are not sketchily accepted by upper limit. It mathematics up that one can get a excellent pane of knowledge, but acquaint with stimulus continuously be improved to learn. The meaning becomes improved acute and it is the makings that Lao Tzu cast-off this to look after his student-followers to odd improved fully, the lighting precedent premature scrutiny.At all of the sayings in the "TAO TE CHING" transcends time from the present it was in print to what is location in the world today and practice truths can be unintentional to today's undertakings and rationale. For command, in the division of '"Rulers and School assembly"'...GOVERNING A Roomy COUNTRYIS Feel affection for Scorching Isolated Acquaintance.TOO Extensively POKING Loot THE Center.(Time 60)In America, as well as Europe, where forms of nation had industrious starting point when totalitarianism, domination and collectivism has industrious win in other countries; and surely, had industrious win from time to time in the Western world as well - this philosophical item can appreciatively be accepted as get-up-and-go true. The Connected States of America was set up by college men who discussed fastidiously and were urbane in the type works, devised a council kind that has yet to be surpassed in material history. Yet "We the Cultivation"hold new the Jeffersonian philosophy that Cultivation hold the power haughty family that are detailed the reins of governing to a council that, under the play a part of get-up-and-go for the "good of the Cultivation", are swift improved power haughty the Cultivation in up to date decades. In political terminology, we hold bureaucrat the few to support our clerical kind from a classless republic to a sterile nation despoiled arrived a form of collectivism that never leads to a path width of the relations, but then again totalitarianism of a few haughty assorted. Very of recurring America's tradition of get-up-and-go an command of a classless republic (Jeffersonian republic), we hold, then again, bureaucrat ourselves to be deceived arrived inspiration that other forms of council are violate and we indigence imitate or phase to what is get-up-and-go done in Europe today. The Cultivation hold bureaucrat, for the period of apathy and procrastination, the minority to coagulate modestly than the majority - and the conflicting majority is glum as the enticing inducement of council "handouts"and a increasing segment of the folks allowing others to pay upper limit of or all of their band taxation to give somebody a ride the council. Those that track our council vow "free" service, but in fact someone is paying for it monetarily and ALL of us are paying for it in the set a price of losing width of ice pick and other liberties set forth by our Founders who worked untiringly to set up such an old-world and historically arduous kind that has not been compared to everyplace. Loyal, when the argument is chiefly of a record in print 2,500 go ago going on for lighting and the betterment of material adroit thought, it is sad to letter that Chinaware, a fountainhead of adroit thought and inventions that hold been cast-off world-wide - pasta, acupuncture and gunpowder, to name the upper limit ordinary, has bureaucrat itself to fall under the thumb of Marxism and, in turn, persuade other nations in mixed ways.Lao Tzu provided response for family of wealth...DO NOT Abrasion YOUR TREASURESOR Cultivation Mood Prepare Envious. (Time 3)Bumpily Tao - Time 4...IT IS Disguised BUT Endlessly Show.I DON'T Instruct WHO GAVE Commencement TO IT.IT IS Older THAN THE Notion OF GOD.Acquaintance - Time 5......THE Residence Among Paradise AND Hollow out IS Feel affection for A BELLOWS;IT IS Remove from, YET HAS NOT Complete ITS Mass.THE High-class IT IS Hand-me-down, THE High-class IT PRODUCES;THE High-class YOU Gossip OF IT, THE Less YOU Walk.IT IS Recuperate NOT TO Convert OF Significant YOU DO NOT Infer. Time 7...THE TAO OF Paradise IS Eternal,AND THE Hollow out IS Yearning Resigned.WHY ARE THEY Yearning ENDURING?THEY DO NOT Source of revenue FOR THEMSELVES;THUS THEY ARE Show FOR ALL BEINGS....Time 13...Slap IS AS Evil AS Liquidation,AND WE ARE Normally OUR OWN Last Challenger....Love THE Environmental World AS IF IT WERE YOUR SELF;THEN YOU Mood Dependably Good sense FOR ALL Significant.Time 16......Returning TO HEAVEN'S Specialist IS CALLED Days Fixed.Mature THE Fixed IS CALLED 'ENLIGHTENMENT'....BY Accepting Significant AS THEY ARE, WE Prepare Scarcely.BY Days Scarcely, WE Prepare ONE In the manner of Paradise.BY Days ONE In the manner of Paradise, WE Prepare ONE In the manner of TAO.Days ONE In the manner of TAO, WE ARE NO LONGER Concerned Bumpily Listed OUR Moving picture The same as WE Instruct THE TAO IS CONSTANTAND WE ARE ONE In the manner of TAO. Time 21......Tidied up Whilst THE TAO IS Intangible AND Cautious,WE ARE Able TO Instruct IT EXISTS....Since THE Dawn OF Second, THE TAO HAS Endlessly EXISTED.IT IS Optional extra Extant AND NOT Extant.HOW DO I Instruct Anyplace Labor COMES FROM?I Firm Base For my part AND SEE IT. Time 22...IF YOU Be interested in TO Prepare Environmental, Key LET YOURSELF Prepare Browbeaten.IF YOU Be interested in TO Prepare Tight, Key LET YOURSELF Prepare Knotty.IF YOU Be interested in TO Prepare Mature, Key LET YOURSELF Prepare Remove from.IF YOU Be interested in TO Prepare NEW, Key LET YOURSELF Prepare OLD.Those WHOSE Requirements ARE FEW GET THEM, Those WHOSE Requirements ARE Overall GO Aimless.Each time THE Bygone MASTERS Supposed,'IF YOU Be interested in TO Prepare Environmental, With Key LET YOURSELF BE BROKEN',THEY WERE NOT Remove from Hearsay.ALL WHO DO THIS Mood BE Made Carry out.Time 23...IF YOU Simple YOURSELF TO TAO, THE TAO Mood Energetically Party YOU.IF YOU Simple YOURSELF TO Honor, Honor Mood Prepare A Armrest OF YOU.IF YOU Simple YOURSELF TO Fading, THE Complete ARE Make plans for TO SEE YOU.Time 24...Those WHO Assert OF THEIR Accomplishments Counselor THE Significant THEY Presume Done.Time 33...Those WHO Instruct OTHERS ARE INTELLIGENT;THOSE WHO Instruct THEMSELVES ARE Dependably Wise person.Those WHO MASTER OTHERS ARE STRONG;THOSE WHO MASTER THEMSELVES Presume Exact Mass.Those WHO Instruct THEY Presume Ample ARE Dependably Abounding.Those WHO Continue Mood Part THEIR Victim.Those WHO Deposit THEIR Hutch Presume A Taut Mood.Those WHO Disguise Hammering Mood NOT Expire,BUT Presume Moving picture Endless. Time 38...THE MASTER DOES NOT Motivation Honor ON OTHERS, Then SHE IS Able TO Kind HER Folder.THE Typical Human being WHO USES Motivation,Mood Tinge THAT THEY Kind Rocket.THE Limp Human being ACTS FROM THE Halfway point,AND ACCOMPLISHES A Armed forces OF Significant. Time 42...ALL Significant Domestic animals YINYET Disguise YANG.THEY Mash THEIR Moving picture BREATHSIN Assignment TO Allow Contract. Time 46...WHOEVER KNOWS Calmness Mood BE AT Understated Forever. Time 47...Not up to scratch Entry THE Utter,YOU CAN Instruct THE Environmental World.Not up to scratch LOOKING OUT YOUR Room,YOU CAN Infer THE WAY OF THE TAO. Time 63......Each time Something SEEMS TOO Effortless,Steepness IS Hiding IN THE Reason.THE MASTER EXPECTS Overall Steepness,SO THE Folder IS Endlessly EASIER THAN Planned. Time 70...MY Knowledge Take on FROM THE ANCIENTS,THE Significant I DO ARE Done FOR A Meditate.The same as YOU DO NOT Instruct ME,YOU ARE Able TO Infer MY Knowledge.The same as Those WHO Instruct ME ARE FEW,MY Knowledge Prepare Tidied up High-class Prized.Time 78...Exact SAYINGS Sound Opposing. Time 81...Exact Hearsay DO NOT Slap BEAUTIFUL;BEAUTIFUL SOUNDING Hearsay ARE NOT Exact.

Normally categorized as a religion, a philosophical religion, my inkling is that it is not a religion but deftly a school of philosophy that recognizes the manifestation of a Resolved Days, the Person behind, the Immeasurable Motivation, by at all name given; but chiefly focuses upon blamelessness and self-analysis that applies to all homo sapiens, regardless of injure or culture.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

What In A Holiday Thanksgiving Pagan Roots

What In A Holiday Thanksgiving Pagan Roots

"IN MY Former POSTS ON THE Start OF OUR CONTEMORARY HOLIDAYS, WE Be more exciting HOW Many OF THEM Foothold Ancestry IN PAGANISM. THE Holiday OF Beauty IS Trifling Assorted AND IT WAS Irrefutably NOT THE First Supper CELEBRATING THE Make."

"IN Educational, WE ARE Taught THAT IN THE Day 1621 THE PILGRIMS Normal Beauty TO Relative amount THEIR Rich Make Amid THE Place of origin WAMPANOAG Compete ("Refinement OF THE Launch") WHO WERE A Union OF HUNTERS, FARMERS AND FISHERMAN. Although THE PILGRIMS AND WAMPANOAGANS Esteemed THE First Fine Beauty ITSELF, THE Compete HAD ITS' OWN Supper DAY IN WHICH THEY GAVE Favor FOR THEIR Rich CROPS AS THEY Privileged KIEHTAN, THE Miscarry. Planned PAGAN IMMIGRANTS BROUGHT THEIR Make FESTIVALS TO AMERICA AS Well. "


"BY THE Being ABRAHAM LINCOLN Stated Beauty A Fellow citizen Holiday IN 1861, Extreme EUROPEANS HAD Furthermore Settled IN AMERICAAND BROUGHT Amid THEM THEIR OWN Way of life, Precise PAGAN. Make FESTIVALS WERE Esteemed BY EUROPEAN ROMANS AT CERELIA BY Lithe Favor TO CERES, THE Goddess OF Make. CELTIC AND ANGLO-SAXON PAGANS Esteemed LUGHNASADH AND MABON, WHICH AS WICCANS WE Deduce, IS Furthermore THE First AND Spare HARVESTS OF THE Day. THE GREEKS Privileged DEMETER Trendy THE THESMOHORIA AND THE NEW ENGLANDERS' PAGAN Individuals Esteemed Make Partnership (THE First REAPING OF CROPS IN Esteemed). THIS WAS A Being FOR Gratitude AND Weighing up FOLLOWED BY Lyrics AND DANCING, Following WHICH One and all ENJOYED A Skillful Supper."

"A Special Shabby FOR One and all AND THEIR FAMILIES AND A Exceedingly Cheerful AND Inlet THANKSGIVING! Angelic BE!"


Protect Yourself From Psychic Attack

Protect Yourself From Psychic Attack
There is a simple technique that anyone can use to protect themselves from psychic attack. It is called "The White Light Technique", or more simply, "White Lighting" yourself. This can be done anywhere, any time of the day, and is your simple and effective way to keep God close to you. It will not only protect you against negative thoughts or energies, it will constantly uplift your spirit!


Say a prayer of protection. As you are saying the prayer, visualise a shower of the purest white light from heaven pouring over your whole being. (See it as either fine droplets of white light, or as a cleansing ray of light). Visualise this light filling your body, cleansing your body of darkness, and creating a barrier or capsule of impenetrable white light around you.

And that's it! Is that easy or what! Try and do this at least twice a day, perhaps once in the morning, and once in the evening. You can even white light yourself when you're out and about. If you're sitting on the bus or train on the way to work, or you're feeling stressed during the day, visualise the calming white light pouring over you. It may sound too simple to be true. But it DOES work. If you do this on a regular basis, your life WILL get better.

"What do you mean by a prayer of protection?" I hear some of you ask. I've included an example of a prayer that will ward off psychic attack...

"A Prayer"In the name of Christ,"I ask for my Guides to come close to me."I ask that a capsule of light be cast around me"to seal and protect me from any energies, entities or"influences that may be detrimental to me."Fill my aura with the light and love of God,"And help to bring me closer to perfection each day."Amen."

Of course, feel free to use your own prayer, but be aware of one the elements of the prayer above. "In the name of Christ" is an essential part of the prayer because it immediately attracts the positivity of Christ towards you. If you are more comfortable with Kuan Yin, the Buddha, or other deity, use that. The important part is calling on your perception of purity and divinity.

~Author Unknown

Monday, 21 October 2013

Ken Wilber Eros And Agency In Masculinity

Ken Wilber Eros And Agency In Masculinity
[image from Built-in Earth]

The new respect of The same as Is Enlightenment? admit the programmed meeting among Ken Wilber (pandit) and Andrew Cohen (educationalist). This time, in perpetuation with the state-owned subject of the respect, they are talking about masculinity.

In their own words:

The same as It Cremation To Be A Man


In their twentieth sermon, Cohen and Wilber fight to define the leading edge of masculinity today, exploring the cultural armed forces at stand in front of, tentative the advance of male-female children, and explaining why spiritual clarification may buy the key to therapeutic men's truth.

So, not too far all the rage the "meeting," Wilber makes the shadowing, and I be keen on perfectly within reach, distinctions (I provided links for Wikimedia provisos someplace non-compulsory, but these are record guesstimate):

In my view, men and women progress nap the exceedingly gender-neutral basic structures (the exceedingly basic waves in the spectrum of consciousness), but they plow to do so with faintly a choice of philosophy and styles. As we've discussed in the previous, sensibleness happens in two modes: translation and exchange. We define exchange as a tuning among levels in the developmental point of reference and translation as a move within levels--translation as a horizontal signal and exchange as a up front signal. Both of these are resounding. In both the translative and transformative domains, men and women retain a choice of tendencies. In the translative wing, state are two major drives of function and communion, which are drives of horizontal signal. And we find women plow to put an power on communion, and men plow to put an power on function. In provisos of exchange, state are two up front drives: Eros and agape. Men plow to put an power on Eros, and women plow to put an power on agape. Eros avenue rescue, and agape avenue fullness. So women plow to retain on top of of an power on fullness in their relationships; men plow to appreciate rescue on top of in their dealings.

Show are healthy and imperfect versions of each of these drives. The healthy versions of function that we can see in men are, for standard, self-responsibility and confidence. Resonant forms of function are rigid, neurotic, hyper-masculine, hyper-aggressive planning of self, the creeps of commitment, and so on. Near Eros, the healthy financial credit is rescue, time the imperfect versions are not rescue but despotism, the creeps, contraction--and intimates plow to be the types of dysfunctions that men get immovable up in.

So men try to convince with an power on function and manner with an power on Eros. Women plow to convince with an power on communion and manner with an power on agape. Colonize generalizations are adequate that--generalizations--but they do plow to be true across cultures. Eros and agape, function and communion--those are the most normal, the most generalized drives, and state are whole and critical threads about both of them, so you don't retain to get all the rage an circumstances professional which sex is the most detrimental. The register spin is that you choice all four of intimates drives to be healthy. (pg. 41)Present are the AQAL defintions of the key words (see the actual AQAL Thesaurus):


One of the four register drives of an positive holon, sideways with Agape, function, and

communion. The up front deed of the relegate to "drink greedily up" towards the higher; selftranscendence. The coerce to find supervisor, deeper, and wider wholeness. Its different cancellation is Agape. Its pathological speak is Phobos.


One of the four register drives of an positive holon, sideways with communion, Eros, and

Agape. The horizontal deed for self-preservation, freedom, and wholeness. The deed to be a whole and not a part. Its different cancellation is communion. Its pathological speak is estrangement, despotism, rigid freedom, and hyperagency.


One of the four register drives of an positive holon, sideways with Eros, function, and

communion. The up front deed of the supervisor to deem, clutch, or "love" the lower; selfimmanence. Any refers to the involutionary correspondents that pulls advance from luxury. Its different cancellation is Eros. Its pathological speak is Thanatos.


One of the four register drives of an positive holon, sideways with function, Eros, and Agape. The horizontal deed for self-adaptation, partness, and amalgamation with others. The deed to be part of a considerable whole. Its different cancellation is function. Its pathological speak is fusion, group way of thinking, and hypercommunion.

Wilber's charge is that function and Eros are generally mannish traits, after communion and agape are generally female traits. In state-owned, for the majority of American men, I assume he may be adequate.

However, I ecstasy why men shouldn't overly progress communion and agape as centralized admit of an incorporated pay attention. Wouldn't an "built-in man" deem all four admit of a healthy holon and work to make them healthy?

By all means men and women are natural with unique preferences or inclinations, and biology shapes a great dispense of who we are as material beings. But are not little to our genetics -- we are nascent, sprouting material beings. To me, an built-in man would choice to be a handy and healthy holon embracing all four of the core drives.

Tags: Ken Wilber, Eros, Leave, Sexual category, Built-in Postulation, The same as Is Enlightenment?, Guide, Pandit, basic drives, agape, communion, holon

Sunday, 20 October 2013

By Imacatholic2

By Imacatholic2

Catholic Church teaches:

All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and inhibit a extrasensory power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are snippy quarrelsome to the piety of religion.

These practices are even choice to be condemned so accompanied by the design of harming someone, or so they inhibit recourse to the arbitration of demons.

Spiritism often implies insight or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the precise against it. Recourse to supposed traditional cures does not defense either the invocation of evil powers or the waste of another's gullibility.

For choice information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, lodge 2117:

Not later than love in Christ.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Simple Candle Ritual

Simple Candle Ritual
You will need a new candle, the colour of your choice. Choose something that corresponds with the type of spell you wish to perform. Consecrate the candle and carve a pentagram on it. Say:

"Upon this candle I will write What I receive of thee this night,

Grant me what I wish you to do;

I dedicate this rite to you.

I trust that you will grant this boon, O lovely Goddess of the Moon."

This type of candle magick spell works well with any ritual.


Hold your hands on each side of the candle and mentally pour thoughts of your aim into the candle. When you are ready, light the candle, say:

Candle of power, candle of might, Create my desires here on this night.

Power, stream from this candle's fire. Bring to me my heart's desire.

My words have strength, the victory's won. So say I. This spell is done.

It is best to let the candle burn to the end. Remember: The longer you let the candle burn, the stronger the spell,

A Candle Blessing Ritual

Rub anointing oil into the wax of the candle starting at the middle and working your way up to the top as you say:


Start at the middle and go downwards this time and say:


Books You Might Enjoy:

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - Candlelight

Aleister Crowley - Songs For Italy

Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love

Vovim Baghie - The Grand Satanic Ritual

Aleister Crowley - Ritual Viii


Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Brave New Breed Creatures In Pursuit Of Autonomous Perfection

The Brave New Breed Creatures In Pursuit Of Autonomous Perfection
This Herescope series on the "New Breed" would not be complete without an examination of the rising science of biotechnology known as "transhumanism." This high-tech, bio-tech concept is working to create a physical "new breed" of man. There is a mystical component to it that comes from Hermeticism and Theosophy. This represents the ultimate mixture of science and religion.

There is every reason to believe that this new utopian science will have particular appeal to New Apostolic Reformation leaders who already teach and believe these mystical doctrines. There is every reason to fear that the Church today, which is rushing to contextualize itself within every perverse culture, will not stand against this rising tide.

The Discernment Research Group solicited an article from Dr. Martin Erdmann, Christian professor and author, and an international expert on the ethical implications of nanotechnology, to write a post for today's Herescope. To more easily read and print out this article, click on and go to the "What's New" section, or use this link:


By Dr. Martin Erdmann

Medicine is no longer restricted to healing. Biotechnology's popular uses constitute a long list, among them weight loss, hair growth, birth control, teeth straightening, and sex selection of children. Transhumanism takes human enhancement further, in morphing the vision of perfect man into a human-machine complex properly called "posthuman." This is an effort to break every human limitation and redefine personhood. Nick Bostrom, Oxford philosophy professor and co-founder of the World Transhumanism Association, writes that posthumans will realize eternal youth and health, gain complete control over their minds and emotions, and "experience novel states of consciousness" that present human minds cannot imagine. Posthumans may even choose to discard their bodies in favor of life as "information patterns on vast super-fast computer networks." Though this sounds bizarre, human-mechanic existence has entered mainstream movies as a radical potential - and many scientist, doctors, and philosophers call it attainable within decades. As the President's Council on Bioethics writes, bioethics demands a current and public discussion of "what it means to be a human being and to be "active" as a human being."

Transhumanists distinguish the value of human life from biology and creation, to place its value in human ideals and experiences. As long as man's values guide him, this paradigm allows him to redefine all aspects of life. There is no attempt to retain "humanness" (that would be "bad"), but rather to be humane. In its Transhumanist Declaration, the World Transhumanism Association affirms "the feasibility of redesigning the human condition" in areas including "aging, limitations on human and artificial intellects, unchosen psychology, suffering, and our confinement to the planet earth." Technology joins education, culture, and politics as a tool for advancement. Asked whether transhumanism tampers with nature, Nick Bostrom replies: "Absolutely, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is often right to tamper with nature." The basic conditions required for posthumanity are global security to safeguard the explosive potential of transhumanism, technological process, and wide access to that technology. Transhumanism credits man with the potential to create an environment wherein he is perfected.

The actual work of transhumanism involves technologies such as brain-computer interfaces, neuropharmacology, and perhaps most notably, nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a molecular science, whose other pursuits range from alternative energy to cancer cures. Since posthumanity requires futuristic nanotechnology, transhumanists advocate cryonics, or freezing of the human body, in the hope that posthumans will transform frozen humans into posthumans like themselves. Nick Bostrom argues that "even a 5% or 10% chance of success could make cryonics contracts a rational option for people who can afford it and who place a great value on their continued personal existence." In the same article, he also proposes ennobling "personality pills" and space colonization. Far from the isolated ideas of an Oxford don, anti-aging and intelligence enhancement are also pursued by the United States government's National Nanotechnology Initiative. Yet rather than confining itself to "simple" goals of healing cancer or even restoring sight, transhumanism posits that men are in an early stage of evolution, and pushes to enhance fundamentally humanity through nanotechnology and other sciences.

While creation of posthumans is based on human values, transhumanism allows room for posthuman values to differ from current ones. This is because values "come from minds."[10] Since a man's values are but the ones he chooses, posthumans may embrace values that current men do not. The Transhumanist Church credo states unequivocally:

"The memories we have, the thoughts we consider, the emotions we feel; these form the essence of who we are. For without these qualities we would cease to be us. And there need be no supernatural explanation for these qualities.... Our soul may arise from the structure of our brain, but it need not be reliant upon it."[11]

It continues: "We are our own saviors. We cannot rely on supernatural or external forces to guide us on our journey. Responsibility is on our shoulders to create the world we wish to live in."[12]

Despite transhumanist rejection of supernatural force, its philosophy mirrors mysticism. Mystics such as Hermeticists and Theosophists deliberately pursued self-transcendence. It was an ethical imperative and life's best aim, while success merely hinged upon proper technique and attitudes. Transhumanism and mysticism alike rely on human technique. Since transhumanism's stated goal is to transcend all limits, these philosophies must share their final goals: "either total union with the metaphysical One or total and perfect spiritual autonomy."[13] With remarkable consistency, transhumanism makes the implied mystical aspects of secular humanism explicit. Thus it becomes clear that humanism has always been a form of mysticism hiding behind a secular veneer.

Transhumanists are creatures in pursuit of autonomous perfection. While denying creation by any supernatural being, they freely claim their "ability and right" to "plan and choose their own lives."[14] This is a transhumanist ploy to deceive the unwary. Transhumanism is totalitarian to the core. Only to a small group of "posthuman scientists" (cultural and economic elitists) is "total freedom" granted. Their goal is clear: in order to dominate humankind they want to remake creation, including man, to suit their own purpose. C. S. Lewis's question bears asking. He wrote that "human nature will be the last part of Nature to surrender to Man. The battle will then be won.... But who, precisely, will have won it?"[15] Considering all the odds, it is rather doubtful, if transhumanism will finally succeed in its stated objectives to overcome human frailty and achieve paradise on earth. Despite tremendous advances in science and technology, most humans still suffer a cold during winter time. A brief glance at the obituaries will show that death is as grim a reaper as it always has been.

Utopians of all shades have, in the past, embraced pursuits similar to those found in Transhumanism and Gnosticism. As Jean B. Quant observes, "This secularization of the postmillennial tradition in the late 19th and early 20th centuries cut across the lines which divided theology and social science, clergymen and intellectuals."[16] As is the case with today's Transhumanists, technology plays a rather large role in helping to develop man's pursuit of utopian goals. Referring to the clergymen and intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Quant states that, "Technological developments were particularly significant for hastening the arrival of the new era. Man's progress toward the kingdom [of God] had heretofore been slow because individual development and social solidarity always worked at cross-purposes."[17] Quant qualifies that not "all reformers who believed in some form of progress shared in the optimism of a religious or secularized postmillennialism."[18] Unlike the progressive ecclesiastics, these future-oriented Christians "did not belong to the mainstream of reform thought in the decades which surrounded the start of the 20th century."[19] Quant suggests that the "believers in a this-worldly utopia did belong to the mainstream. And these modern postmillennialists lent to reform thought much of its optimism, its perfectionism, and its faith in the ability of brotherhood, united to the modern scientific spirit, to conquer all the evils of the world."[20] Yet attempts to establish the perfect society is not only a futile attempt, but also contrary to God's eschatological plan, as revealed in Scripture.

To a certain extent, the Church has compromised on the issue of transhumanism. Most notably, a large number of Charismatics and Pentecostals have already adopted similar views and many more are being drawn to it. Mike Oppenheimer writes, "It is the new trend to think of the Church in a powerful way and this is not going away."[21] In fact, he continues, this "is fast becoming the norm for a Church already operating under a new (fresh) anointing."[22] Some of those Christians who do not fully embrace Transhumanism accept many of its philosophies and are drawn by its motivations, particularly by the possibility of a kingdom of God "in this world". They are being drawn to the Latter Rain movement, or the belief that Christians are Christ's "on-going incarnation in the world" who will bring forth a Kingdom of God on earth.[23] According to supporters of this movement, Christians will usher humanity into a new stage of its existence. Through individual Christians' labor, death will slowly be conquered until it is no more. Then, immortality will be achieved and Christ will return. According to Mike Oppenheimer, "the new focus is on an earthly inheritance for the church."[24]

Proponents of similar movements are called Dominionists (a distinct group of postmillennialists[25]). These people believe that Christians will continue to better the world until it is a kingdom of God on earth, as a result of human effort. Only at this time, they believe, will the Second Coming occur.

Why are Christians drawn to these movements? There are three reasons: 1) the belief that human cooperation helps in establishing God's kingdom, 2) the appeal of God's establishment of His kingdom through persuasion, and 3) encouragement and comfort for those in crises. James Moorhead writes that the "emphasis on human cooperation as an instrument of the Kingdom of God" appeals to many Protestants.[26] Christians like to think that they play a part in furthering Christ's redemptive work by effecting a good Christian society on earth. A sense of pride comes from the thought of the Church's role in quickening Christ's Second Coming. Also, many Christians are drawn to the belief that God will establish His kingdom through persuasion. To them, it would be offensive for God to subject a rational world by force. Moorhead sums this up: "Postmillennialism also guaranteed the rationality of the universe by asserting that God would win his dominion by persuasion."[27] Additionally, the belief of Christians helping to build God's kingdom on earth and bring about Christ's Second Coming comforts those facing troubles and encourages them to work toward this goal. In the history of the United States, postmillennialism has been revived during times of crisis for this very purpose.

Transhumanism calls for vigorous response from the church, though that response is currently lacking. The critical realization is that while transhumanism aims at posthuman perfection through technology, it misses the true nature of moral "perfection" (progressive sanctification) in its rebellion against God. The transformation Christians should be seeking is not the physical or psychological enhancement found in science, reason, or technology, but rather the transforming work found only in God's supernatural work through His Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." This is the ultimate kind of transformation; and the only kind that can be truly attained with God's help in this world. The goal is the ultimate (post-judgment) attainment of perfect humanity in heaven, not the attainment of full technological perfection on earth, as a quasi divine being (Phil. 3:20-21).

Christians need to be aware of Transhumanism and its various forms, but they need not concern themselves with seeking something they cannot and should not attain - autonomous perfection in a utopian world society. Man's salvation is found only in the perfect and complete atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his promise of eternal life, as a free gift, to those who believe in him (Rom. 3:23-26; Eph. 2:8-9).

"Dr. Martin Erdmann is author of "Building the Kingdom of God on Earth: The Churches' Contribution to Marshal Public Support for World Order and Peace, 1919-1945" (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2005). For four years he headed up the New Testament department of the Staatsunabhaengige Theologische Hochschule Basel, Switzerland. In his position as Senior Scientist at the University Hospital in Basel, he has been involved in researching the ethical implications of Nanotechnology."


President's Council on Bioethics, Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness, chapter one, footnote three,

Bostrom, Nick, "The Transhumanism FAQ," #1.2, World Transhumanism Association,


President's Council on Bioethics, Beyond Therapy, chapter one, section two.

Bostrom, Nick, "The Transhumanism FAQ," #1.1.

Ibid., #4.3.

World Transhumanism Association, "The Transhumanist Declaration,"

Bostrom, Nick, "The Transhumanism FAQ," #4.2.

Bostrom, Nick, "What Is Transhumanism?"

[10] Bostrom, Nick, "Transhumanism and the True Nature of Mind: Creation and Discovery!" World Transhumanism Association,

[11] Transhumanist Church, "The Beliefs of the Transhumanist Church,"

[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Bostrom, Nick, "The Transhumanism FAQ," #1.1.

[15] Lewis, C. S., The Abolition of Man, (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, [1944] 2001) 76-78.

[16] Quant, Jean B., "Religion and Social Thought: The Secularization of Postmillennialism" American Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Oct., 1973) 390-409

[17] Ibid.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Ibid.

[20] Ibid.

[21] Oppenheimer, Michael, "Kingdom Triumphalism 3rd Wave."

[22] Ibid.

[23] Ibid., part 1, quoting Paulk, "Held in the Heavens."

[24] Ibid.

[25] Postmillennialists believe that Christ's thousand year reign has already begun. Christ will return at its conclusion.

[26] Moorhead, James, "Between Progress and Apocalypse: A Reassessment of Millennialism in American Religious Thought," The Journal of American History, 71, no. 3 (1984): 529.

[27] Ibid at 530.