Saturday 4 February 2012

Witchcraft Tools The Pentacle

Witchcraft Tools The Pentacle
Certain working tools are common to almost every form of Witchcraft and Magick. They are found on every altar. Each of these requisite tools bears an elemental attribution, which makes them a necessary ingredient for balancing the energies which are harnessed in Spellcasting and other rituals. In this article, we examine the pentacle.


The use of a pentacle can be traced back to the oldest writings on the subject of the occult. In its original form, a pentacle was considered to be an amulet or talisman used in ritual work. Research will immediately inform a student that pentacles came in various designs and were suited to various purposes. In the present day, however, pentacles most often serve to symbolically represent the power of Earth in Magickal work.

The element of Earth is considered to be feminine in nature, and many occult traditions believe that it vibrates with Magickal energy at a much lower rate than the other elements of Air, Fire, and Water. In Witchcraft, Earth is considered the element of binding and manifestation. It is also the element which helps the Witch to ground his/herself after Spellcasting.


The most common representation of the pentacle.

Pentacles are used in a variety of ways in modern Witchcraft. Most commonly they can be seen worn as an amulet or talisman. The pentagram would be just one example of a pentacle that is associated with protection for the wearer. However, the purposes of a pentacle can be as diverse as those who wear them.

As a working tool, Witches use the pentacle on the altar to symbolize the element of Earth. It also serves to represent the Goddess and the Sacred Feminine. In Celtic traditions, the more specific Goddess representation is that of Morgan, or the Morrigan, who was believed to be the Goddess of the Underworld.

Many modern Covens choose to design their own pentacle as a reflection of their Coven philosophy and practices. This is often done with the use of appropriate symbolism which reflects the Spellcasting preferences of the members.


As with all of the Magickal tools, it is of great benefit to construct the pentacle yourself if at all possible. It certainly helps that the pentacle is one of the easier tools to conctruct.

Natural material is much preferred. It is very common for pentacles to be fashioned from wood or even wax. Symbols may then be carved into the surface of the pentacle which represent the element of Earth and the Goddess. The diameter of the pentacle is largely a matter of personal taste, but it is wise to make it large enough so that items such as a small cauldron may be placed atop it during Spellcasting.