Wednesday 29 February 2012

Fr De Celles On Caritas In Veritate

Fr De Celles On Caritas In Veritate
Fr. John De Celles, STL (that's a Licentiate of Sacred Theology), is my parish priest. Or more precisely, "one" of my parish priests: we're very blessed with five wonderfully orthodox, intelligent, well-read, and pastoral priests. Fr. De Celles is one of the associate pastors, the head of the men's prayer group, and an overall amazing priest - easily one of my top five favourite priests. So you can imagine how happy I was when I found out that Catholic Culture is carrying an adapted form of one of his homilies - this one entitled, "The Truth About "Caritas in Veritate"." If you're even mildly interested in the pope's latest encyclical, this isn't a bad place to start, particularly if you've heard some of the weird rumors about it (like that Pope Benedict advocates a one-world government in it). He clears up all of that and more. Tolle, lege!
