Sunday 29 June 2008

Pagan Eye Silbury Hill On A Summer Day

Pagan Eye Silbury Hill On A Summer Day
This eye-catching picture of Silbury Rise on a summer's day was subjugated by Steve Dempsey, who at the end visited the West Condition on his way to Cornwall. It looks a bit electric fire than in the function of I was hand over in relation to the time of Bitter Solstice.Silbury Rise is an ancient monument close by to Avebury stone circle, in Wiltshire. It is the principal phony fortune in Europe and dates back to about 2400BC, although no one knows why it was built. According to some folk tales it is an door to the fairy realm. Others seat it was an ancient solar observatory or coupon of the Blood relation God.Recognition very other Steve for charter me use your photo on my blog!My Pagan Eye posts indicate photos that I find interesting - migratory images, pagan sites, endeavors, or simply exquisite pictures. If you petition to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, satisfy email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you petition your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo must be one you cuddle subjugated yourself."The photo is copyright Steve Dempsey."Links and most recent analogous posts Hill