Wednesday 11 June 2008

Dion Fortune Fairies Elves And The Alligator That Wont Leave

Dion Fortune Fairies Elves And The Alligator That Wont Leave
Dreams: In my dreams, my room was filled with fairies and elves in a protective manner. The "alligator" creature was there, but could not "do much". We were "all together" in this room. He (she or it) would not leave. But was limited in "its" threats.

Later: I am at work, working on three projects, it is very peaceful.

Spell from Dion Fortune:

Place water with salt or vinegar in the four corners of the room, when faced with needed protection. Did this right before I went to bed. According to Dion, this doesn't last long. But I did have a good "protective" dream that night.

Daily Events:

1) Working and feel very peaceful like in my dreams. The focus of my life right now is in many ways work, I love what I am doing. And I feel peaceful when I work.

2) I was sick for about three days, but I am much better now.

3) Maybe starting a new project. This could be "the third project". I don't know.


Dion Fortune's Book on Psychic Self-defense is very old-published in the late 1950's. It looks at psychic self defense both in metaphysical and psychological terms. What is psychic attack? Is it real or isn't it etc.? In one very real sense, an insult can be a psychic attack. Or someone in one way, form or another, "harming us". Gossip is another form of psychic attack. Fortune also covers concepts in regards to levels of the mind...which goes back to the definition of magick as 'the ability to change consciousness at will". She talks about the physical plane, the astral plane, the spiritual plane, and the highest fourth plane. Some people believe that the astral plane is also the dream plane. This is based on "ancient mystery school beliefs". And talks about the ability of someone to attack let's say from one plane to the other. And each plane "contains" the plane underneath it. I think sometimes when I read this of string theory, and on the one "level" contains the other level. Again, I like to compare and read both magickal theory with scientific theory. Even Dion Fortune takes the psychological theories of the time and compares them with magickal theory. To me, this is a crucial part of magick to study the latest theories in no matter what context, and to consider them.
