Saturday 4 October 2014

The Hoodoo Truth The Word Hoodoo Is Not African

The Hoodoo Truth The Word Hoodoo Is Not African
I got a whole email from a core who was go to the trouble of that I wrote that the word Hoodoo is not African in origin.

I make no apologies having the status of all the substantiation to go to see suggests that the saying, "Hoodoo" comes from the Scott-Irish and intended "auspicious, cursed".

People need to ask themselves why did a Scott-Irish saying come to be recycled as a name for the practice?

Readers, furthermost of the "experts" sport mostly disregarded the European aspect of Hoodoo and/or lied or fuzzy it by making it transpire as if the Europeans contributed medieval grimoires, black cat bones, bat's blood, etc. That is utter bull shit! The family who "contributed" that stuff were the non-practicing whites and Jewish manufacturers who wrap the tradition, repackaged it as witchcraft and sold it back to practitioners.

Hoodoo/rootwork/conjure is a tapestry serene of three clothing, a black one for African-Americans, a white one for the Europeans, and a red one for the Native-Americans. You cannot "see" the tapestry if you are with the sole purpose focusing on one ideology and ignoring the other two clothing.

Now, the European and Home American aid sport been disregarded by family who with the sole purpose inclination to give directions on the Africa-American practices. By play a part so they are presenting a deception design of the practice. For one, furthermost family don't know what this "European" part even trench. Faithfully who were these "Europeans" who helped to food Hoodoo? It was the Scott-Irish!

I life-force go blank basically who the Scott-Irish were in my advent blog.
