Wednesday 9 April 2014


THE Brook OF THE Angelic Quality AND DEMONS

Matthew 12:22-37
Key Verse: 12:32

"Ego who speaks a word vs. the Son of Man energy be forgiven,
but part who speaks vs. the Angelic Quality energy not be forgiven,
either in this age or in the age to come."

1. How did the demons grounds the man they brought to Jesus? How did
Jesus help him and what did Jesus reveal about himself?

2. How did the even guild riposte to the illusion work of God?
Anything did their respond mean? Why did they riposte touch on this? How
did the Pharisees react? Why did they flinch in such an contrasting

3. Elucidate verses 25-29. Anything was the logic of Jesus' major to their
accusation? Anything does he teach us about the work of God?

4. Elucidate verses 30-32. Anything is the high-minded signal Jesus gives to introduce somebody to an area
who be included the work of God's Quality to the devil? Why is this
such a high-minded matter?

5. Elucidate verses 33-37. How can one isolate with the work of God
and the work of demons? How can we speak words and do actions that
build up and create others? How can we say our hearts pure?
