Monday 23 September 2013

2005 Highlights From The Past

2005 Highlights From The Past


o The Fellowship started with a few persons who met at the home of Kate and Marv Fuller. Kate and Marv, who had met at Antioch College in Ohio, came to the area and joined the Great Books Club. A small group became friends and began meeting in each other's homes to study world religions. Some went on to study The Epic of Unitarianism: Original Writings from the History of Liberal Education (1957) by David Parke, who lived next door to Marv and Kate at Antioch College. The book was influential in their decision to form a liberal religious community. For the first year, meetings were held in the homes of the members. Meetings continued at the Morton House in Benton Harbor into 1960. Kate and Marvin Fuller, Ralph and Lenore Marti, and Albert J. Martin were the founding members of the Unitarian Fellowship of Berrien County, recognized by the Unitarian Association in Boston in May 1959.


o In September, the meeting site was changed to the Cove at the YWCA. From January 1959 to January 1960, about thirty individuals attended regularly. The Fellowship continued to meet at the YWCA until 1968.

o The Unitarian Fellowship of Berrien County incorporated. The November 15, 1960, application for incorporation was signed by Marvin Fuller, Catherine Fuller, and Rafael Marti on October 31, 1960. The application stated that the purpose of the fellowship was:

To unite together to develop religious attitudes objectively and honestly in order that life may become more meaningful for the members, families and our fellowman. The Corporation shall be nonpolitical and shall be devoted to promoting a spirit of brotherhood and a closer association between the members of the organization and to assist in charitable work of any nature deemed beneficial and to the best interest of the order and to society as a whole. The Corporation shall not be operated as a Church but merely to promote understanding between our fellowman.


o Beginning in October 1962, instead of having ministers from other Unitarian churches, persons from the community, or one of our own members, a student intern at the Meadville Theological School in Chicago served as "minister" every other Sunday. Ron Engle was the first student minister.

o The Fellowship became the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Berrien County.

o In September 1963, services which had been held Sunday evenings were moved up to the morning hour.


o A wealthy member of the community, Elizabeth Upton Vawter, had also become a UUFBC member and in 1968 she offered the Fellowship financial assistance to purchase the former Evangelical Brethren Church at 601 Main Street in Saint Joseph, the site of the current Heritage Center. The Fellowship was excited and ready to take on the challenge of growth. With their own building, the Fellowship intended to be visible in the community and grow to its full potential. The first service was held in the building on September 15, 1968.


o A dedication service was held on January 19, 1969, with a program of singing by the Chicago Children's Choir and a speaker, Reverend Malcolm Sutherland, President of the Meadville Theological School. Mr. Joseph Drolen officiated as President. To supplement income from pledges and the plate, the building was rented. In addition, plays were performed, political rallies held, and the Silver Fiddle coffeehouse found a home in the basement. The fellowship produced programs like Don Juan in Hell, sold sandwiches and beverages to passersby on Blossom Parade days, had rummage sales, a bake sale to benefit the R.E. department, and put on a Fiesta Dinner to celebrate All Souls Day. To reduce expenses, members did the cleaning and painted and cleaned the downstairs fellowship hall. Members donated chairs and carpeting, stationery, and other things.

FALL 1973-SPRING 1974

o The Reverend Theodore F. Kennedy was called as full-time minister for two years but was dismissed after one year. After The Reverend Kennedy's departure, the congregation continued the practice of using ministerial supply from Mead-Lombard Theological Seminary supplementing with lay led programs or guest speakers.


o The name was changed from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Berrien County to BUUF, Berrien County Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.


o Unable to afford the needed repairs, maintenance, and heating costs after Elizabeth Upton Vawter's death in 1978, the Main Street building was sold. The Fellowship then held meetings at the Cove of the YWCA in Saint Joseph, where it celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1983.


o The building at 4340 Lincoln Avenue, Saint Joseph, was purchased.


o On May 4, 1986, the Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship dedicated the current building at 4340 Lincoln Avenue. Sarah McClendon, noted Washington correspondent and journalist was the speaker. Fred Upton installed a plaque dedicating the fellowship sanctuary to the memory of his great aunt, Elizabeth Upton Vawter, a charter member and benefactor.


o The Fellowship hired Diane Fuller Brown, daughter of Marv and Kate Fuller and a Chicago Theological Seminary graduate, and her husband, Michael W. Brown, an active lay UU, to be the co-ministers of BUUF. The Browns lived in Chicago and drove in to Michigan two weekends a month. Members and outside speakers provided services on alternate Sundays. After a year at BUUF, Michael became a Meadville/Lombard student.


o Roger Brewin, president of the Clarence Darrow Commission and Chicago Unitarian Universalist minister, presented a one-man program impersonating Clarence Darrow in a skit "Book Burning and the First Amendment."


o Jone Johnson was employed as a part-time minister.


o On January 20th, the expanded and remodeled nursery was dedicated as Charlie's Room in memory of Charlie Tedesco (November 13, 1997-July 17, 2001).

o A membership retreat was held February 4-6 to examine where BUUF has been, where it is, and what its future should be and what should be done to make that future happen. The following people attended the retreat: Roger Brewin, Robin Crowell, Paula Crowell, Zackary Crowell, Lisa Dalgleish, Jim Dalgleish, Marv Fuller, Catherine Fuller, Fred Klawiter, Marilyn Klawiter, Charles Long, Dorothy Long, Viola Moore, Robert Moore, Virginia Nivens, Pat Ohmann, Gretchen Ohmann, Rosalyn Reeder, Zella Reinecke, Marian Steward, Bea Takeuchi, Mike Tedesco, Sara Tedesco, Gloria Weberg, Duane Westling, Charlotte Westling, Gene Whitlow, Heartha Whitlow.

o Supported by BUUF, a PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) chapter was formed and held its first meeting at BUUF on July 10th.


o In January, Ren'ee Kauffman was hired as Director of Religious Education. The Fellowship received a three-year 7,000 Chalice Lighter's grant to support her employment.


o In January, funds from the estate of former member Algrid Barvicks were used to establish the Endowment Fund (General Endowment and Restricted Endowment). Income from the General Endowment Fund may be used for ordinary annual expenses. Each year, forty percent of the previous year's dividends and interest from the Restricted Endowment Fund are available to support community outreach programs.

o In February, the stage was removed from the sanctuary and in March construction of the religious education classrooms began. Classroom construction was completed June 10th at a cost of more than 47,000 paid with funds from the Barvicks bequest.

o A membership retreat was held May 31st-June 2nd to re-examine goals and objectives for the Fellowship.

o On October 17th, the Community Outreach/Social Action (CO/SA) Committee presented the forum titled: "The Gift of Sexuality: Homophobia Is a Curable Disease"

o On Saturday, November 23, the first Our Whole Lives class at the Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship was completed. Taught by Joanne Krettek and Harvey Johnson, the eight-week class for children in grades K-2 included: Emily Johnson, Tommy McIlwaine, Walter Dalgleish, Ian Dalgleish, Trevor Kauffman.


o Matthew Cockrum, Meadville-Lombard Seminary Student, served as Ministerial Opportunities Development minister. Adult attendance averaged 29 and child attendance averaged 13.


o Ren'ee Kauffman's completion of Unitarian Universalist Association certification as Director of Religious Education was recognized during the service on May 25th.

o In May, supported by BUUF, Patriots for Peace was formed and through most of 2004 actively protested the American invasion of Iraq.


o On January 20th the Community Outreach and Social Action (CO/SA) Committee sponsored a community forum, "Weighing the Scales of Justice in Berrien County." For that achievement, the Bennett Award for Congregational Action on Human Justice and Social Action was presented to CO/SA during the 2004 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association. VIA (Voters Involved in America) was formed by CO/SA to increase voter participation in Benton Harbor. James "Chip" Roush became the twenty-seventh Meadville-Lombard student to provide services regularly through the year.
