Tuesday 6 August 2013

Whispers From The Bamboo Grove Amida Newsletter Number 10 April 2013

Whispers From The Bamboo Grove Amida Newsletter Number 10 April 2013

Dharmavidyas Pastoral Letter

March 31st, 2013

have just completed the Mondo Sesshin. This was attended by a dozen people including five nationalities, a diversity that is not uncommon on
Amida events. Mondo is about encounter and encounter is about meeting one another in faith rather than in a state of clashing egos. How
fragile, brittle or bristling we can sometimes be! However, coming
together in faith we can help one another to pass beyond fear and enter into an experience of deep confidence and entrustment.

I feel considerable satisfaction in the fact that we have, as a sangha,
evolved a style of practice that demonstrates our faith in a rather robust manner such that those who came newly in our midst on this
occasion certainly felt that they were encountering "the real thing".
There is always a temptation in what some might call the contemporary spiritual marketplace to water down the message so as to cater for a wider public. I do feel that it is important to have some access points for people who are of a more generic spiritual persuasion or,
alternatively, for those of a more secular turn of mind, but it is
essential that we retain also occasions when the undiluted faith and practice are manifest and shared amongst us and this was one such

:: continue reading here

Source: way-of-witch.blogspot.com