Monday 5 August 2013

The Constitutions Of The Freemasons 1734

The Constitutions Of The Freemasons 1734

This is an online electronic problem of the the head of state Masonic book stamped in America, which was fashioned in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin in 1734, and was a reprint of a work by James Anderson (WHO IS Accepted AS THE Screenwriter IN AN P.S.) stamped in London in 1723. This is the shaping work of American Walls, reduced and published by one of the organization fathers, and of outermost importance to the stand up of colonial friendship and the formation of the Republic.

The work contains a 40-page history of Masonry: from Adam to the manage of Ruler George I, in the company of, surrounded by others, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Hiram Abif, Nebuchadnezzar, Augustus Caesar, Vitruvius, Ruler Athelstan the Saxon, Inigo Jones, and James I of England. In attendance are lengthy descriptions of the Seven Wonders of the Handiwork, viz. 1) the Convincing Pyramid, 2) Solomon's Crest, 3) the Metropolitan area and Hanging-Gardens of Babylon, 4) the Important or Coffin of Mausolus, Ruler of Caria, 5) the Lighthouse of Pharos at Alexandria, 6) Phidias's statue of Jupiter Olympius in Achaia, and 7) the Colossus at Rhodes (At the same time as A few Watch over THE 5TH IS THE OBELISK OF SEMIRAMIS).

It is a celebration of the science of Geometry and the Magnificent Art of Architecture, as adept from ancient become old until the then-current rejuvenation of the Roman or Augustan Side. "The Charges of a Free-Mason" and the "Prevalent System" objection set of laws of contain for public and of authority for Lodges and their officers. The work alike includes five songs to be sung at meetings, one of which-"A New Air"-appears in text for the head of state time and may have the benefit of been collected by Franklin.

The document suggests that Walls, in its modern Anglo-American form, was fixed in Old Testimonial exegesis ("SO THAT THE ISRAELITES, AT THEIR Abandonment EGYPT, WERE A Unspoiled Kingdom OF MASONS, Asleep THE Rent OF THEIR Remarkable MASTER MOSES") and in pristine Protestant ethics of desirable quality, value, and fan equivalence.

Download James Anderson's eBook: The Constitutions Of The Freemasons 1734

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