Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Legend Of Atlantis

The Legend Of Atlantis

The rest of the parts:

Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Terrain from the stars to foundation a emergence. Human refinement was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the cause of Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret experience in advance the fall to Egypt. Unequivocal all civilizations and with persuade from extraterrestrian guards the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all enthusiast systems with an enlightening chore. The thrilling EP shows for the highest time the secret whereabouts of a brotherhood in relations with discreet masters from Shambhala and Agharta and the secret about the damage earth

Back the collapse in Atlantis all nations were distinct. A part of the Atlantean brotherhood's secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and in Tibet. The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind in the field of the dark age...put aside Atlantean knowledge and put aside all ages. In modern get older the Freemasons, Templars and Illuminati brotherhoods were formed. As soon as Handiwork War I the Neutemplerorden and Thule union emerged in Munich and Vienna. New occult sects which saw 'satan' in the old Freemason lodges. Via Hitler these occult sects came to power. This thrilling EP shows for the highest time the framework of the Third Reich and its be offended which led to the catastrophy of Handiwork War II

Atlantean secret knowlege tells us the legend of mankind and intimates souls, who take to liking cycles. Via the fall of Atlantis a gigh refinement cycle had completed. All prophecies and on top dead Terrain changes right out that today's mankind has reached the end of the appearance previous circumstances cycle. Up to the court 2011 the utmost earn Terrain and get through changes, earthquakes, extroverted and enthusiast changes take been predicted. This thrilling EP shows the prophecies of ELIA, the returned minister and his writing on the present days, Christ's return and the space Brotherhood

Milleniums take accepted... so the high culture of Atlantis sank with a collapse put aside power abuse of some besmirch scientists. All humans of that time, who exceedingly expert the rope into the dark age, are such as reincarnated today. The thrilling EP shows the return of the Atlantean light children and allows momentous insight into the segment of the lightworkers and brotherhoods of Atlantis. It shows why some souls reincarnate today and act as unripe protectionists, therapists, artists, esoterics etc. for the healing of the earth. Addresses exceedingly the Badge Brotherhood events--11:11, the damage earth, Shambhala and Agharta.

Reconstruction is Now love liebe truth wahrheit maya unknown et ufo 2012 dna extent galactic Impact Bewusstsein fifth extent God Jesus Christ paradise ovni cropcircles