Wednesday 2 January 2013

Integrity And Beyond 23

Integrity And Beyond 23
Greetings dear and precious reader.I just returned from a visit with my son. We had a really good time, played monopoly. I won of course.. He lives with a couple and there child. We went to Wal-mart and walked all over the place. My knees are going to pay for it now.. Bless John's heart, he is paying for me to go the doctor next week. I will be so glad for this pain will end soon. It's absolutely miserable, keeps me awake at night and hurts like the dickens. This week has been absolutely wonderful, with the exception of pain and no sleep. Total bliss and happiness..not to mention content. There is a man on Psychic Knight that was supposed to start his magic on me.. I'll be darned if we aren't half-way there! My dear Colleen is ecstatic to see her old dad come home. She is at my side every moment. Demanding loving and attention. I never stay at a place long when I go visit anybody.. I forgot to grab the Valentines candy I got for him, I was so disappointed. I was really aware of things on the long trip home. The stores, restaurants, homes..not to mention Lake Dallas.. The complexity and wonder of it all The midway point on my drive. The little Mazda Protege that I got almost a year ago has been a good little car.. I paid 999 and put about 800 into it. I have a while yet before I am really whole again. I have to start eating and sleeping well again. I have lost so very much weight. It's scary. I went and got me a subway sandwich this morning on the way on my trip. It was very tasty. I got a foot-long so I could have half for dinner. I am so tired and ready for bed, it will be 5 hours yet till bedtime. I hope I have a good nights sleep tonight. John, my son is going to get Internet service next week. I told him he would have to read my many many blogs. I would be truly lost without the Internet. It's a big part of my life. Yes, I am as happy as I know how to be today. Sitting here as I tend to do.. Gazing out my window..looking at the cow-pasture on a hill covered with pine trees, a beautiful site. Except where have the cows gone off too? No bulls, no cows. The farmer must have sold them all and he will replenish his stock soon. Now that I am home, I find myself bored. A good show comes on in about 45 minutes..America's funniest videos. Very funny show. Sunday is the day I really watch TV. There are 3 shows on that I really like on Sundays. But lately, more and more, I am finding myself mesmerized with the soap-operas. I used to be really addicted to them. I am surprised Marty hasn't called wanting to go to the casinos across the Red River. I can't afford it so I won't be going for awhile. At any rate.. Have a wonderful week! Stay blessed and stay strong and well. I will resume with the story now.4-2-097:40amI am coloring out of my "bible heroes" coloring book. I just have a few pages and it will be completed and I can start in my Aladdin" coloring book.. What can I say. I like to color. Well, it's a quarter till 9. We should be getting our breakfast at any time. I hope Cheri is my nurse today, I have had so many different ones, it's hard to keep track. Yes,'s going to be a wonderful day.I can hardly wait to get to my home. I'll be with my precious cat Colleen again. Though it will take 4or 5 days to warm back up to me. I called Chris last night and told her how mad I was at her because she never called me the ever since I have been in the hospital. She said she would be sure to contact me on Yahoo, Friday night. We will chat then. My home, my cat and my computer..what else can a person ask for. I really like my nurse today..she's precious. I can't recall her name though..geeze am I getting old LOL...not! Well it's that time, time for a cigarette or two. No, I decided to call Jodi and she was doing dishes at her home. She called me right back. I was going to ask her to bring my walker. But she said I wouldn't need it. That the staff would wheel me out in a wheelchair. Now, I'll go smoke.I can't wait to get home, the excitement keeps getting bigger and bigger. Jodi will be glad, she is so good to me.4-2-098:35amI don't know what I would done if she wasn't there to take care of my precious Colleen and my plants. I sure as hell am not going to let Kevin drive my car again. He could have a seizure at any time. It was Jodi came to the rescue, as she has done so many different times. I have my wool boot on, it's bulky and uncomfortable. Ok, outside I go. In 25 minutes I have to go to physical therapy, I hate going there. The therapist doesn't know what she is doing.. Only making you do simple exercises. Bless her heart..she tries really hard. She is afraid to let me walk. But when I showed her I could do it she became more comfortable. All I can think about is going back home. I may pack some of my belongings today. Do a little at a time. I will be all hyped up and ready to leave this place tomorrow. Shelly the other lady in therapy, asked me to go to the corner store and get her some cigarettes tomorrow when I leave. She is elderly and in a wheel-chair. I am sure Jodi wont mind. I would imagine Jodi is tired of me asking her to do this, do that! She has certainly been a trooper through all this. It has turned out to be a gorgeous day today. As soon as Rakisha takes me off my IV It will be time for a smoke and then Physical therapy.That's the tale for today my friends..I hope each of you are so very happy on this special day.. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.. I am alone today..oh well, I had my Valentines yesterday with my son. My father died 20 years ago on Valentines day. I gradually recovered from, that. The memory is still very fresh of my dear mom and best friend. It's been almost 2 years since they have passed on. I am sitting here at the computer listening to a old friends music from her page on Psychic Knight..a truly wonderful site. I have such dear friends there. They bless my life and give me the courage to go on.Have a wonderful day!Emerald Dragon
