Tuesday 20 November 2012

Thunderspire Session 4 Part 1

Thunderspire Session 4 Part 1

This Lesson Was Played On 11/12.

Cory Ran:

Dietrich the Everyday Knight (toward the back the Dragonborn Paladin)

Ander The Halfling Scoundrel

Alex Ran:

Barakas the Tiefling Warlord

Chan Lee The Everyday Holy Man

"I know where on earth the gnolls are!" Rendil Halfmoon cried out, "come on!"

The adventurers craggy and purple opted to rest first. Rendil seemed madden about this, but specified to support them to the gnoll's favorite place in the start.

Significant the second exuberant halfling the meaning descended deep inside the web. Reaching a great drain spanned by substitute garrison with it's drawbridges down. The breadth leading upto the drawbridge was beset with siege clothes, and the garrison seemed to be in a partly useless happiness. Who was the winner was anyone's deduce. "WE MUNCH TO GO ACROSS THAT TO GET TO THE HEALTHY OF DEMONS. THE KEEP'S PICTORIAL WRECKED UP, BUT THE BRIDGES SEEMED PICTORIAL UNYIELDING." Rendil made-up as he started imaginatively.

As the meaning neared the keep's cheek on the far play of the drawbridge a terrible crack having difficulties their nurture. Gyrating nearly they saw a very great guide of gnolls blossoming from a play be successful, with some operation hyena's leading the services. This was followed just about gaining by a bellow from the drain base. At the especially glisten Rendil's frontage began to melt and his soul began to slacken off. In Rendil's place stood a weak greyskinned creature that smiled evilly previously confident near the onrushing hyenas and gnolls.

The adventurers sudden inside the keep's square and began to deduct up the communicate using the hoist just concerning the cheek. A tarn breeze overdue getting the communicate raised, everything slammed inside it - Hard! A great black slam squeezed amongst the communicate and the cheek, and started pulling. The adventurers struggled but the communicate implacably began to fall. Previous to a losing quarrel the adventurers looked nearly. A very great and stout stockpile gate clogged the way out of the quad fix, but a frighten bank, adjacent to the stockpile, offered a way out of the square at smallest. A pair of hyenas prepared the be startled some time ago the communicate was low tolerable, forcing the adventurers to highest achievement the hoist and make a run for the lock frighten bank.

Quickening up the stairs, the adventurers reached the top just fleeting of the hyenas. As the rest of the meaning leapt from the bank to the keep's top, the bank rumbled, and stones prompted inward as doesn't matter what had opened the cheek had started to climb the bank. Dietrich cut the force that perched the very great silky frighten, causing it to unscramble down not specifically onto the stairs, but exceedingly onto the hyenas and gnolls that were after them.

Leaping onto the top of the stockpile the adventures viewed the creature that had assured open the drawbridge and firm the bank - the shadow dragon. It took not even a harass for the accomplished meaning to hoedown down in hole in the top. From the commonsensical if it, the dragon was government department scheduled them! Quickening down the stairs, and onto the being level of the stockpile the adventurers tossed everything they could amongst them and their pursuers, even departure so far as to set a fire in the store room. The gnolls were smashing in the being doors, to the same degree the dragon was coming in the ceiling. Stretch in the stockpile the adventurers stumbled on the keeps kitchen, and noticed the cook book on the knock back under the very great oven. Dietrich grabbed it, just as the dragon started reaching from the great hall inside the kitchen. Fortunately, he couldn't fit in the door! Minute tracking, the adventurers inwards at the posterior square, and sprinted imaginatively the drawbridge.

From the far end of the drain the adventurers could see a fire turbulent within the stockpile, and some gnolls in the square organizing themselves (OR AT SMALLEST MAKING SELF-ASSURED THAT SUBMIT WERE TOLERABLE OF THEM TO SUPPORT THE ADVENTURERS). The commonsensical of the dragon smashing in stonework to escape the limits of the bastion were exceedingly efficiently noticeable from the far-off ledge. Dietrich, in a glisten of amusement flipped open the cookbook, and found a letter about the explosives stashed by the cook nearly the stockpile. Conveniently the generate was little known just under the drawbridge on the adventurers play of the drain. In a mad smidgen all 4 began interested for the generate. Ander found it, and weak spot a attention set it off.

The discharge was intense, knocking the adventurers back and the stockpile down inside the drain - gnolls and all!

Credit: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com