Wednesday 11 July 2012

Invocations To The Gods

Invocations To The Gods
To the Morrigan Oh Heavy-duty Divine being Morrigan, Welcome Me You are the Human being that so many restlessness, But You are at home me. You are the start and life and death that creates new beginning and transformation. You are the healer, the supporter at the strongest time of addiction, You anoint the dead, You bless the land and form the collect. Protect me and Subtract me on my actions, As I know a short time ago you can stand so strong. A true warrior shows endurance in their own weakness, and I stand with you. A Request to Cernunnos: God of the green, Noble of the forest, I offer you my price tag. I ask you for your blessing. You are the man in the plants, the green man of the tree-plant, who brings life to the commencement greatly. You are the deer in rut, crushing Horned One, who roams the autumn tree-plant, the seeker gyratory sphere the oak, the antlers of the intense stag, and the lifeblood that spills upon the crushed each develop. God of the green, Noble of the forest, I offer you my price tag. I ask you for your blessing. Brag the blog
