Friday 20 January 2012

Spell To Banish Negative Energy From A House

Spell To Banish Negative Energy From A House
The moon is waning,and as you might know,this is a good time

for doing anti negativity spells,and spells that banish bad luck.

With that said,on to witchies spell,lol............

Take four black candles and put them at each of the cardinal points of your house. Next to each candle put a piece of onyx or lodestone or a piece of magnetized iron. Light the four candles and see them sucking up all the negative energy in the house and channeling it back into the earth through the stones.

Next take a stick of incense (frankincense or sandalwood is best) and draw a banishing pentagram of Earth at each window, wall, door and corner of your house. (To draw a banishing pentagram of Earth: start at lower left then up to top then down to right then across to upper left point and back to upper right point and finish at lower left point.) Visualize the negative energy being pushed beyond the pentagram and locked outside as you complete it.

After the candles have burned a bit and you feel that the have absorbed the negative energies bury them outside around the house (in the four directions). Leave the stones where they are, and visualize them as a spiritual electric fence that keeps the negative energy or pesky spirits from coming back in.

Bright Blessings

aka The Good Witch
