Who Invented Wicca?
Gerald Gardner formed the wiccan tradition, but he didn't invent it. Wicca is basically a religion taken from the ancient traditions that the Celts and Druids practised. Gerald Gardner however gets the credit for forming these traditions into one religion (wicca) because though the traditions have been carried on since ancient times (usually in secret) nobody had ever really tried to connect all the different traditions practised by the Druids and Celts into one solid religion. The outcome of his work in bringing the traditions together, also allowed the resulting religion to become a mainstream religion. Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions today.
The Origins of Wicca
Wicca originated from the Celtic and Druid traditions. We call it the Druid and Celtic traditions because although they both practised traditions the rituals would often be separated in the deities that they worshipped and the ways that they worshiped.
In many Celtic and Druid traditions the female was superior and because of this the Goddess was worshipped as a main deity. In other traditions the male and female where equal and they thus worshipped both deities equally. And, in still other traditions they the Male was seen as superior and so the God was worshipped as the main deity.
What Effect Does This Have on Wiccan Spells
Because, wicca comes from the more nature-based traditions of the Celtic and Druid beliefs, wiccan spells will often rely upon natural items as focuses or tools in their spells and rituals.
The Natural items prevalent in wiccan spells are herbs, different types of wood, and stones. These things all held spiritual significance in the lives of early Celtic and Druid people.