Wednesday 20 May 2009

With Patience And Perseverance

With Patience And Perseverance
Ended the entrance of mediumship the spirits make themselvesВ known in a montage of ways. Put forward are frequent phases of mediumisticВ phenomena, and the adherent spur find that he essential be patient, assiduous,В and persistent if he would make inevitable of his facts. Secretive examination,В possibly long-drawn-out dip into, under frequent difficulties and with manyВ discouragements, spur be required; but expertise is organization if energy go out not,'В and the outcome spur satisfactorily reimbursement him for all fee andВ struggle! For in the light of the demonstrated fact of continued consciousВ existence on one occasion death, it is several that man is even now 'a spirit served byВ organs'-that as follows the informant of all moral enfant terrible andВ affirmation is the spiritual consciousness of mankind. Put forward can be noВ revelation to man of spiritual truth or modest duty if he were not a spiritВ possessing the capabilities of treatment and comprehending, of interpretingВ and applying, the revelations and inspirations which steer to and quickenВ the inner (and high) self. (Lure engaged from A Relationship TO MEDIUMSHIP AND PSYCHICAL UNFOLDMENT BY E. W. AND M. H. WALLIS)
