Sunday 10 May 2009

Tarot By Witch And Wizard Mag

Tarot By Witch And Wizard Mag
Bonding with and / or cleansing your deck.

(Some Tarotists recommend that you perform a ritual to prepare a new deck for personal use, to bond the deck to you, and to infuse and empower it with your unique energy. You might also want to cleanse your deck after readings. If the deck was used by another, you might want to do one (to several) of the rituals listed below so that the energies of the person who owned the deck before you, leave the deck and your own energies take over.

Some people feel that with a brand new deck, just taking it out of its original container and working with the deck is enough, but if you feel you need to do something more, here are some suggestions.

- Keep your deck close to you at night. You could sleep with it under your pillow for a time which allows your archetypal dream energies to blend into the deck. You can also merely leave the deck next to you on your night stand. Keeping your deck in the bedroom wile you sleep at night, even after initial bonding, helps to maintain the connective energies.

- Spread the cards out and leave them in the sunshine for several hours. Sunshine is an excellent and natural cleansing element.

- Put a cleansed quartz crystal on top of your deck and leave for a time.

- Wave your hand over the deck and envision that your energies are wiping away any left over or negative energies from the deck. Wave your hand over the deck again to put your own positive energies into the deck. You can envision a white loving light moving from your hand into the deck as you pass over it.

- Arrange the deck in its original order. Major Arcana Fool (0) to The World (21) and then do the Minors and court cards in their suits in order beginning with the Aces and ending with the Kings.

- Take each card and pass it through incense smoke to cleanse, then blow on the card to infuse it with your energy.

- On a full moon night, leave your deck on a window sill where the moon beams can touch it

Quack doctor tarot

Dr. Roberts who made the 'Poor Man's Friend' had a very dubious background with an honorary degree awarded to him from Edinburgh University although he'd never attended it (but probably made a substantial donation to the university to gain his doctorate).

We have a tendency to view people with titles as professional and assume they have our best interests in mind. Most do, but there are definitely some professionals who will be more attuned to your needs than others. If you need the services of a professional (lawyer, doctor, accountant etc) use this spread to gain intuitive insight on whether he or she is the right person to work with you.

Card 1 - Does he or she have the appropriate qualifications to help me in this situation?

Card 2 - Does he or she have the appropriate experience to assist me?

Card 3 - How will he or she handle my situation?

Care 4 - What is the likely outcome for me if I choose to hire this professional

Confide or keep it to yourself tarot

If you've got a Tarot deck handy then you can use it to help decide whether it's

best to keep things to yourself or confide.

Card 1 - How will the person I want to confide in respond to the news?

Card 2 - What will be the likely outcome be if I choose to confide in this


Card 3 - If I keep the news to myself then what's the likely outcome?

Spirits advice

Before you follow the advice of any spirit it's important to know all the ramifications. After all it's you who will pick up the Karmic tag for whatever happens. Use this spread to see the whole picture.

Card 1- What will be the immediate result of following the advice?

Card 2- will it hurt anyone in any way in the present if I do as the spirit asks? In most cases the answer will be oeyes. When one person gains somebody else will usually lose (this is the law of balance). The importance of this card is in interpreting what type of hurt will be done if any. Once you know this you must decide based on your own ethos whether it's good to follow the advice.

Card 3- What will be the long-term results of following the advice?

Card 4- Will it hurt anyone in any way in the future?- Read the note on card 2 A strong desire At least once in everyone's life a desire sets in so strongly that they'd be willing to do absolutely anything to obtain it. But this kind of devil take all attitude can end up wreaking havoc on all involved. Before taking action, have enough sanity to use this powerful little spread. Perhaps when you see the fallout of your will you'll see your desire was more fantasy than reality and you'll let it go.

Card 1 Glaucus - Something you want so bad you'd be willing to bring in a risky element to obtain it. (If you know what it is already place a card which depicts it rather than drawing one)

Card 2 Circe - The necessary potentially dangerous element that can get you what you want.

Card 3 Scylla - What obtaining your desire will bring into existence

Relief tarot

Nothing causes us greater distress in life than beliefs which no longer work for our betterment. To be really happy we must shed all those outdated and useless beliefs and fill their voids with new positive ones. Use this spread to bring those negative beliefs to the surface so they can be dealt with and you can find relief.

Card 1- I'm so hungry I'd eat garbage!- This card will point out a belief someone has fed you which is harmful to you.

Card 2- Give me that!- This card will reveal a belief you've taken from someone else which is harmful to you.

Card 3- What's that smell?- This card will reveal a belief you've picked up from day to day living that's harmful to you.

When you feel even the Gods are against you

In an attempt to stop 2 dwarf brothers from completing weapons for the gods, Loki turned into a gadfly and stung one of them mercilessly in the nose. The dwarf proved to be a bulwark of perseverance and Loki was only able to irritate him enough so the hammer he was smithing came out a bit short. The hammer was Miolner. This of course became Thor's prized possession.

In life there are times where it seems the gods themselves are against us. Use this Tarot spread to encourage you when you feel the paranoia set in.

Card 1- This is my intended goal- (Sift your Tarot deck and find a card which is the most like the action you were performing before the stress set in and lay it in front of you.)

Card 2- Ouch! That hurt!- This card will clarify what the root of the feeling is as opposed to what it appears to be.

Card 3- Now the handle is too short!- This card will show what affect this person or event will have on you in the worst case scenario.

Card 4- The thunder god was pleased- This card will reveal how you can turn the situation around and make the situation end in a pleasing manner.
Catching your unicorn According to legends, Unicorns are notoriously hard to catch. Sometimes people are like that in our own lives too - you just can't seem to make contact or feel a connection however hard you try. This spread can give you gentle guidance on how to best approach that person and how they might be more receptive to you. There is that old saying 'if at first you don't succeed, try and try again' but I would suggest doing this spread no more than 3 times for a particular person in the space of a year. First, because even if your best attempts to befriend or understand the individual have failed 3 times then it's the Universe's way of letting you know it's not mean to be. Second, doing this spread repeatedly could be mistaken as stalking which is both wrong and a bit illegal ;-)

Take your Tarot deck and separate the majors, minors and court cards. You'll use a card from each of these stacks.


Draw a card from the court cards. This is the persona which would most attract your 'unicorn'.


Draw a card from the minor arcana. Use this card to gain knowledge of the type of conversation that would appeal and would ease the other person into feeling comfortable in your presence.


Draw a card from the major arcana. This card gives you some indication on the setting or location that would best suit a meeting.

Count your Blessings Tarot

Use this Tarot spread to contemplate on the many blessings you have in your life.

Draw one card for each area below then write on a piece of paper the number of blessing you have in your life for that particular area based on the number of the tarot card drawn. For example, if you draw a '5 of cups' for health then write down 5 things. Use the numbering system on the major arcana and treat the court cards as Page=11, Knight=12, Queen=13 and King=14.

Health - what makes you grateful for your body.

Wealth - what you material things you are grateful for in your life.

Happiness - what makes you happy

Needed Peace Tarot

When you were reading the lore did you note the Tan-Tak-Kle-Ah wouldn't have been able to deceive the Indian tribes had they not been at war? Evil can only thrive where love and peace don't. Use today's spread in situations where peace is needed.

Card 1- The escaped brave- What can I use from my past experiences to bring peace to this situation?

Card 2- Five sisters in a cave- What is a hidden truth about the situation I must know in order to bring peace to it?

Card 3- The one who wasn't paying attention- What should my focus be in order to bring peace to this situation?

Taking Charge Mr. President Tarot Spread

He might let ghosts sneak in under the radar but the President has to be focused,

determined and confident if he's to be a competent leader. If you want to harness some of these leadership qualities do this easy Tarot spread.

Card 1 - Focus

This card shows what you can focus on to enhance your personal development.

Card 2 - Determination

This card shows an area where you could apply more determination to get better results.

Card 3 - Confidence

Use this card to understand where you could use more confidence in your life.

Animal energy tarot

For this simple Tarot Spread use an animal themed deck. There are some great ones about (including the fab Shapeshifter Tarot by DJ Conway) and I've put a few suggestions at the end.

Card 1 - What animal spirit/energy would benefit my mind?

Card 2 - What animal spirit/energy would benefit my body?

Card 3 - What animal spirit/energy would benefit my soul?

Clearing the way

So many times as we go through life we find ourselves being the target of anther person's vengeance. In most cases we don't even know what we have done to offend, yet they'll continue to lash our mercilessly even as we try to explain. The effects of these unjust attacks are often long range damaging our psyches and limiting our growth in some manner.

This spread can help you find the person or event that's stopping you from being all you can and show you what you can do to remove the dark stain and go on with your life.

1- HERA WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?- This card will show you the person or event causing you to feel unbalanced.

2- WHAT HAVE I BECOME?- This card will show you the negative ways you're thinking and how those negative thoughts are coming out in your actions towards yourself and others.

3- I DESERVE REDEMPTION!- This card will suggest the best actions you can take to get back on track.

Magpie tarot

This spread is based on the magpie rhyme. It's great for a general reading.

Card 1 For Sorrow - How you can leave sadness behind.

Card 2 For Joy - How you can gain more joy in your life.

Card 3 For A Girl - A female in your life who could use extra attention right now.

Card 4 For A Boy - A male in your life who could benefit from some extra attention.

Card 5 For Silver - How you can boost your life by using your intuition.

Card 6 For Gold - How you can gain more financial abundance.

Card 7 For A Secret Never To Be Told - Something you should watch out for!

Tarot Spread - Finding Your Muse

If you need some inspiration and don't know where to turn get out your tarot deck!

Card 1 - Who can help me feel inspired? If you draw a court card then it's another person - all other cards are asking you to look at an aspect of your own personality.

Card 2 - Which physical locations can bring inspiration to me? Use the images on the cards to give you clues of locations which will inspire you and get your creative juices flowing.

Card 3 - What else do I need to know in order to feel inspired?

Something to think about

" Everybody is gifted; it's just that some people never open the package."

Survivor Spread

There are some days where nothing ever seems to go right. You're late for work, the dog chews your shoes, dinner gets burnt - you know what it's like. When you've had 'one of those days' take a few minutes to reflect and see if there's anything you might be able to learn or whether you just need to put it down to experience!

POSITION 1 - WHY ME? This card shows any personal reasons why you had such a crummy day.

POSITION 2 - JUST WHY?- This card is the bigger picture. Look out for any majors coming up in this position because that will give you an indication of astrological factors.

POSITION 3 - THE LESSON - This card indicates any lessons you can learn from today

Fairy dust spread

It's said that once you befriend the Fey and they sprinkle you with fairy dust that you can't help but to change. Magick will become the norm, and there will be little satisfaction in the things that you once found so important. Strangely, no two humans are transformed in exactly the same manner. Yet, you'll always recognise one who has been consorting with fairies by the smiles on their faces and the twinkle in their eyes. If you wish to become one of these jolly souls that make the world a better place by their sheer existence step right up and allow the Fairy Dust spread to transform you.

* Where you are now (choose a card from the deck that symbolises where you are in life that has caused you to seek transformation).

* What you shall become or gain once you have been fairy dusted

* How your mind must change in order to embrace the transformation.

* A physical action you must take to support the transformation

Death and survivor spread

There are times when it seems all joy has been taken from us. And though we try, we can't seem to grasp the reason for our sadness and lack of motivation. When this occurs it's important to seek the depths of our souls for both the reasoning and the way out. Use this spread in these times to return from the dead and back into the world of the living. THE MERMAIDS SONG - this card shows what is distracting you from doing what you ought be.

THE EMBRACE OF DEATH- this card let's you know what is choking the excitement out of your life.

THE UNDERSEA VAULT- this card will call attention to the pattern that stops you from rising above the disappointment and despair that has taken you.

SHIPWRECKED BUT ALIVE- This card will reveal an action that will put you back on the path of health.

want me to scream spread At some point even those closest to you can leave you feeling frustrated and at boiling point. Instead of screaming at them pull out your Tarot deck, take a few deep breaths and find out what you can about the situation. CARD 1 - What is causing me to feel so angry?

CARD 2 - How can I best diffuse my feelings?

CARD 3 - What can I learn from this frustration?

The perfect house

Before you can have the perfect house, you must be willing to commit to keeping the spirit of your house healthy. Like in all areas of life, words of commitment are easily spoken. Use this spread to take a look inside of yourself and see if you're truly committed to making your house a sanctuary.

* This is where my commitment is at the time- each card over until a numbered card comes up.
* What can I do to boost my commitment.
* This is who will help me to succeed.
* This is what will motivate me to keep my commitments
