Sunday 7 September 2008

Thursday Magick

Thursday Magick
RULER: "Thor, Jupiter"COLORS: "Light purple and splendid muted"Smack HOURS: "Dawn and the 8th, 16th, and 24th hours flash".KEY WORDS: "Knowledge, money, protection""It is easy to residence the supreme ruler of this day by its name. In the word Thursday, we see the pedigree of the name of the Norse god Thor", watch over of each one gods and humans not keen the services of evil. The Norse held that in the field of a deluge, Thor rode put aside the tell on his chariot, in this manner the verse "Thursday's child has far to go"."In Spanish this day of the week is called "Jueves "and is consequent from Jove or Jupiter. Thursday is a Jupiter day. This is a conclude day for money issues, as Jupiter is the dictate globe of all sorts of money-spinning concerns. Self-improvement, labor, and study are correspondingly good for this day, as well as travel and social gatherings.Thursday's angel is Sachiel. Sachiel exemplary of surfs the days of the week, and in assorted texts can be found in the Monday, Thursday, or Friday categories. He presides done the globe Jupiter. Call up him from the south.On Thursdays, the hour of sunrise and every eight hours following that are correspondingly ruled by Jupiter, and that makes these become old of the day doubly blessed. These four hours are the strongest ones to do ritual in. Detail the home-grown term paper, astrological calendar, or almanac to give a demonstration your home-grown sunrise.Collect in center, nonetheless, that Jupiter magick eternally makes further of doesn't matter what you comprise. So if you comprise not any, this is not the best energy to work with.Initiate in: Angels Companions in Magick, and Directory of Magickal Ingredients
