Sunday 21 September 2008

Month Of Nekhbet Mother Mut

Month Of Nekhbet Mother Mut
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology a particular neteru from the Egyptian pantheon has stepped forward to claim an association with the signs and planets that form the symbolic basis of western astrology. The earth sign Virgo, August 22 - September 22, is associated with Nekbet Mother Mut.

Nekhbet Mother Mut is the grandmother of the shamanic Egyptian pantheon. Her origins lie in pre-dynastic times and she is associated with the crone aspect of the Great Goddess. Nekhbet was most often portrayed as a vulture. Her image adorns the entry to many of the temples in Egypt and she stands as the guardian of the mysteries. Nekhbet and Wadjet were known as the "Two Ladies" of ancient Egypt. Together they represented the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt and were considered to be protectors of the pharoah. Nekhbet Mother Mut is the Wisdom Keeper, the elder grandmother who loves us deeply and will not let us forget our higher calling. She is the guide to our Soul Purpose and she demands nothing less than our very best.

Highlights for the Month

The month of Nekhbet Mother Mut brings the third of four exact oppositions between Sobek (Saturn) and Wadjet (Uranus) on September 15. Sobek - the Old King - and Wadjet - the Great Awakener - have been in a powerful dance with one another for almost a year. Together they form a portal into a new level of planetary consciousness. The old way no longer serves us - the evidence of this fact is all around us. Wadjet has come forth to convince the Old King that it is time for new energy to be born upon our planet. Sobek is stubborn, he does not want to give up his power, but there is no choice. Wadjet, the cobra-headed goddess representing new life force energy, will not be denied. We stand now in the middle of this process. The passage through this portal is long and will not be complete until the spring of 2010.

Nekhbet is closely associated with Thoth, the symbol of illumination and inspired communion with the divine. Thoth is powerful during this month of Nekhbet and issues around communication will be at the forefront. It is important that we all pay attention to how we express ourselves this month. We may find that it is necessary to set boundaries with friends, family or associates. Strive to do so with conscious awareness - firmly, yet not with excessive anger.

The most powerful times of this month will be from August 25 through September 5, as Thoth (Mercury) and Set (Mars) move through a challenging square to one another. Thoth will be retrograde from September 7 through September 29, emphasizing issues around communication and providing an excellent opportunity to go within and explore our inner landscape. The exact opposition between Sobek and Wadjet, third in a series of four, will take place on September 15.

To add to the mix, Osiris, the Egyptian god of regeneration, death and rebirth turns direct on September 11, the eighth anniversary of the attacks on the United States.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 7: Free Phone Bridge - "Nekhbet - Hearing the Call to Our Soul Purpose" - 8 pm EDT.

Call 218-862-7200, Conference Code 869006. Long distance charges may apply.

Friday evening & Saturday, November 13 & 14 - "The Magic of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology" at Isis Cove, North Carolina. Join Ruby as we explore the Shamanic Egyptian Astrological archetypes within your own chart. Form a personal relationship with the Egyptian neteru who most wish to guide and inspire your life.

For more information and/or to register, contact Ruby at 828-586-1810 or email

Ruby is available for all types of readings: natal, relationship, transit, location, progressed and right timing of events. She is also available for talks and presentations. Contact her at 828-586-1810 or email