Friday 2 May 2014

Mental Body Liteviche Sebadolmoon Sphere Principle

Mental Body Liteviche Sebadolmoon Sphere Principle
Liteviche- Sebadola.

I took a shower cleansing all psychic and corporeal influences that would cause any negative influence on the ritual. I dressed and lit my oil lamp charging the light with energy in order to manifest the spirit to a greater degree. I then got into my meditative position using my anchor to enter a trance. I brought my awareness into all three bodies, mental, astral and physical. This is done in order to be effective magically on all three planes. I used the cosmic letters Sch-A-M-"O and meditated as I did so on the four divine virtues and the final letter alchemically transforming my consciousness. I then loaded my mirror with the light vibration of the Moon, which is silver. This fills the room with the light on the mental and astral plane. I load this light with the intention to manifest the spirit. I draw the sigil of Liteviche as Bardon shows, this is done in a silver light and using my three bodies to make it effective on all planes. I use the cosmic letters of his name in the akasha: L-I-T, in the mental: E- W (which has a v sound in German) on the astral plane I load the atmosphere with I and C and then load my magic mirror with H & E. (I did not use the Ch but instead the C- H- E as I thought that the effects of these letters made more sense in comparison to Liteviche's described powers.) I then use the divine aspect of omniconsciousness and enter the Moon sphere. I call out to Liteviche on the mental plane silently, on the astral plane in a whisper and finally on the physical plane vibrating it into the room. Liteviche manifests slowly as a dark cloud shifting and swirling and finally taking form after a minute or so. He greets me and I welcome him and state my intention for evoking him. He agrees, and we begin.

J= Bardon gives the name of Liteviche, however some believe your name is the same as the station you hold. Can you tell me which is correct?

L=My original name is Sebadola. Bardon attempted to speak on our innate qualities and powers. My oldest name is Sebadola. My qualities are reflected in Bardon's name for me. I will come and respect either name. This is the same for all of the Moon sphere spirits.

J= Bardon says that you can grant formulas to calm storms, annihilate armies and win wars. Is this truly possible?

L=Of course, you know this is so. Man has forgotten the old magic. We have through Divine Providences orders veiled the mysteries so they do not escape as they did in the past. Societies have been extinguished due to these keys being abused.

J= What makes a magician highly ethical?

L= If they are honest with their inner truth. You fear these keys and already you have the spark of faith in what I can do. I would give you these keys because of this, but you already know you will not take them. That is why I will follow you and your work. I will work your need if the time strikes. You will never require the need to know these keys.

J=Help me understand lawfulness in using these formulas.

L=If the magus has a mission that requires such force then Divine Providence releases these keys, and they can be practiced without fear. Providence watches and allows them when it is needed.

I thank Liteviche and ask if I may meditate with him. His outer aura has a hexagonal shape but it is like a dark cloud. His inner aura is a swirling five pointed blade spinning in the darkness in a counter clockwise direction. I thank him again and he adds some things about my current development before I release him. I then return him to his sphere and banish the energy built up in the room back into the Moon sphere. I then cleanse the room with my banishing method. Liteviche is a very interesting spirit. He is dark and foreboding and had a strange way of speaking in orbits around the subject as you may have noticed. I would try and persuade anyone who is not totally aware of their inner nature and who does not truly know themselves to not evoke this spirit until that time.

Here is the image of Liteviche/Sebadola:

We now move on to the sphere of Mercury which has a connection to the mental body and to the gaseous state in our physical world. There is also a couple of things I would like to write on that I failed to mention before. The Moon sphere controls liquid states on our physical. Also Bardon did not have a traditional tree of life model. He had an onion ring sort of view of the universe. He saw the physical world at the center and each sphere higher as a ring surrounding the previous. I personally, through experience and visions shown to me, disagree. I think that the divine is at the very center and the spheres after have a greater density with our physical world as the outside ring. Finally, when I said the astral body cannot go beyond the Earth Zone that is not to say that one cannot travel to the outer reaches of the universe or jump from asteroid to asteroid on the Kuiper belt near the outer rim of our solar system. One should not confuse the sphere named the Moon sphere with the astral equivalent of the Moon. These are two different things. One can travel to the moon astrally and enjoy the view. One cannot travel outside the Earth Zone astrally. The Earth Zone is the astral equivalent of the physical plane. Hope that takes care of any confusion that may have cropped up.