Friday 26 October 2012

Monday Mamba Week 2

Monday Mamba Week 2
Wow, what a weekend! I spent a majority of Friday and Saturday cleaning the main floor of the house for ritual, and the spare room in case anyone stayed over after ritual!

I managed to REALLY hurt my back in the meantime, but didn't realize it until Sunday. Ugh! Still in pain, and taking a LOT of Naproxin and getting The Man to massage my back.

Let's talk a little about Samhain, then, shall we?

Awesome ritual! Not to toot my own horn but, despite the fact that there was a lot of singing-chants in it (that everyone hated that part) it went sooooo well! I followed the ADF STYLE of ritual to a tee, and it took forever to write, a lot of research, and picking out chants. I was breathless after writing it!

Luckily everyone loved the ritual! I'll have photos up of the altar soon (as well as the Ancestors Altar I put up), and also the ritual on the RITUALS AND WITCHERY page. Not to mention the references I used, and links to all the chants (there were 9 of them).

There was a fantastic feast afterwards! I made two pork tenderloins (one rosemary and one honey mustard) wrapped in prosciutto (pork wrapped in pork, can't go wrong!). We also had a roast chicken, two kinds of squash, colcannon, salad, marinated goat cheese, crusty bread with flavoured butters, not to mention mead, various soft drinks and teas, and chips (Doritos and Kettle Chips....yum!).

The night ended late for me, and I was up early on Sunday. The Man and I hoped to go do something, but he was hung over (he was drinking CHIMAY all night). So we spent the whole day watching BATTLESTAR GALACTICA on DVD, and I made cookies with peanut butter chips for a snack last night.