Thursday, 15 March 2012

Religion Belief Southwestern Archaeology Inc

Religion Belief Southwestern Archaeology Inc
Southwestern Archaeology, Inc. (SWA)
Southwestern Archaeology Special Interest Group (SASIG)

"Got CALICHE?" Newsletter
Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of the Greater Southwest!

Tuesday January 02, 2001

ANASAZI AD1 to AD1300 must have been violent and scary. The archaeological record is full of unmistakable evidence of "badly treated bodies. Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest" concludes that early warfare was purposeful, organized and deadly. The period AD 900-1150, called the "Pax Chaco," was peace with a twist: wide-scale cannibalism, possibly ritual human sacrifice as a method of social control. Then Chaco collapsed around 1180, and warfare became most intense in the 1200s.

MEXICA w/58671.htm Communities in the United States are fighting to resurrect their Indian history and heritage amid a society that labels them Hispanic or Latino. They are brown, speak Spanish, primarily Catholic, and trace their heritage to ancient civilizations of Mexico and Central America before the Spanish conquest. The Mexica Movement is gaining strength as Mexican and Central American Indians seek to reclaim their past as part of a cultural reawakening.

MORMONS Most of the most interesting books out of and about the Mountain West in 2000 depict a world filled with harsh and unpleasant realities. "Mormon America: The Power and the Promise" comes close to calling Joseph Smith a liar, and sees no convincing historical evidence for the Book of Mormon.

TWO SPIRITS w/58622.htm Many tribes recognize three genders: male, female and Two Spirits. Two Spirits usually had responsibilities, such as christening babies, treating women for infertility with religious rituals and conducting funeral rituals. Sometimes, they were looked upon as healers.

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Southwestern Archaeology, Inc. (SWA) - A 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation dedicated to electronic potlatch and digital totemic increase rites that focus and multiply historic preservation activities in the Greater Southwest. Our goal is to create and promote the diverse micro-environments in which archaeologists can develop their talents and take the risks from which innovation and productivity arise.