Monday 24 May 2010


Over the course of the 3 years that I have been pagan, I have had some very interesting things to me, both in dreams and in reality. I have tried to keep a journal of these and thought I would share it with you. Unfortunately I forgot to record the dates on some of them. Let me know your thoughts about them.


DEC 15, 08

I woke up early this morning, about a half an hour before the alarm would go off to tell me it was time to get ready for work. I could not get back to sleep so I decided to meditate. As I was meditating, this vision came to me.

I was standing in a forest in front of a mound. Somehow I knew it was a faerie mound, so I walked around it seven times deisel. On the seventh time, a door appeared in the side of the mound. I knocked on it three times and the door vanished to reveal a stairway leading down into the mound.

The details become hazy at this point. I recall meeting someone who called himself Aceros. I dont know if he said or if I just somehow sensed it, but I think he was the king of faerie.

Anyway, he revealed to me a black velvet cloth, black as night. On the cloth were three runes or symbols in silver. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make those symbols stick in my memory so that I could reproduce them when I woke up. The letters or symbols seemed to crawl like ants around the cloth, dispersing the symbol everytime I tried to focus on them. Then I woke up.

If any words were spoken in the vision/dream, I don't remember them.

Anyway, that's all I remember. Thoughts? Opinions?

DEC 22, 2007

Have you actually encountered the Horned Lord on some level? If so, I'd love to hear about it! Personally, I've had 2 encounters. Here are descriptions of them:


I live in a small town in southwestern Virigina. I recently moved into a new house, but I used to live in an apartment building. Behind the apartment building is a small copse of trees. There is a house on the other side of it, and I believe the woman who lives there owns it, because I often saw her mowing paths through the undergrowth.

Well, ever since moving into that apartment, I had felt drawn to that little grove. One night, at dusk, I convinced my partner to go with me for a short exploratory walk. It felt so good and right to be there. I felt at peace. I placed my hands on several trees and it felt good.

My partner decided to go back to the apartment, but I asked if he would mind if I stayed and meditated for a few minutes. He didn't mind and went back to the apartment. I felt a strong presence in that copse, so I did a short spontaeous ritual. I raised my hands to the sky and said, "In this season between seasons, in this time between times, in this place between places, I call and summon thee, Lord Cernunnos, Herne, Hu Gadarn, Pan, Sylvanus, Pashupati, Green Man, Horned Lord, Great Stag o' the Wood. Reveal your face to me."

I stood silent like that for a moment, and then I heard it. I heard 5 distinct footsteps in the leaves. It did not sound like wind or an animal or anything like that. It sounded like a person walking through the leaves. I looked around but never caught sight of the sounds' source


It is raining outside. My lover and I are in bed making love. I close my eyes and do a hit of poppers. When I open my eyes, to my utter amazement, my lover has antlers! The rain becomes a thunderstorm. All the while, this vision persists. I cannot take my eyes off his antlers. When he climaxes, I close my eyes. He rests his head on my chest to catch his breath. When I open my eyes again, the antlers are gone.

It was one of the most intense and passionate love-making sessions that I have ever had. I felt no fear throughout, only a sense of awe. It seemed perfectly natural for him to have antlers!

Well.... your thoughts? Opinions?

CROWS MAR 10, 09

Today my partner had to do some work on a house about 45 miles from where we live. We took Insterstate 81. On the way back home, I happened to look at the median, where i saw a single tree. Around the tree in a perfect diamond shape were 4 crows, one in each of the 4 cardinal directions. As I looked, the crow in the eastern postion began to walk away from the others in an eastern direction. 10 miles down the road, I looked at the southern sky, and once again to my surprise I saw 4 crows flying in a perfect diamond pattern. And once again as I watched, the eastern crow left the others and flew off toward the east.

Curious, no? My inner voice screamed at me that this means something. Any ideas?

Oh, forgot to mention that crow is one of my totems.

How I Found My Totems

Nov 2007

Here is how I found my totem animals. This happened in November 2007.


I am in bed. Having centered and grounded, I am preparing to go to sleep. As I begin to drift off, I find my thoughts turning toward totem animals, a topic I had been reading about earlier. I decide that at some point in the future I want to try to call my totem. That is when it begins.

I am in the heart of a forest. I am sitting naked, legs crossed, at the base of a huge tree. (I'm not sure what kind of tree it was, but I think it was an oak.) I am preparing to send out a call for my totem animal, to have it reveal itself to me. Before I can speak the words, a HUGE crow swoops in and lands just a few yards away. It stares at me intently from bright amber eyes. Moments later a beautiful gray wolf steps out of the trees and sits beside the crow, looking at me with bright blue eyes. The two are equal in size. Then I awaken.

I am not sure if what I saw was a vision or a dream, and I'm not realy sure that it matters. All I know is that it felt incredibly real, despite the fact that it was completely silent. Neither animal made a sound. I felt no fear in their presence, nor did I feel threatened by them in any way. In fact, I was awed and humbled.

Thoughts? Opinions?

CROWS DEC 29 2007

Stange things have been going on here.... Anyone know anything about omens and portents in the natural world? Here's what I've seen...

The other night as I was going to bed - around 2:00 am - I heard a crow cawing outside my bedroom window. My bedroom is on the second floor of my apartment and there is a tree right outside my window. I thought that strange, but went on to bed. When I woke up the next morning and was making up my bed, I heard it again. I opened up the curtains and found 7 of them in the tree - all looking directly at me! As I watched (amazed I might add), 3 flew off together and landed in a tree across the road. A few moments later one flew off by itself and landed in road and began eating something there. Finally the other 3 flew off together and landed in another tree. Strange, no?

Then a day or two later, I was riding down the road with my partner. In a small grove off to my right, I saw 5 crows in a tree. As soon as we came eve with the tree they were in, all 5 flew off in different directions.

I might add that I recently discovered that Crow might be one of my totem animals


I just got out of the hospital today. Went in Sunday night because an ingrown hair on my neck got infected, then got a staph infection in it. It swelled up very badly and the doctor was afraid the infection might get into my glands. I'm feeling better now, but something strange happened while I was in the hospital.

At bedtime, I was lying in bed trying to get centered and grounded before going to sleep. I closed my eyes and started looking for my center. (The first time I ever actually saw my center was amazing. I had just got started on the path. On my very first attempt I saw it. It was right behind my eyes. It looks like blue green shimmering water, like when someone underwater opens their eyes and looks up at the sun.) I seemed to be having a really difficult time finding it. Don't know if it was the pain medication, the stress of being in the hospital or what, but I just could not seem to visualize it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an eye opened and was staring back at me! It startled me so badly that I was unable to relax enough to try again.

Any idea what this was? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

On a side note, I got several thoughts on this vision. Some suggested that it was the eye of Horus, but since I have never had any interest in the Egyptian pantheon, I discounted that one. On the other hand, someone suggested that I had seen the opening of my 3rd eye. Sounds good to me!