Friday 13 February 2009

Golden Dawn Community Invokes Magic To Help Haiti

Golden Dawn Community Invokes Magic To Help Haiti
Frater and Sorors, and friends of the Golden Dawn,

Our Order and most other G.D. Orders that I am familiar with have always maintained that working to improve the self iMPROVES THE WORLD, and working to improve our world IMPROVES THE SELF. It is a simple belief that finds root in various mystery schools and in a variety of modern day mystics, which include, McGregor Mathers who drove an ambulance during WWI. He was concerned about the wounded, that they were not getting the care they deserved. He gave of his time and his magic. WORD HAS IT THAT HE WAS ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN HEALING THE WOUNDED.

Then there is the Dali Lama who while exiled from his own land, and having seen persecution and murder against his people continues to spread peace and light throughout the world. HE HAS NEVER UTTERED A NEGATIVE STATEMENT AGAINST ANYONE.

Who could forget the spiritual power of Nelson Mandela,who after being a prisoner for 27 years for his beliefs in human rights never wanted revenge when he was freed, rather he called for peace. This man while not a Golden Dawn practioner could teach us all about humility and Light.

The world was so blessed to have a Mother Theresa who devoted her life to the poor and the dying. I having seen her home, and having helped in her facilities in Calcutta India, can testify that she certainly was connected to the spiritual juice of our planet.

NOW WE HAVE A CRISIS IN HAITI. Most of us cannot get on a plane and go over there and volunteer our hearts and our bodies. What we as the Golden Dawn community can do is begin invoking the Magic of Light to bring comfort, stability to the earth so as not to have more after shocks and quakes, stability to the government so as to not have up risings. WE CAN INVOKE FORCES OF LIGHT TO BRING ABOUT ACTION FASTER FROM WORLD GOVERNMENTS AND ALL THOSE WILLING TO GIVE AID.

Whatever your magical level, work within it, and give some of your time to Haiti this week. THE MAGIC OF LIGHT IS ALWAYS MORE POWERFUL WHEN IT IS GIVEN FREELY AND WITH UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

In the Healing Light,

G.H. Frater P.D.R.

Imperator General of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn

Light in Extension