Saturday 8 September 2012

Religion Belief David Meece

Religion Belief David Meece
I love God so much and I pray daily, but I have been having an issue lately. Sometimes in my head I will start thinking about what an atheist would say. Because on here I always see people say f
God or screw the Holy Spirit. And sometimes I will say it in my head, but I don't want to say it. It just comes up in my thoughts. It makes me so mad because I don't even want to think like that, but for some reason their dark cloud comes over my thinking. I tell God right afterwards that I didn't mean to just say that it is just something that just popped up in my thoughts because atheist are always saying it. In other words, I will say it and then be like Lord, I didn't mean to just say that. I said that because that is what an atheist would say to you. If that makes sense? I keep feeling like I am disrespecting God, but I am not trying to. I will just start saying this kind of of stuff, but right afterwards I tell God that I don't even want to think like that. I don't even mean what I am saying. I am just thinking about what an atheist would say to you Lord. So am I sinning? Or what is my deal here? I love God with all my heart, but when atheist curse God and stuff on here, sometimes it plays back in my head and I say it to God, but I don't mean to say it. I will be like screw you God, but then I will be like Lord, I didn't want to say that, atheist would say that though. If that makes sense?
