Monday 14 May 2012

Satanism An Philosophically Angry Response To Religious Corruption

Satanism An Philosophically Angry Response To Religious Corruption
Is it just me or am I the only one who thinks that Satanism spawned because Catholics still don't see the evil within their own flock?No, I'm not talking about God, a particular dogma, or even anything essential to the faith. I'm talking about that all too human side of the Church.It's the side that's been allegedly accused of oppressing the masses through religious beliefs, the side that validates the stereotype of sexually abusive priests, and the side that claims to give any man the right to rule a 'lesser race' for the sake of seeing them converted.Whether or not these represent the entire religion is besides the point. The fact is these people seem to have distorted the image of God. It's not the Satanists. What Satanists have done is, in fact, a consequence of the corruption. Satan's image has been 'distorted' in a similar fashion. Whereas corruption in religion creates an image of a wrathful, prudish, 'Sky Daddy,' who toys with His creation, the desire to break free from this being has recreated an image of Satan being a symbol of just rebellion.Sure, you can say that the sins of fallen clergy and laypeople aren't enough to invalidate the truth. But is that really the response you should be giving? It's like saying, "Yes, we Christians did some bad stuff but that was long ago! That's why we'll keep condemning and casting stones!" :shrug:It's funny how the idea of wearing black leather and having less than conservative world-view has become associated with this 'religion.' But when you think about it, who reached that conclusion in the first place? Was it the Satanists or the panic stricken 'Christian' parents who just didn't like the look or the ideas? Honest question. :shrug:Some Christians feel like they've been caught in the blast. They feel like they're being mocked because of the crimes of fallen brothers and sisters. These people are the ones who have a right to be outraged. But let's face it, wouldn't it be better if these people were mad at the cause that birthed Satanism, being the people who validate their negative strawman of the Christian religion?
