Saturday 26 November 2011

Want Balance In Your Life

Want Balance In Your Life
When you have balance physically, emaotionally, and spiritually, you just do life BETTER! Some of us are doing life, but we aren't living it in the full abundance that God wants us to live! He wants to give us physical, emotional, and spiritual prosperity. Which means we look and feel great, we have great relationships with family and friends, which brings us joy, and we live in peace! So I say my philosophy is all about BALANCE! Right? I always talk about emotional, spiritual, and physical balance! Every week I've been talking to you about physical balance. Today I want to talk to you about emotional and spiritual balance. Because when that's off, it's close to impossible to have physical prosperity.

My sister is 24 years old, she is living in France. Today she told me she was upset because she can count on 2 hands the amount of times I've talked to her since she's been gone (6 months)! She also told me that my mom cried to her because I haven't been paying attention to her, and she feels lonely.

Talk about a tear in my heart! Here I am.....Miss BALANCE.......totally out of balance! I have been so wrapped up in my business, in my clients, that I am not paying attention to those who mean the most......FAMILY! I began to feel so horrible! I mean these are the people that would give their lives for me! My mom is willing to drop anything and everything to do ANYTHING I need. Yet I have put her on the back burner. I never have time for her because I have to work.......I can't talk to my sister on SKYPE because I have too much work to do.

I suddenly realized how out of BALANCE I am. But I am happy that I came to the realization of it, because now I can do something about it. I think I will start by asking God to help me. I totally and completely respect your beliefs, as for me, I believe God can help me with this. I think I'm going to ask him to help me not be so selfish and not let my work rule my life. I know he is going to help me.

When you have BALANCE "P"HYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY," you just do life BETTER! Some of us are doing life, but we aren't living it in the full abundance that God wants us to live! He wants to give us physical, emotional, and spiritual prosperity. Which means we look and feel great, we have great relationships with family and friends, which brings us joy, and we live in peace!

When you live your life in BALANCE, you allow God to pour blessings into your life. So my friend, if you are not living your life in balance whether what's out of balance is physical, emotional, or spiritual. You can do something about it! Today was my eye opener! Maybe it is for you also! Maybe you have been putting your loved ones on the back burner. Maybe you haven't been spending enough time on your health and fitness. Maybe you haven't spent enough time growing spiritually. But I promise you, you will enjoy LIFE so much more when your life is in BALANCE.

If you don't know God, and you are open to him.......I ask you to invite him in your life and ask him to bring BALANCE TO YOUR LIFE! Don't be afraid girlfriend, tell him you want prosperity financially, you want to have a healthy and beautiful body, you want to have great relationships in your life. Then just sit and wait......and watch your life TRANSFORM!

There's nothing I desire more for you my friend, than PROSPERITY emotionally, physically, and spiritually. So have a heart to heart with yourself......I know sometimes it's hard! If something is out of WACK! BE PROACTIVE! Do something about it! If you are not sure about this guy called God, and you would like some spiritual guidance, just e-mail me and in the subject line put BALANCE!

Holy Moly that was deep today! Stay tuned next week, I have the low down for you on turkey.......oh yeah, you don't want to miss this...........and you know I always give great recipes, so watch out for a delicious and healthy turkey recipe next week.
