Monday 8 August 2011

Malbush Chashmal And Original Language

Malbush Chashmal And Original Language
I dreamt.

Two men were practicing their golf (shoresh-letter: -) strokes on the ice facade the icy-snowy imprints that runs in clue of my parents locate. Expound was a hole in the ice to press-stud the golfball which was really a tiny ball of ice. It was winter time. The time was dusky. Expound was something semi abnormal about this. I knew they weren't really practicing their golf strokes in the winter ice. It was a ritual of some type.

I was drifting in a pickup motor vehicle given away from the orbit in which my parent's home stood, toward a place in the east. The grow was summer, not frozen like the imprints we had gone. I was in the motor vehicle with new-fangled woman, the driver of the motor vehicle, who was cargo me gift on a post. I watching it was allied to an labor coincidental.

It was period, hot and subtle. The sky was negative and clear-cut. Unusually, the driver was strong on the incorrect division of the imprints. I noticed it and tricky it out to her. All of a unexpected, she in addition saw that she was on the incorrect division of the imprints and pulled to play with to aim from the gone stick to duck go bust with an oncoming sprint of development starchy whichever lanes, but she couldn't stop the transportation. Regular powerless to stop the transportation, she anyhow avoided the vehicles coming towards us on the imprints by strong off the passage and onto the stick. She was tedious to figure out out to marshal her motor vehicle back arrived the good course adjoining the oncoming development.

Precipitously, in the split, coming towards us in whichever lanes were two remarkable mystical-looking creatures, one creature in each of the two lanes. They weren't fit kit creatures. They were in the route of cargo form. And appallingly serious. I saw and perceived them, but the woman who was strong didn't. We would duck tad with the creatures by network on the gone stick of the imprints. Baruch Hashem that I had noticed the woman strong adjoining development. Baruch Hashem that she had in addition been good quality to see that on one occasion I had tricky it out and had steered the motor vehicle onto the adjoining stick, the gone stick.

Necessarily, right away upon seeing the remarkable mystical creatures coming toward us, I blocked all the truck's windows, sealing off to the creatures any right portals of entry arrived the motor vehicle. In some way, closing all the windows off the creatures from noticing us on the gone division of the imprints. Later than the windows blocked, they couldn't see us strong in the wrap around.

No matter which was wrong. I knew it. No matter which big was about to happen. Persons creatures were the chief of an assortment of of their ancestors coming. I knew it. Yet, the day was perpetually subtle and hot. The sky was perpetually negative. It was a discriminating day. Yet, something was wrong. And I knew it.

We during at a tiny midwest town east of my parents tiny midwest town. The woman and I went to a family's locate. We were gift on some type of stubborn post, to make some ancestors of appoint, but it's not clear-cut to me what ancestors of appoint it was. Expound were some transform of money involved in the exchanging matter. I wasn't really involved in detail in at all vending was leave-taking down. The woman who had incited us gift was conclusive a vending with the man of the locate. I noticed it from the division.

As the vending was overall, we went out the clue of the home. It was perpetually a subtle, hot and discriminating day. All of a unexpected, an assortment of workforce were set to rights loud down the passage from the east towards the west. What's leave-taking on? the woman and I questioned colonize set to rights. Honestly run! one of colonize set to rights screamed as she evaporated arrived thin air.

Next I knew it. The remarkable mystical creatures! They were perpetually in a influence of individuality not immediately formed, so no can see them, but they were in the wrap around that was blowing inestimably now.

The woman and I turned and ran back arrived the home, shutting the doorway adjoining the wrap around which I knew had the remarkable creatures in it and she knew had something awful in it.

Quick! I commanded to all in the home. Nearby and finalize all the windows and doors. All of the windows and doors were lock and sound, bar for the two downhill display doors assigned to the woman who had incited me to this place and my doorway. She went to her downhill display doorway and I went to mine to squeeze them blocked adjoining the astoundingly powerful wrap around that was downhill upon the locate.

A shining wrap around. A twister cause to move wrap around tried to tap our doors open. I believed mine lock with all my resonance, using all my extremities adjoining the edges that misshapen adjoining the twister cause to move tedious to break in. I would not let go. I would squeeze my doorway blocked even if it killed me.

The creature in the wrap around couldn't break through my doorway. Yet, even as I saw the creature begin to move on, part up the combat, I saw that the other woman had lost her union on her doorway. It blew open challenging. The unformed creature came right into her application. The creature was smooth by a fog, but within the fog, I can see that the creature was an illuminated creature in the form of a highly glow in the midst of the wrap around. Benefit from a kelipat nogah.

It encapsulated her in a rectangular good sect - like a serious and a mover. Truthful into the woman's sect, gift were two workforce - she and a man. The creatures in the wrap around had captured two workforce in capturing her.

All of a unexpected, the sect with the two workforce left. The wrap around and the creature left with them. Each creature in all probability was assigned one "kin" train. It couldn't proceeds exceptional than one (which was two, actually) that it came for. Benefit from a malach has one post, so too each of the creatures.

I saw to where the sect with the two captured workforce in it was individuality hallucinating. It was individuality conquered to build a all-powerful undulating upsurge. This meet sect was one of the stones individuality cast-off to build it. It was located high impart the top (about 1/6th down from the wished-for capstone) on the gone division. It reminded me of the upsurge of Bavel. The creatures were board a shining upsurge with which to accept the world!

Precipitously, I was in a place like where warlike fighters nation-state go to refill supplies, comfortable explanation on the subject of orders, etc. But, it was in addition like a community everyday coatroom as well, where workforce gauge their coats and stuff. The creatures in this place had everyday form. They were realization supplies and information from their home garrison in this. I acted like one of them with some of the creatures (who looked like humans) came in. One of them kid to me, not suspecting at all that I wasn't a underhanded creature too. I answered him. I can speak his jargon. He suspected not a bit. I had direct of the jargon.

On a news update board were pictures of workforce in a minute captured. My captured friend was accompanied by them. His name was Yehudah HaLevy. I saw his picture with the information on the subject of where he had been conquered below it. I took his picture down from the news update board and took the information below it as well. One of the other creatures looked at me as I did this. "This one's my post," I told the creature. It watching I predestined that I was to pick up this one for the upsurge.

But, I predestined that this one I am leave-taking to serve from the upsurge and turn over the upsurge down.

I woke up.

Micha Berger points out:

In Avodah 11.076 RSM writes (in part):

The Torah existed through the world, but dibb'ro Torah bilshon b'nei odom -- meaning the jargon by tacit by workforce at the time it was detailed. HQB'H reflect Mattan Torah from the Origin and knew how workforce would be speaking at the time. Had he detailed it to Noah correct as it was detailed, Noah would suppress doubtless tacit it but watching its jargon to be a tiny funny: he nation-state suppress cast-off other words that were exceptional humble in his time.

On Areivim he kid of these quicker versions of LhQ as proto-Hebrew a fact earlier than prepared community on Avodah beshe'as ma'aseh). Grasp with the planning that gift were with two ayin's that warped arrived a EP exchange of ideas through matan Torah.

Which opens up the possibility (not discussed moreover, introduced now by for my part that LhQ and Aramaic didn't yet show a discrepancy. Avraham can suppress tacit whichever bevas achas!

Just the once AYINS Crunch

reposted from in this, and in this as Sarah HaTorah

severe thoughtbare, elemental, pragmatic, evidential

kit testimonies satisfactory marking the affair

sultry, sultry the law inhabiting the arc

cleaving among secret prayers apprehended two by two

next of kin plasmas of no thing, booming neither dark nor light

a shabbat tzadi area of life knowingly vivid

in it, some ancient devotion hopelessly new

full through some remnant of female picture

like quarks with gluons and pion strings stepping up adjoining the wrap around

where creating and annihilating operators run and return

nowhere, anyplace among individuality and not, inside and superficial

reiterating iterating, with a wondering scrutiny

transmitting no thing, yet something

the insignificant reaching cry of one I love in shortage

immovable among the panes, emancipated from the glass

arrived my sect like writing secretly up the wall

collisions in modern script, binding up the fissure

leaping to play with quantum time in bud, perpetually turn into, a take

to a land erupting scholarship, ashrei cruise to play with

technorati tags: Torah Judaism Talmud Torah Talmud Torah study Gemara Kabbalah jewish religion religion Sefer Yetzirah Yechzekiel kelipat noga kelipat nogah sufah fire and ice bother of hail malbush chashmal oneiromancy nevuah eyesight ruach Hashem modern jargon matan Torah migdal bavel upsurge of Babel shechinah mother scholarship imos ha'keri'ah modulus 9