Wednesday 10 November 2010

When You Wish Upon A Star

When You Wish Upon A Star
Merry Meet :))There it is again! As I struggle to open my eyes, I can hear it.... "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires, will come to you." I rub my eyes as I listen to it clear as a bell in my head. I wander out to get my coffee and realize this is starting to become a familiar morning scene for me. For the past five mornings in a row, I have woken up with the song "When You Wish Upon A Star" in my head. I chalked it up to coincidence the first day or two thinking it made sense to me as I've been happy lately and things have been going well with Wiccan Moonsong. I just assumed it was me being happy about making the leap to work it full time. I started thinking it was a little curious the third day I woke up and it was again the first thing in my head as I opened my eyes. When I get messages that are important in my sleep I tend to still hear or see them right when I wake up. I've also caught myself humming it the last few days. My guides know I need things to be a bit more obvious so last night they indulged me. Last night I found myself with a bit of quiet time. Rare around here. :) So I looked On Demand and decided to watch one of the episodes of the series "Once Upon a Time" that I hadn't seen yet. The episode was all about the origin of Jiminy Cricket, a fairy tale I actually wasn't familiar with.A grown up Jiminy Cricket was living with his parents in a gypsy camp traveling from town to town to make a living. However, his family wasn't happy with just the money they were receiving from the marionette show that they put on and they dragged him about on pick-pocketing expeditions and swindling people out of money. Jiminy tried hard to convince his parents to stop their ways but they didn't listen to them and he reluctantly followed along thinking it was his only option.So Jiminy being really unhappy with his life wishes to be free of the burden. So he goes to Rumpelstilskin's lair. There Rumpelstilskin makes him a powder that he tells him to give to his parents and leave them where they are as Rumpelstilskin will pick them up for payment. So Jiminy tucks the potion in his pocket and heads back to his parents. That night his parents decide to swindle a younger couple by telling them that the black plague is coming and selling them this "elf powder" that will protect them. They convince them that it is the last powder available and that they are reluctant to sell it. The couple runs around their house gathering all sorts of treasures in exchange for this precious bottle of "elf powder" that will save them from the black plague. Jiminy is clearly disturbed the entire time they are in there fed up with taking people's money. When they get outside with all the goods Jiminy tries one more time to talk to his parents, telling them that they just hurt good people. His parents tell them that these good people should be more careful. Upset Jiminy pulls the vile out of his poket that Rumpelstilskin gave him and throws it at his parents.He waits, and watches all but holding his breath as.... nothing happens. His parents look back at him smiling as Jiminy feels sick knowing what they have done. They have switched his vile of the magick potion with the fake elf potion. Jiminy races back to the cottage trying to save the couple that he just swindled with his parents but he is too late. The couple have been turned into marionette's and sit on a bench in the corner. Horrified Jiminy turns around to find the couple's son coming through the door who is instantly devestated by the site of his lost parents. So Jiminy goes out and wishes on a star that night with all his might to turn the parents back. The blue fairy arrives and says that she cannot turn the parents back as the damage is done. She tells Jiminy that the young boy will need guidance now that he has no parents. Needing a disguise the blue fairy asks what he wishes to be. Jiminy listens to the crickets, and the blue fairy nods. She turns Jiminy into Jiminy Cricket, a guide for the boy. That boy.. grows up to be Gepetto."When You Wish Upon a Star" is the song from Pinnochio. :))) It all made sense to me now. "When your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme." This is one of the quotes from Pinnochio and I firmly believe it. I believe that you can indeed have whatever you wish to have in life if your heart is in it.First, you need to listen to your conscience and the consciousness of your higher self though and be true to yourself. Make sure you listen to your higher consciousness, it will never be negative, it only loves you and wants you to live a happy life. When you hear things that are negative about you, that's your mundane consciousness that you need to learn to hush. You can and are capable of doing whatever you want if you believe in you. When you put out nothing but loving and positive energy it will come back to you. That's what we believe as Wiccans. We believe in the Law of Three, in that whatever energy you put into the world, be it positive or negative will return to you three times. Think about that.... it can make a huge difference in how your day, week, month and entire life goes. I challenge you to try it for a day, where you work hard to only put out positive energy and hold positive thoughts and let me know how your day goes, if things don't improve for you. Is it easy? No. :)) Nothing worth having is ever easy, but it can be done. :)Second, you really need to search inside of you for where your "true self" is. Your true self is your inner self, how you would be were you not restricted by anything, money people etc, where you would be most happiest and what you would be doing. It can be difficult to find but you just need to pay attention to what makes you the most happy and follow that. Be true to yourself. Don't do things just because other people want you to, or they tell you it's what should be done. Judge for yourself and follow your heart to do what comes natural for you. Find your heart and your natural talents and find that and you can't lose. For if you find that, that area is where you will excel. It's you, and it's what you were meant to do. It's a step to find your personal path. So take a deep breath, look inside you, feel your heart and the love inside you, learn to love yourself, and make that wish upon a star. Take a leap of faith in YOU. :))))))Love and Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong"When you wish upon a star"Makes no difference who you are"Anything your heart desires"Will come to you""If your heart is in your dream"No request is too extreme"When you wish upon a star"As dreamers do""Fate is kind"She brings to those who love"The sweet fulfillment of"Their secret longing""Like a bolt out of the blue"Fate steps in and sees you through"When you wish upon a star"Your dreams come true""Fate is kind"She brings to those who love"The sweet fulfillment of"Their secret longing""Like a bolt out of the blue"Fate steps in and sees you through"When you wish upon a star"Your dreams come true"
