Friday 3 April 2009

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Pentecostal Mormon Calvinistic Methodist Confused

Religion And Spirituality Open Question Pentecostal Mormon Calvinistic Methodist Confused
Im bewildered, i grew up as a welsh calvinistic methodist, i love the church i love how old formed and traditional it is, but like i go here, most era i force come out not even worldly wise what the minister believed, its so boring at era, its one minister reading a very old welsh headstone with 3 songs with the the ivories. At the academy which is England, it has large screens its fun, theres a mic, theres a band, its drastically younger and fun, ileave worldly wise what the pastors believed and hint to make myself excellent. I don't really know if theres a deviation with these in the role of I'm taught in opposing languages, is it bad that i go to two opposing churches? I evenness correspondence I'm rejection one. And today two students approached me and gave me the book of mormon, what they believed has really prepared me stand for to read it but in the role of I'm pentecost/welsh calvinistic methodist be required to i? Is it ok to organize in it as well as the holy bible? Its never been mentioned to me at all in my churches, but it seems to be a good way to understand the life of Jesus christ supervisor.
