It took me awhile to realize that any atheist who refused to stay silent in the face of bigotry, Christian privilege, or threats to church-state separation was going to be called "militant" by at least some Christians. It took me awhile longer to discover that some atheists are equally confused about the appropriateness of the "militant" label.
I suppose accusations of militancy would have come no matter what I called this blog. I believe that religious belief (i.e., faith) is detrimental to modern society, and that is enough for some to consider me "militant." Worse still, I sometimes express this belief. And that is more than enough for even more people to perceive me as "militant."
But I'm not militant. I am often enraged by those who threaten church-state separation. I am sometimes passionate in my support for atheist civil rights. And I do not believe that religious belief should be exempt from criticism simply because it is religious in nature. But none of this makes me militant. In fact, I question the existence of militant atheism.
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