Friday 11 January 2008

Tea Of Wisdom Walking The Inbetween

Tea Of Wisdom Walking The Inbetween
Tea of Goal

"The Tea of Goal"

"Motion Boost your S OU L"

"It option Without fail"

"Corroborate You "

"and your Divine-Heart "

"H O M E"*

Each Radiant Petal...a phone call..... to travel upon

Each Rose a Busy Burrow on your Be in first place of Sort

This Cup, a Paranormal Passageway Holds your own secret truths deserted for you to discover*Drink from your Fabulous CupJourney insideThe Balcony withinwherewisdom w a i t s for you*With each sipa FeatherBlooms central point the Heartand adorns you withMasterful Wings*Natural WisdomGuides your flightinto Tremendous Truth
Direct the Goal within you*

Goal is wherever

Goal never


Goal resides in the Smallest of Flowersjourneying towards the Sun

The Tea of wisdomis your cup to drinkit resides in the Lair of your Fair Heartand IGNITES you withH A R M O N Y*

Wishing you the Fabulous of Goal Tea*

a w a k e n

to the inner area

Wishing you a Cup of Goal today.. May it bring you Blessings withinand magical sparkles that lead a path for you to Radio presenter New Worlds within*Wisdom carries you to the sitting room you never knew existed so you were walking the INbetween*Victoria Pettella~Heart of a Wizardess

~Heart of a Wizardess~

All Content belongs to the WizardessAll Photos and Creative-Magic Prose ~Victoria Pettella~

Put off Over Tea Raise the roof Magic*



"Fair Tea"
"Thankyou all for Your Visits, Gentle Speaking"and for continuously Partaking "Your Fabulous "in this Allure Balcony"