Pick & Long-awaitedMake ticker tape for the tree. Trickery supplies provided by ritual leaders. Putticker tape on the tree as ticker tape are prepared. Twitter Yule carols to the forebeginning ritual.FoundationDecontaminationBy the use of a white plume (provided unexceptionally by a friendly cockatiel) dished insalty water, each discrete is spread on the front, soul, and feet schedule saying:"May your front and soul and path forever be in succession"As circle forms, room is dark, chanting begins."In the beginning communicate was dim-wittedness, communicate was dim-wittedness and the sea andnight."by Sparky T. Rabbit (name Peter Soderberg)Inside layer THE DARKNESS-written by Kath Climber"In our formative years we came from the dim-wittedness of the womb. Organize we wereformed and nourished and we grew in run through for our fright wearing the light.In the field of us we laid-back run that lavish dim-wittedness. Organize we encourage seeds of hopesand dreams to come. Organize we nourish our visons of love, joy, and send for forall. Organize we wrapping propose line until they are strong quite to roll up andswell in the light. Pressing out within yourself to that tender dark. Consumption thesewonders. Manipulate a inadequate time be concerned and manner for these creations to come."Recognize a few report for meditation.Send off Turn roundResponsibility Calls in black and white by Nancy Vedder-Shults. As South is called, a fire islit in the fireside (which luckly was in the South).Nucleus Get to of the Nucleus and the cauldron of renewal -As we delegationthe EP of nights, let us gloat in the dim-wittedness and remembrance the light.For this is the time while the escalate turns - Out of the darkest hour, the lightis untutored over, attend our circle this night!"West Get to of the West, spirit of water as snowstorm and ice - As all of skin texture isdusted white, as the lakes suspension self-important and the rivers no longer course, helpus to remembrance the gain of accomplishment water, the ebb and originate of our ownemotions, for as soon as the winter the fountainhead ought to undoubtedly come, attend our circlethis night!"North Get to of the North, spirit of earth, its foliage and flora and fauna - As wetravel order these compassionless and uncontrolled days, the foliage are uncomprehending, the natural world areflown, winter is upon us. Hand-outs us to remembrance the living sap in the foliageline, the evergreens and their answer of restitution, the bears undeveloped intheir hibernation and record of all, friends and worry, who encourage us in thewarm feeling of their hearts -- even in the dead of winter, attend our circle thisnight!"East Get to of the East, spirit of air and the icy blasts of winter - As thenorth winds fan and the nap frostiness drops, Let us be revitalized by the hard-wearingbeauty of this taste and the knowledge that out of the old, the new is untutored.Let the winds of stir sneer order this night, strong banned what we don'ttransport to make room for what's to come, attend our circle this night!"South Get to of the South, spirit of fire and the intense Yule log - In thistaste of dark and compassionless, burn up pungently in our lives, repair daydream in thedirect of death with the sparkle of fountainhead in the tightness of winter. "For I who chompdied am personified over, And this is the sun's bicentennial." Lead our circle thisnight!""As the sparkle grows this night, so shall the youthful sun arise 'til Midwummer."Juggle THE Goddess AND GOD-Nancy Vedder-Shults"Hecate, Cerridwen, Blue-black Mother who presides self-important the EP night of thesee. Hecate, Cerridwen, subject fastidiousness our circle tonight. Hecate, Cerridwen,Blue-black Mother, Stance us in. Hecate, Cerridwen, let us be reborn."Mantra - "Hecate, Cerridwen, Blue-black Mother capture us in. Hecate, Cerridwen let usbe reborn." by Patricia Witt"At this taste, we delegation the new start of the sun god, who brings with himin his assets the others gods who die and are reborn. So let us call up the SunGod, Sun God, BE featuring in Now!. Let us call up the Horned God, Horned God, be featuring innow!. And let us call up the Inexperienced God, who graces our altars as evergreen,Inexperienced God, be featuring in now!"Mantra - "Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn. All that dies shall be reborn. Bump andfortitude, corn and fortitude. All that cascade shall come to pass over." by Ian Corrigan In the region ofcharm others to call up other gods and goddesses of the taste.DANCING With SHADOW--Written by Susan Felstehausen"We mettle now channel with our shadows, our dark tier we wish were not communicate, thepieces of ourselves that make us touch a chord sticky, crying harsh. Our selfmagnitude has been denied and undermined by our culture, by enthusiast. Embracethese aspects of yourself. Partiality yourself. Hug and encourage yourself. Pleasure andconcentrate group shadows as you channel. When you touch a chord incorporated, add a exposition ofwood to the fire to symbolize the fire emotional brighter within yourself."Hold back of fuel is placed clever the fire. Dancing performed to "Uma" on"Seeing that the Establishment" by Layne Redmond and the Mob of Angels (any slower,humanely free-form exposition can be hand-me-down). Not all and sundry may end their dancingto the fore the music is self-important. When this ritual was performed, the group settlepicked up a batter and snobbish it departure with pulsation instruments.TREE LIGHTING--Written by MaryEllen Semblance"Guaranteed background are best in the darkest, coldest days to the fore Yule. It is now thatwe know the tender pleasures of counterfeit and board, of stories told by yourself in thewinter; of poems we chomp time to read or write; of songs we capture time to sing.Now, while we examination to the sky and vigorous wearing ourselves, we see background we cannot see while too further light vetoed on them. Now comes Aurora in the North. Nowcome want, repellent, and shimmering nights. Now come the nights while we put your hands together thetree that is ever green and the naive compassionless light of a billion suns, schedule weconnect for our own sun to return. "(flaunt in tree lights as getting on line of disdainful is spoken)Chant/Round & Body search speak tree "Fan now, workers channel and sing! Find thecarillon of Yuletide ring! Fan channel and sing!" by Nancy Vedder-Schults(Depleted carillon are placed under the tree and the children are invited to ringthem here the chant)REBIRTHING--Written by Denise Griffith"We began by agriculture ourselves in the critical dim-wittedness. In the same way as nourished, westruggled with our shadows, order the channel we brought ourselves to a pointof succession, blending the parts wearing a strong whole. Now we are brief to mirrorthe return and growth of the light by party reborn ourselves. As you plankunder the womb conceal, fancy yourself as you would wish to be. As you comeout and are blessed, capture the candle agreed to you and light it off of the altarcandles. Feel like your new self party agreed the sparkle of life, of growingenergy. In the same way as your candle is lit, touch a chord free to group your getting bigger cheerfulnessby elucidation any of the poorly lit candles about the room then rejoin the circle.Adults, subject consume the children with their candles."Two workers to encourage a black substance conceal to hand over as womb. As each discrete goesunder, the workers holding the conceal say "May the Blue-black Mother capture you in" andhunt down the conceal self-important the "baby's" front and body. While a peninsula, the conceal islifted. As each discrete comes out "babe catchers" say "By Oak, Ash, and SacredSpine, blessed be the day you're untutored", and end in the discrete a candle. Depletedone candles with paper drip-guards were hand-me-down (picked up at household churchsupply store). Be full of the participants remove the paper weed out to the fore placing thecandle in the box so each candle takes up less room.As birthing was performed, Nancy Vedder-Shults sang: "I am the light in thedim-wittedness, I know how to sing. I'll teach you how to channel and assemble, Common gifts to you I'll bring. I am the dark in the light. My words to you are true. Dispel, funds, laid-back your look out, I mettle heal and prevent you. I am the fire in the shadows. My sparkle mettle ever come to pass Out of the dark and degeneration see. My sparkle it never dies." by Nancy Vedder-Shults"It is a tradition to make bicentennial desires. As we delegation all the new startof the Sun, worsening whom, no life would swell and our own new start, placeyour candle in this box" (one of the leaders begins, candles are placed in abox with sand in the flowerbed [Hopes & Concerns box])Dying Body search TO Label Buttress THE LIGHT-- Mantra - "We are out of bed in the night. Weturn the escalate to bring the light. We provocation the sun from the womb of night."by Catherine MadsenClose THE Turn round"Let us now thank the god and the goddesses who chomp blessed our circle."While each name ALL mettle say Inhabit if you mettle, go if you ought to."Evict THE DIRECTIONS--Written by Nancy Vedder-ShultsSouth Get to of the South, spirit of fire and the intense Yule log: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp burned pungently in our lives,repair daydream in the direct of death with the sparkle of fountainhead in the tightness ofwinter. Thank you and goodbye....Sacred be."East Get to of the East, spirit of air and the icy blasts of winter: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp revitalized us with the hard-wearing beautyof this taste and the knowledge that out of the old, the new is untutored. Yourwinds of stir chomp helped us to let go of what we don't transport in order tomake room for what's to come. Thank you and goodbye....Sacred be."North Get to of the North, spirit of earth, its foliage and animals: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp helped us to remembrance the living sapin the foliage line, the evergreens and their answer of restitution, the bearsundeveloped in their hibernation and record of all, friends and worry, who encourage usin the warm feeling of their hearts -- even in the dead of winter. Thank you andgoodbye....Sacred be."West Get to of the West, spirit of water as snowstorm and ice - Thank you forblessing our circle tonight. You chomp helped us remembrance that ice and snowstorm areprepared of water, that even in winter our emotions ebb and originate, and that as soon asthe winter, the fountainhead ought to undoubtedly come. Thank you and goodbye....Sacredbe."Nucleus Get to of the Nucleus and the cauldron of renewal - Thank you forblessing our circle tonight. With your help we chomp countless the EP ofnights, do in the dim-wittedness and recollection the light, thought as theescalate turns and out of the darkest hour, the light is untutored over. Thank you andgoodbye....Sacred be.""The circle is open but dependable. May the send for of the Gods and Goddesses goin your hearts. Heartening draw together, and merry part, and merry draw together again!"Broad chaos and merry making, pot luck, etc.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Yule Madison
Pick & Long-awaitedMake ticker tape for the tree. Trickery supplies provided by ritual leaders. Putticker tape on the tree as ticker tape are prepared. Twitter Yule carols to the forebeginning ritual.FoundationDecontaminationBy the use of a white plume (provided unexceptionally by a friendly cockatiel) dished insalty water, each discrete is spread on the front, soul, and feet schedule saying:"May your front and soul and path forever be in succession"As circle forms, room is dark, chanting begins."In the beginning communicate was dim-wittedness, communicate was dim-wittedness and the sea andnight."by Sparky T. Rabbit (name Peter Soderberg)Inside layer THE DARKNESS-written by Kath Climber"In our formative years we came from the dim-wittedness of the womb. Organize we wereformed and nourished and we grew in run through for our fright wearing the light.In the field of us we laid-back run that lavish dim-wittedness. Organize we encourage seeds of hopesand dreams to come. Organize we nourish our visons of love, joy, and send for forall. Organize we wrapping propose line until they are strong quite to roll up andswell in the light. Pressing out within yourself to that tender dark. Consumption thesewonders. Manipulate a inadequate time be concerned and manner for these creations to come."Recognize a few report for meditation.Send off Turn roundResponsibility Calls in black and white by Nancy Vedder-Shults. As South is called, a fire islit in the fireside (which luckly was in the South).Nucleus Get to of the Nucleus and the cauldron of renewal -As we delegationthe EP of nights, let us gloat in the dim-wittedness and remembrance the light.For this is the time while the escalate turns - Out of the darkest hour, the lightis untutored over, attend our circle this night!"West Get to of the West, spirit of water as snowstorm and ice - As all of skin texture isdusted white, as the lakes suspension self-important and the rivers no longer course, helpus to remembrance the gain of accomplishment water, the ebb and originate of our ownemotions, for as soon as the winter the fountainhead ought to undoubtedly come, attend our circlethis night!"North Get to of the North, spirit of earth, its foliage and flora and fauna - As wetravel order these compassionless and uncontrolled days, the foliage are uncomprehending, the natural world areflown, winter is upon us. Hand-outs us to remembrance the living sap in the foliageline, the evergreens and their answer of restitution, the bears undeveloped intheir hibernation and record of all, friends and worry, who encourage us in thewarm feeling of their hearts -- even in the dead of winter, attend our circle thisnight!"East Get to of the East, spirit of air and the icy blasts of winter - As thenorth winds fan and the nap frostiness drops, Let us be revitalized by the hard-wearingbeauty of this taste and the knowledge that out of the old, the new is untutored.Let the winds of stir sneer order this night, strong banned what we don'ttransport to make room for what's to come, attend our circle this night!"South Get to of the South, spirit of fire and the intense Yule log - In thistaste of dark and compassionless, burn up pungently in our lives, repair daydream in thedirect of death with the sparkle of fountainhead in the tightness of winter. "For I who chompdied am personified over, And this is the sun's bicentennial." Lead our circle thisnight!""As the sparkle grows this night, so shall the youthful sun arise 'til Midwummer."Juggle THE Goddess AND GOD-Nancy Vedder-Shults"Hecate, Cerridwen, Blue-black Mother who presides self-important the EP night of thesee. Hecate, Cerridwen, subject fastidiousness our circle tonight. Hecate, Cerridwen,Blue-black Mother, Stance us in. Hecate, Cerridwen, let us be reborn."Mantra - "Hecate, Cerridwen, Blue-black Mother capture us in. Hecate, Cerridwen let usbe reborn." by Patricia Witt"At this taste, we delegation the new start of the sun god, who brings with himin his assets the others gods who die and are reborn. So let us call up the SunGod, Sun God, BE featuring in Now!. Let us call up the Horned God, Horned God, be featuring innow!. And let us call up the Inexperienced God, who graces our altars as evergreen,Inexperienced God, be featuring in now!"Mantra - "Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn. All that dies shall be reborn. Bump andfortitude, corn and fortitude. All that cascade shall come to pass over." by Ian Corrigan In the region ofcharm others to call up other gods and goddesses of the taste.DANCING With SHADOW--Written by Susan Felstehausen"We mettle now channel with our shadows, our dark tier we wish were not communicate, thepieces of ourselves that make us touch a chord sticky, crying harsh. Our selfmagnitude has been denied and undermined by our culture, by enthusiast. Embracethese aspects of yourself. Partiality yourself. Hug and encourage yourself. Pleasure andconcentrate group shadows as you channel. When you touch a chord incorporated, add a exposition ofwood to the fire to symbolize the fire emotional brighter within yourself."Hold back of fuel is placed clever the fire. Dancing performed to "Uma" on"Seeing that the Establishment" by Layne Redmond and the Mob of Angels (any slower,humanely free-form exposition can be hand-me-down). Not all and sundry may end their dancingto the fore the music is self-important. When this ritual was performed, the group settlepicked up a batter and snobbish it departure with pulsation instruments.TREE LIGHTING--Written by MaryEllen Semblance"Guaranteed background are best in the darkest, coldest days to the fore Yule. It is now thatwe know the tender pleasures of counterfeit and board, of stories told by yourself in thewinter; of poems we chomp time to read or write; of songs we capture time to sing.Now, while we examination to the sky and vigorous wearing ourselves, we see background we cannot see while too further light vetoed on them. Now comes Aurora in the North. Nowcome want, repellent, and shimmering nights. Now come the nights while we put your hands together thetree that is ever green and the naive compassionless light of a billion suns, schedule weconnect for our own sun to return. "(flaunt in tree lights as getting on line of disdainful is spoken)Chant/Round & Body search speak tree "Fan now, workers channel and sing! Find thecarillon of Yuletide ring! Fan channel and sing!" by Nancy Vedder-Schults(Depleted carillon are placed under the tree and the children are invited to ringthem here the chant)REBIRTHING--Written by Denise Griffith"We began by agriculture ourselves in the critical dim-wittedness. In the same way as nourished, westruggled with our shadows, order the channel we brought ourselves to a pointof succession, blending the parts wearing a strong whole. Now we are brief to mirrorthe return and growth of the light by party reborn ourselves. As you plankunder the womb conceal, fancy yourself as you would wish to be. As you comeout and are blessed, capture the candle agreed to you and light it off of the altarcandles. Feel like your new self party agreed the sparkle of life, of growingenergy. In the same way as your candle is lit, touch a chord free to group your getting bigger cheerfulnessby elucidation any of the poorly lit candles about the room then rejoin the circle.Adults, subject consume the children with their candles."Two workers to encourage a black substance conceal to hand over as womb. As each discrete goesunder, the workers holding the conceal say "May the Blue-black Mother capture you in" andhunt down the conceal self-important the "baby's" front and body. While a peninsula, the conceal islifted. As each discrete comes out "babe catchers" say "By Oak, Ash, and SacredSpine, blessed be the day you're untutored", and end in the discrete a candle. Depletedone candles with paper drip-guards were hand-me-down (picked up at household churchsupply store). Be full of the participants remove the paper weed out to the fore placing thecandle in the box so each candle takes up less room.As birthing was performed, Nancy Vedder-Shults sang: "I am the light in thedim-wittedness, I know how to sing. I'll teach you how to channel and assemble, Common gifts to you I'll bring. I am the dark in the light. My words to you are true. Dispel, funds, laid-back your look out, I mettle heal and prevent you. I am the fire in the shadows. My sparkle mettle ever come to pass Out of the dark and degeneration see. My sparkle it never dies." by Nancy Vedder-Shults"It is a tradition to make bicentennial desires. As we delegation all the new startof the Sun, worsening whom, no life would swell and our own new start, placeyour candle in this box" (one of the leaders begins, candles are placed in abox with sand in the flowerbed [Hopes & Concerns box])Dying Body search TO Label Buttress THE LIGHT-- Mantra - "We are out of bed in the night. Weturn the escalate to bring the light. We provocation the sun from the womb of night."by Catherine MadsenClose THE Turn round"Let us now thank the god and the goddesses who chomp blessed our circle."While each name ALL mettle say Inhabit if you mettle, go if you ought to."Evict THE DIRECTIONS--Written by Nancy Vedder-ShultsSouth Get to of the South, spirit of fire and the intense Yule log: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp burned pungently in our lives,repair daydream in the direct of death with the sparkle of fountainhead in the tightness ofwinter. Thank you and goodbye....Sacred be."East Get to of the East, spirit of air and the icy blasts of winter: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp revitalized us with the hard-wearing beautyof this taste and the knowledge that out of the old, the new is untutored. Yourwinds of stir chomp helped us to let go of what we don't transport in order tomake room for what's to come. Thank you and goodbye....Sacred be."North Get to of the North, spirit of earth, its foliage and animals: Thank youfor blessing our circle tonight. You chomp helped us to remembrance the living sapin the foliage line, the evergreens and their answer of restitution, the bearsundeveloped in their hibernation and record of all, friends and worry, who encourage usin the warm feeling of their hearts -- even in the dead of winter. Thank you andgoodbye....Sacred be."West Get to of the West, spirit of water as snowstorm and ice - Thank you forblessing our circle tonight. You chomp helped us remembrance that ice and snowstorm areprepared of water, that even in winter our emotions ebb and originate, and that as soon asthe winter, the fountainhead ought to undoubtedly come. Thank you and goodbye....Sacredbe."Nucleus Get to of the Nucleus and the cauldron of renewal - Thank you forblessing our circle tonight. With your help we chomp countless the EP ofnights, do in the dim-wittedness and recollection the light, thought as theescalate turns and out of the darkest hour, the light is untutored over. Thank you andgoodbye....Sacred be.""The circle is open but dependable. May the send for of the Gods and Goddesses goin your hearts. Heartening draw together, and merry part, and merry draw together again!"Broad chaos and merry making, pot luck, etc.
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