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By: G KumarThe leading amid the six get by without sciences is SiderealAstrology according to the Indian Sages. It has been correctlycalled as the Initiative of the Vedas. She is the maximum inclusiveamid all the get by without sciences, says one romanticverse,highlighting its significance in Higher SuperconscientSchooling.In Sanskrit "Vid " cremation to know. Veda cremation Equipment. Itis be equal with to the Episteme of the Greeks and the Scientiaof the Latinists ( Scire - to know, Scientia ( Science ) -Equipment).The Brawny Praise Points of PlanetsIn the 5th degree of Bane, Jupiter is in a represent of vividpraise.Moon 3rd degree of TaurusSaturn 20th degree of LibraVenus 27th degree of PiscesMercury 16th degree of VirgoSun 10th degree of AriesMars 28th degree of CapricornThe Brawny Debilitation Points of Planets180 degrees from the vivid praise scrap is the vividdebilitation scrap and is consequently ( for planets )Jupiter 5th degree of CapricornMoon 3rd degree of ScorpioSaturn 20th degree of AriesVenus 27th degree of VirgoMercury 16th degree of PiscesSun 10th degree of LibraMars 28th degree of BaneThe Dispositor TheoryA the human race transmits its power to the signs owned by it. Foroccurrence, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. If Jupiter issharp, after that Sagittatariius and Pisces becomes powerful.Not truly the signs owned by the the human race, but the Planetsposited in these signs as well as become powerful. Dispositor isthe the human race who is the lord of the sign. For occurrence, ifMars is in Bane, Bane is owned by the Moon and in this wayMoon becomes the dispositor of Mars.Praise DispositorThe the human race who gets sharp in a sign is called thePraise dispositor.For occurrence, Jupiter get sharp in Bane. Like so thepraise dispositor of Bane is Jupiter and itsdispositor, Moon!Cancellation of Debilitation ( Neechabhanga )We know that planets gets sharp in sure signs andinjured in sure signs.The debilitation sign is 180degrees from the praise sign.Debilitation is cancelled due to 2 factors1. Once the dispositor is in a quadrant ( 1,4,7 & 10 houses) either from the Ascendant or the Astrophysical Ascendant2. Once the praise dispositor is in a quadrant eitherfrom the Ascendant or the Astrophysical AscendantThis Cancellation of Debilitation is considered to be apowerful Extravagant Yoga or Conjunction ( Raja Yoga ).Planets in Quadrants1,4,7.10 houses are called quadrants. 1,5,9 houses arecalled Trines.Benefic planets mean Jupiter, Venus & Mercury are consideredto bepowerful such as they are posited in quadrants. It is supposedthat that these3 natural benefics in quadrants can short vacationcrores of afflictions!If natural malefics own quadrants, they become benefics.Mars& Saturn aregood as owners of quadrants. On the otherhand, if natural benefics meanVenus and Jupiter own quadrants, they are vitiated byQuadrangular right. They become keen malefics.The trinal lords ( lords of 1,5 & 9 ) are consideredpowerful.Colours of PlanetsJupiter Fair-haired Hue Sun Flushed Moon Only this minute Mars Brawny redMercury Greenish Saturn Black Venus Planed Blow up BlackRahu Black ( Resembles Saturn ) Ketu Red (Resembles Mars )Significators of HousesIst Native soil Sun 2nd Native soil Jupiter 3rd Native soil Mars 4th Native soilMoon 5th Native soil Jupiter 6th Native soil Saturn 7th Native soil Venus 8thNative soil Saturn 9th Native soil Jupiter 10th Native soil Sun 11th Native soilJupiter 12th Native soil SaturnChoice daub information about Vedic Astrology & anAstrological Examine can be had from as Significators of the Key Five!Aries Leo Scorpio Fervent Program Taurus Bane Libra OffsetProgram Gemini Virgo Mundane Program Capricorn Aquarius ClearProgram Sagittarius Pisces Etheric ProgramStyle Philosophy has The Law of Correspondences as itsfix." As Manager, so Base", the Hollow out is an particular replica ofHeaven!Based on the Pythagorean Law of Pulsation, the nine digitstally to the nine gyratory tune and this sciencecame to be free as the science of Astro-Numerology.Choice daub information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro- Numerological Chitchat can be had from have found that the vibrations of gems tally to the vibrations of the planets and this came to be free as Astro-Gemology.Choice information about Cosmological Gemology & a Lone Gem Prescription Chitchat can be had from as equivalent to Yoga.The aim of Character is to effect Super-Nature. The aim of Yoga is Underlying,is Self-Actualisation. As the Science of Interval concern with the mathematicalLaw of Vista, Astrology can help the aspirants attain to Self-Realisation by pointing out the obstacles on the Opportunity ( Was not Jesus tempted by Satan, Buddha by Mara? ) and the cremation of overcoming those obstacles.Choice information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can behad from by G Kumar, Astrologer, origin & programmer He has 25 being psychic researchexperience in the esoteric arts. Lone Astro Guidelines at