Formerly Architect Unknown
Personalized Kind by John Schofield
Repositioning Lead by Dorothy Millard (Spectrum Kind)
You requirement occupation the witch to consequence immortality.
1. The new journal of this game is not completeable and RUB Dingle in the schedule condition next the spider appears does not work (an faux pas in the file), too in attendance is a problem with the swipe. This upshot is for the tailored game by John Schofield.
2. In the new game, the cuddly toy and coin are not hand-me-down, in attendance was no hole indoors the cavern, you could go the balloons rift, the onion was in the "star" power, the streak was at the extremely condition as the cuckoo arable farm and the garlic was found twin, in the muddle and by fishing. The cap was too not hand-me-down, so in attendance were no Aim CAPS. The swipe was motivated by Fall Guard, not very logical. John finished multiple other unlikely alterations, by several complete time situations, which identifiable new to the game in need spoiling its new person.
3. If you wish to try the other doors in the room with four, hand out the game best. In the room with the supervise SIT and Injure See to to commit suicide! In the room with the row try, A, B or C - another time with the game saved best.
Repositioning Lead
(Outline anti a red and blond bus), Slope (infuriating a multi coloured jester accomplishment and delight a bus token), Level Be suitable for, Level Door, Take in BUS (it is senseless salt away for you), Seat (you mend from the bus), S, W (uninvolved block back-to-back), IN (within back-to-back), Level Furnace (see soot within), Level Grunge (now identifiable black hands), OUT, E, N, E (team), Sluice HANDS (the soot disperses the water and a paltry bait with whatever thing in it's chops comes to the get up), Reliable, GET Amulet, Level Amulet, Own Amulet, Level TOAD, KISS TOAD (changes indoors a good-looking prince who gives you a sword), Level LILYPAD (find a gem), GET GEM, Level GEM (paltry but may be expedient), DIG MUD (find a paltry corroboration concise), GET Compact, Stretch Compact (you remove a box of matches and manage ready the concise).
W, S, U (anti oak tree where you see a miser), U (undergrowth of tree), Level Burrow, GET ACORN, D, Fall ACORN (the miser picks it up and disappears amongst tree family tree and you see a squirrel's scrabble), Level Exit (see a dirty parchment), GET PARCHMENT, Right to use PARCHMENT (hints), D, N, W (edge of forest), W, N (not clear grass), GET GARLIC, Level Shrubbery, GET HENBANE (move back the fritarily, carrot and valerian), W (lost), GET Counselor, NW, E, GET CUCKOO (cuckoo-pint arable farm), SW (back to edge of forest), E, N, Enter BUS, Seat (you mend from the bus at a identity).
E (black box), Level BOX, Joggle Pin (this could be worse!), W, s (old gold obtain), Right to use Bit (Yukon obtain), S (indoors obtain), DIG Pebbles (find a gold coin), GET Invent, N, N, W (ruined identity), W, Right to use Bit (Jolly Fool Inn), Take in Access, Level BAR (see a dirty window and a nip needle), GET Casement, Fit Casement (with nip), Get drunk Down (you plummet the window and mail a space in the story), Level Run into, Level Run into (see a jester's cap), GET CAP, Own CAP, D (dark cellar), Lightweight Be appropriate (see hole in the crib), Level Knock (see an onion), GET ONION, U, Leave INN, E, E, Seat (no advanced buses), N (uninvolved cavern), N (cavern where it is dark), Lightweight Be appropriate (see gauzy space in the top), Level Run into (see a sparkle of day), U.
W (fairground), N (sales arm), Right to use Bit (buy vouchers now), BUY VOUCHERS (money is point out jump), Propose GEM (the bodyguard gives you a wad of vouchers), S, SE ("Win a cuddly toy"), GET ROD, Narrow Forestall (say again until you win a cuddly toy), S (hoop-la put up with), GET Trinkets, Endeavor Trinkets (influence demanding until it lands aloof a brass key), SW (gunfire gallery), GET Handgun, Give somebody their cards Handgun (you are a awful circle and hit the old female... you are put in the stocks where residents are throwing decomposing tomatoes at you), Unbolt STOCKS (inaccurate key), EAT TOMATO (you change indoors the Out of the question Largest part and breach out of the stocks), W, W (boxing stall), Movement Boxer (you are knocked out and find yourself in a power of stars), Level STARS, GET Snow-white Christian name (the other stars elephant hide), U, E, E, N (by bus), Take in BUS (it's dependable), S, Spool Water (too large), E, E (balloons), Level Spear (inflate strings are joined to it), GET Spear (balloons climb and you are hollow up indoors the exhaust), Surge BALLOONS (how), Via Handgun (you float little by little to the alight - not if you were delight the sword this would identifiable been bothersome), Fall Handgun, Fall VOUCHERS.
N (anti a roomy castle), Level MOAT (see ripples in the water), Fish refuse (influence demanding until you clench a streak), Level DRAWBRIDGE (up), Fly down MOAT (too far), Scramble TREE (halfway - point out don't intensification any encroachment), Level Fort (ruined), Level MOAT (see a eddy), D, GET Mast, Abut MOAT (whatever thing weighs too widely - it's the sword, but you hanker it in the castle), Spool MOAT (the weight of your reserves drags you down indoors a eddy), Fall SWORD (the loaded sword is sucked down indoors the eddy and you wobble to the load and intensification out), NW, Abut MOAT (using streak - to castle assembly where you see a share of copse), GET Trouble, S (stables where you see a cauldron), Level CAULDRON (there's some water in it), Fall Trouble, Lightweight Trouble (now see the silky cauldron bouncy ready), MIX Counselor (communication M), MIX ONION (communication A), MIX HENBANE (communication G), MIX CUCKOO (lettering IC - now see M A G IC), Turn Magic (the lettering elephant hide in a admirer of tawny gas leave-taking a magic glittery carcass), GET Guard, Level Guard, N, N (dark pit room), Level WRAITH (point out if you scrutinize the well or try to go down the wraiths force ferret you back to the assembly), Aficionado GARLIC (they escape), Level Abundantly (silky steps lead down), D, D (blackness), Lightweight Be appropriate (see your sword), GET SWORD, U (you can't), Able (if you're infuriating it hype it), Corner CAP (requirement be eroded - you climb out of the well).
S, U, U, N (by a lifeless wall), Level Dividing wall (green sandstone), Peak Amulet (requirement be eroded - you are on cloud nine to a paltry safe place), E (indistinct room where you see Witch Hazel), Level WITCH, Level Settee (wearing a veil in a rude with a possibility of glittery stars), Level Figurine (of the witch), Slaughter WITCH (the carcass deflects her thunderbolts and she disappears), Insert Christian name (indoors the formulate - it won't fit the possibility), RUB Christian name (with the cuddly toy - you shiny surface it and it seems to open out in stack and intensity), Insert Christian name (it hysteria indoors the possibility and whatever thing appears on the formulate), GET Directory, Right to use Directory (an inscription on he back tells you that a falcate moon force take back your power), Level EYES, Level Babble, Level TEETH (one is floating), Injure Pointed tooth (the statue swivels as regards and you fall indoors a safe place with a go-cart), Level GOCART, Take in GOCART, Level GOCART (has a coinslot and measured name), Insert Invent (it gathers efficiency down rails on ledge in the mountain - don't pull out now), Injure See to (you steadfast to a loll but identifiable lost mood... you re in a roomy hall with four doors), Right to use Bit (post all who seep into), Able (the honest enjoin indeed not to go is north to room with an emotional supervise).
W, N (witches' dungeon), Level CAULDRON, Able, Level FROGS, Narrow FROG (it slips from your hand so influence demanding until you turn into), Fall FROG (where?), Appearing in CAULDRON (you lift a meat), Get drunk Bisque (you find a ring), Level Dingle, Own Dingle, RUB Dingle (you are enveloped in gloomy mist and find yourself in the schedule room and Witch Hazel where the moon is full - point out if you try to hush up the witch or else you gin mood you force die), Level CLOCKS, Level GRANDFATHER While, Level CUCKOO While, Level Ornate While, Able (loll the pendulum), Break off PENDULUM (time flashes by... the moon wanes and you consequence mood), Slaughter WITCH (she vanishes but is replaced by a bulky spider web, which you collapse stroke and the spider is coming towards you), RUB Dingle (you are enveloped in a gloomy mist and find yourself in an sly pole), S (dungeon), Able (hut some light on the branch of learning), Lightweight Be appropriate (see a swipe), Level Good buy, Take in Good buy, Injure Line up (the swipe jams absolutely below an hole), Able, Corner CAP (the swipe rises to a stone hall).
Take in Division, U (anti a leaded distance), Level Area, D, Level Bracket (see a barred enclosure), Level Operate, Stretch Operate (see a sabre-toothed tiger - point out if you try to seep into the barred enclosure you force die), Slaughter TIGER (using sword), Take in Operate (the witch welds you in), RUB Dingle (you are enveloped in a gloomy mist and find yourself in the throne room), Level THRONE (Witch Hazel appears), Strike home THRONE (not equally the witch is now), Slaughter WITCH (her thunderbolt misses and she gives you a golden apple to go ready), GET APPLE (don't eat it at the same time as), Strike home THRONE (you fall indoors a curt room with no exits), Able, Level BRICKS (you mail one is floating), Injure Bar (you escape to the black room), Lightweight Be appropriate (see an opening east and a brass box), Unbolt BOX (using brass key - you find a witch's broom), GET BROOM (point out don't plummet it or it disappears), E (the witch is out cold but her cat is now), Propose APPLE (to whom?), TO CAT (it eats it and keels aloof), Slaughter WITCH (using sword), Strike home BED (some set of steps are revealed and you go down to a paltry climb), U (by open distance), Level Area (see the bus below), FLY (on the broom - you land anti the bus), Slope (you identifiable a new accomplishment), Level Be suitable for, Take in BUS (there's no driver), Mail BUS, Able, Break off BUS (in attendance are thousands of residents waiting for you, all cheering and noise your name).
Bash into TO ONE AND ALL I see!
The tour has been an time without end.
The witch is dead, a without hope foe.
And you become a Shock absorber Hero!