Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tarot Reading
Upgrades And Plans
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
The 8Th Sephirah Hod
Title: Hod, Avow.
Magickal Image: A hermaphodite.
Concern on the Tree: At the stroke of the Authenticate of Shortage.
Yetziratic Text: The Eighth Causeway is called the Unchallengeable or Untouched Be offended seeing that it is the mean of the Primal, which has no ignoble by which it can hack or rest, own in the inmost seating of Gedulah, from which emanates it's convulsion consciousness.
God Name: Elohim Tzabauth, the God of Hosts.
Archangel: Michael.
Deduce of Angels: Beni Elohim, Sons of God.
Chronological Chakra: Kokab, Mercury.
Spiritual experience: Hunt of Aver.
Virtue: Truthfulness.
Vice: Be, Disingenuousness.
Calligraphy in microcosm: Loins and legs.
Symbols: Names and Versicles and Apron.
Tarot Cards: The Four Eights.
Eight of Wands: Sharpness.
Eight of Cups: Stumped success.
Eight of Swords: Shortened valor.
Eight of Pentacles: Parsimony.
Redness in atziluth: Amethyst outraged.
Redness in briah: Tawny.
Redness in yetzirah: Auburn red.
Redness in assiah: Yellowish black, variegated with white.
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The Wedding Supper
There are several reasons why I study prophecy, but this is one of my favorites! The thought of future celebration gives me pure joy!
The Wedding Supper is the grand event. It will likely (yes, I know there's some debate on its timing, which is why I chose to use the word "likely" to express my own personal opinion on the matter) occur immediately after the final Bowl of Wrath is poured when the saints of God are permitted to enter the sanctuary (REVELATION 15:8).
Following the Wedding Banquet, Jesus Christ will mount His white horse (REVELATION 19:11) and descend upon the Earth with all of His saints (ZECHARIAH 14:3; REVELATION 17:14).
If there is anything at all in the Christian life that should motivate us to live out our faith with perseverance, zeal, and excitement, it is the anticipation of this monumental event! Jesus was serving the Last Supper with His disciples when He made this statement:
MATTHEW 26:29 -- "But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."
I believe the Lord's taste buds are tingling with anticipation for this celebration. Let us take a moment to remember what Jesus taught us concerning a wedding banquet and how it relates to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
MATTHEW 22:1-14 -- "1" Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying, "2 The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. "3 And he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling to come. "4 Again he sent out other slaves saying, 'Tell those who have been invited, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast."' "5 But they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business, "6" and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them. "7 But the king was enraged, and he sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and set their city on fire. "8 Then he said to his slaves, 'The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. "9" 'Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there,invite to the wedding feast.' "10 Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests. "11 But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, "12" and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?' And the man was speechless. "13 Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' "14 For many are called, but few are chosen."
REVELATION 19:1-9 -- "1" After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying,"Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God; "2" BECAUSE HIS JUDGMENTS ARE TRUE AND RIGHTEOUS; for He has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality, and HE HAS AVENGED THE BLOOD OF HIS BOND-SERVANTS ON HER. 3" And a second time they said, "Hallelujah! HER SMOKE RISES UP FOREVER AND EVER. 4" And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne saying, "Amen. Hallelujah! 5" And a voice came from the throne, saying,"Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great. 6" Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying,"Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. "7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. 8" It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. "9" Then he said to me, "Write, 'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'" And he said to me, "These are true words of God."
Please join me in concluding this entry with a short prayer:
Thank You, Lord! We are eternally grateful that You have redeemed all of Your chosen children. As a bride prepares for her wedding day with excitement and anticipation, so we ask Your Holy Spirit to fill us with desire and to help us prepare ourselves with exuberance. Please finish Your work in us that we may be suitably dressed for such a grand occasion. Amen.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Blessed By The Ancestors
religion belief
Saturday, 26 November 2011
The Almight Johnsons Season One Episode Three God Gift To Zebras
Stacy returns to the Goddess headquarters and reports that Axl is now doing research. Ingird says, "its good that he is taking an interest in his heritage, even if its all wrong and written by people who know nothing." Michelle feels that he can "learn what pricks Gods are", but Ingrid counters with the belief that there is no reason for Goddesses and Gods to coexist. For her part, Stacy is sick of watching the girls mooning over him.
Anders goes to see Ty to complain about Axls resistance to bed hopping, but Ty says that since it was his first time that he has nothing to compare it to. Anders leaves in frustration and Ty gets a call to go to a club to fix their refrigeration. There he sees Helen and is instantly mesmerized.
In the meantime Axl has gone off to see Olaf about the sudden interest he is getting from women. Olaf tells him that this is all natural and makes an analogy to zebras. He says on some level these women recognise that there is something different about him. Ty shows up at the house to see Olaf and Val is quick to complain. Ty bursts in the room and says that he felt something he has never felt before when he met Helen. It seems that for the first time in a long time he actually felt warm. This is amazing because he has not felt warm in ages, even food turns cold in his mouth. When he asks why, Olaff says that he needs to think about it.
Axl goes back to the library to return the books and he starts to chat with the librarian named Sonya about mythology. He tells her that he is Odin and she admits to being Frigg. His mouth drops open in shock.
Axl immediately goes back to see his brothers to tell them that he has met Frigg. They tell him that involving mortals in God business is not right. Axl wants to believe but he doubts it because of how they met. Of course Anders wants to know if he felt a desire to sleep with her. The brothers head to the library to stare at her to try and determine if she is Frigg. Can I just pause to say that this is some first grade stalking behaviour.
Stacey goes back to the goddesss office and reports on Johnsons interest in Sonya. Ingrid immediately sends Michelle to check out the genealogy. It seems the brothers belief that she may be Frigg is the information that is valuable. The brothers take off to Anders office and once again he tries to push Axl into having more sex. Olaf then begins to reminisce about his two affairs with goddesses. He describes Axls grandmother as "a cold hearted bitch," but then goes on to say how wonderful the sex was. I dont know about you but I could have done without hearing a man use the word bitch to attack a woman. He doubles down by referring to marrying a goddess as taming her. "Goddess are tricky, theres always a catch when you bag a goddess." Honestly I could have done without this entire conversation. This much sexism was not necessary to tell Axl that Frigg is the goddess of marriage.
Axl is shocked and is not happy about the idea of marriage. Anders tries to calm him by telling him that marriage between gods means hooking up. When Axl doubts this, Anders points out that Axl is the God of Gods and that therefore his marriage can mean whatever he wants it to mean. Apparently because Axl is Odin he should be free to sleep around as he pleases.
Helen calls Ty back to the club with a fake refrigeration emergency this time. He quickly sees through her rouse and so she offers him an apple martini. Ty asks Helen why he finds her so irresistible before they share a sweet kiss. Read more >>
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blackmagic spells,
religion belief
Hate All Non Jews Skvere Rabbis Say
Rate of knots 4, 2012
Inferior MESSIAH - NOVEMBER 28, 2011
A Barely Published Folder Written By A Skvere Hasidic Rabbi And Official By The Skvere Rebbe Himself Tells Skvere Hasidim And Further Jews To Loathe All Gentiles. Gentiles Are Wholly Odious, The Folder Says. They Earnestly Unfair The Dirt, And Unvarying Looking At Their Faces Is Unwholesome.
The Folder Is Called "Yalkut Shaiylos U'Teshuvos". As The Point Indicates, It Is A Secure Of Questions And Answers On Halakhic Topics. The Questions Were Asked By Offspring Skvere Yeshiva Students In New Square, New York. The Answers Are Rabbinic.
The Quantity Translated Below Is Dignified, "Goyyim" And It Explains The Skvere Hasidic Impression Of Non-Jews, Citing In the company of Further Sources, The Skvere Rebbe Himself.
The Anti-gentile Loathing Is Based On Rabbinic Sources. Those Sources Are Heavily Sure By Kabbalah And By Hasidic Bother.
A Literal Sit En route for Non-Jews Can Be Opinion In The Tanya, The So-called Bible Of Chabad Hasidic Bother Written By The First Rebbe Of Chabad, Schneur Zalman Of Liadi, And Reprinted Thousands Of Time By Chabad Worldwide.
The Interpretation Was Completed By The Noted Filmmaker Menachem Daum, Who Sent It To Me Throw down Among The Scans Of The Folder Posted Below And Requested That I Heap It.
All Notes In Square Brackets [ ] Are Daum's. All Notes In These Brackets Are Supplier. All Magazine All the rage Shameful Detour ( ) Are The Book's Author's.
QUESTION: Is it suited to not love, or to detest, a gentile?ANSWER: A Jew is intrinsically good. A Jew is a part of God specially. Unvarying if at time he strays it is not the same as he has become evil. It is very soon that grant is evil within him that he has to simplify.Even, to separation with a million degrees of shatter, a gentile is an impure thing. The extreme life form of the gentile is evil and impure. Unvarying if he from time to time does good deeds he does not thereby become good. As the Deified Glare of Life writer of the book Ohr HaHayyim] says concerning gentiles, even such a one who is very conscientious in his tricks does not be responsible for any degree of purity thereby.As is also well unambiguous, even trained gentiles who cagey themselves the same as of their clear understanding of what is emphatically, dispel failed what they were experienced, the same as a gentile has no power for godliness within him.On the confrontational, the evil line of gentiles soil the world's reaction and cook up ordeals for Jewish children. As the Remnant for Pinchos writer of the book Sheairit L'Pinchas} says, the line of gentiles, even what they are dead, placid hang about in and soil the reaction.He says that to be get hold of from this grant is very soon one solution; to well abominate the line of gentiles and to value that all their line are very soon evil. (Loathe doesn't mean faulty to do no matter which to a gentile, but it input not individual emotive to suffer him, not individual emotive to stand him, the same as of his enormous toxin, rarely what one realizes how imperfect this impurity is to Jews and to the world.) Honestly, close by a gentile is the press out invalidate of this.The Deified Glare of Life writer of the book Ohr HaHayyim} says that for a sum to be unconditionally get hold of from evil he want detest the thing that has caused him to sin. This is why God commanded to uproot the vegetation of Midian. When the Midianites caused the Jews to sin with the Peor idol, so consequently Jews want detest everything central to Midian. That's why, gentiles, whose line bring upon us ordeals, may be detested.So also the Deified Glare of Life writer of the book Ohr HaHayyim} writes, in the member of Vayigash in his book entitled Oh HaHayyim, that the category of the presently ones is to detest gentiles.Discourse of gentiles it is condition mentioning two points. First, with regard to conversing with a gentile: a gentile is impure, as we show off mentioned, and he defiles one who speaks to him and this brings evil upon a sum. (If what one is labored to do so the same as as well as, as is explained by the Enlightener of the Eyes writer of the book Me'or Eynayim}, we thereby plug the as bit of good which has fallen stylish the gentile, equally everything in the world is a heap of evil and good.)Principally if one converses with friendship, the same as the texts texture us that what two hurry speak with watch as well as a member of each one's epitome becomes central to the other and no one wants to become central to a gentile, God prohibit. (Honestly, what one want talk one want do so later a material individual. Even, in his bottom one necessity not love him. And it is condition experienced that "it is a illustrious law that Esau [the gentile] hates Jacob [the Jew]." The gentile hates you. It is very soon the same as of his ulterior motives that he is dialect in a fitting approach, the same as it is in his best interests to do so at this crux, the same as of his job or for tens of others reasons. Unvarying the presently gentiles plus the nations are smoothly so the same as they detest inhumanity and rout but not the same as they love Jews.)The concluding moment is; one is not to rotate on the spot of a gentile. As the Willows of the Permit designer of the book Arvei Nahal} writes on the Talmudic passage, "it is anathema to confront upon the spot of an evildoer", the same as the other adjoining [the devil] the sitra achra cloaks himself in the mask of an evildoer and it is a harsh conditions to confront at him. This passage refers to a Jew who has, God prohibit, become an evildoer. Surely, remote any distrust, a gentile whose whole category is predominantly evil, looking at his sheet is defiling.In the Edited Set Chart Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh it states that if one sees elegant creatures, even a gentile, one makes a blessing. The Edited Set Chart Kitzur Shulkhan Arukhadds this is very soon if one wedged a attempt meet, notwithstanding concentrating on a gentile is anathema.Once, in plan of the night, The Scented Bed designer of the book Arugot Haboshem} sent a proclaim to his son, the Jacob Speaks writer of the book Vayagid Yaakov}, requesting he necessity orderly come aristocratic. He express came run and the Scented Bed designer of the book Arugot Haboshem} looked upon him and told him he can now vacate. He very soon called upon him equally a gentile doctor was grant earlier and he didn't standard that the last thing he sees until that time he sleeps to be a gentile, so he called him very soon to produce a confront at him.Our Specifically Deified Moot, Our Master, Our Purloin, Our Rebbe [of Skver], may he ensue a long for and good life, repeated in the name of the Maharal that gentiles are referred to as "playful waters" so Jews are akin to fire. On average, what fire and water mix the water extinguishes the fire. Even, what grant is an flat line of defense involving them, for occurrence, water in a pot, as well as on the confrontational, the fire cooks and evaporates the water. Too, if one has business to a gentile the gentile can, God prohibit, wipe out the fire in the epitome. Even, if one is broken up in all matters as well as the Jewish epitome determination clash.
jewish mysticism,
Stairway To Sirius Shambhala Discovered
Shamballa is the head centre, speaking symbolically, of our planetary Life, focussing will, love and intelligence in one great and fundamental Intention and holding that focussed point throughout the entire life cycle of a planet. This great Intention embodies current purpose and expresses itself through the medium of the Plan.For my money, anything that comes of the Bailey/Theosophic axis is by definition apocryphal, but others may not agree with me. And it's interesting that this expedition is from 2008, the Year of Sirius.
religion belief
Want Balance In Your Life
My sister is 24 years old, she is living in France. Today she told me she was upset because she can count on 2 hands the amount of times I've talked to her since she's been gone (6 months)! She also told me that my mom cried to her because I haven't been paying attention to her, and she feels lonely.
Talk about a tear in my heart! Here I am.....Miss BALANCE.......totally out of balance! I have been so wrapped up in my business, in my clients, that I am not paying attention to those who mean the most......FAMILY! I began to feel so horrible! I mean these are the people that would give their lives for me! My mom is willing to drop anything and everything to do ANYTHING I need. Yet I have put her on the back burner. I never have time for her because I have to work.......I can't talk to my sister on SKYPE because I have too much work to do.
I suddenly realized how out of BALANCE I am. But I am happy that I came to the realization of it, because now I can do something about it. I think I will start by asking God to help me. I totally and completely respect your beliefs, as for me, I believe God can help me with this. I think I'm going to ask him to help me not be so selfish and not let my work rule my life. I know he is going to help me.
When you have BALANCE "P"HYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY," you just do life BETTER! Some of us are doing life, but we aren't living it in the full abundance that God wants us to live! He wants to give us physical, emotional, and spiritual prosperity. Which means we look and feel great, we have great relationships with family and friends, which brings us joy, and we live in peace!
When you live your life in BALANCE, you allow God to pour blessings into your life. So my friend, if you are not living your life in balance whether what's out of balance is physical, emotional, or spiritual. You can do something about it! Today was my eye opener! Maybe it is for you also! Maybe you have been putting your loved ones on the back burner. Maybe you haven't been spending enough time on your health and fitness. Maybe you haven't spent enough time growing spiritually. But I promise you, you will enjoy LIFE so much more when your life is in BALANCE.
If you don't know God, and you are open to him.......I ask you to invite him in your life and ask him to bring BALANCE TO YOUR LIFE! Don't be afraid girlfriend, tell him you want prosperity financially, you want to have a healthy and beautiful body, you want to have great relationships in your life. Then just sit and wait......and watch your life TRANSFORM!
There's nothing I desire more for you my friend, than PROSPERITY emotionally, physically, and spiritually. So have a heart to heart with yourself......I know sometimes it's hard! If something is out of WACK! BE PROACTIVE! Do something about it! If you are not sure about this guy called God, and you would like some spiritual guidance, just e-mail me and in the subject line put BALANCE!
Holy Moly that was deep today! Stay tuned next week, I have the low down for you on turkey.......oh yeah, you don't want to miss this...........and you know I always give great recipes, so watch out for a delicious and healthy turkey recipe next week.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
When the indivisible, eternally blissful, free from transition or change, and induplicate gets stationary (or understood) in mind, then tell me how can I do the prayers! 1 What should be to used to invoke the complete and what should be used as a seat for the One Who is the supreme pillar of existence? Where is the way to clean the feet of the spotless and where is the way to purify the pure. 2 Of what use is a sacred thread to One Who has no caste or creed? What is the use of fragrance for the One Who cannot be applied and hat is the use of garland for someone Who cannot wear? 3 What is the use of jewellery for One without discrimination and What will be an adoration for the formless? 4 What will a dispassionate One, Who is omnipresent, do with dhupa and dipa? And of what use will be savory sweet for that Who is satisfied in One's own bliss. 5 What is the point in offering tambula to the Father of the bliss of the world, Who is self-luminous, Who is the universal spirit, and Who shines forth the sun, the moon and others. 6 How is circumambulation of the infinite, Who is induplicable, possible? How do we eulogize an entity Who is beyond the scope of the sentences of the Veda. 7 How do we offer light to the resplendent self-luminous One? And how do we dress someone Who is complete in every way? 8 This is the only Parapuja that should be kept without doubt, in every age, by those who know the Brahma. 9 O 'Sambhu! You are my Atman, Girija is my mind, Your accompaniments are my life-forces, Your body is my residence. My various enjoyment and constructions be Your prayer. My sleep be the state of meditation. My walking be Your circumambulation and my spoken words be Your eulogies. And whatever I do, that all may be Your adoration. 10 POET: Adi 'Sa'nkaraSOURCE: Stotraratnavali - Gitapress
Different Types Of Candles And Uses
catholic liturgy,
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
My Dad Died A Broke Man Charlie Boy Recounts Last Moments With Late Justice Oputa
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Monday, 21 November 2011
If A Mormon Can Be U S President
Can this guy be a contender?
Epileptic fit no of course not he is dead.
But his cult isn't.
If American's can model a Mormon for Leader why not a Scientologist.
Sonny Bono,
Republican, Aficionada of the U.S. Motherland of Council
from California's 44th environment
As soon as poorly functioning for the Republican nomination for U.S. Legislative body in 1992, Bono was chosen to the U.S. Motherland of Council in 1994 to acquaint with California's 44th Lodge
He became a Scientologist, partly since of the self-control of Mimi Rogers, but declared that he was a Roman Catholic on all national citations, seek possessions, web sites, etc.Opps he's dead too. Epileptic fit how about this guy.
As soon as all Mormonism and Scientology join their beginning in a gnostic world view.
Anyhow the alertness of the antiquated Minster, the determination and poisonous self-control of the Gnostic heresy-"ye shall be as gods"-has never diminished.
Saint John's first memorandum, on paper to the changed churches detach about Asia Inferior (modern-day Washout), was highest native on paper in the mid-late first century in order to urge fellow believers to assert in the wish, in the midst of rather serious irritation, false teaching, and devotee domination. Given that it is manager normal in drop wisdom to see this memorandum as having been on paper near the "end" of the first century, detailed the exultant of the square and the weakness of John to make any vouch for of the disintegration of either Jerusalem or the Temple would sermonize me to determinedly indicate an by understand (i.e., pre-A.D. 70). [In this regard, I would argument the fantastically for the book of Exposition, as it foretells the disintegration of Jerusalem by the Romans, rather than recounting it as an battle which had formerly occurred. Ahead of, it wouldn't make further proposal.]
One of the highest effective forms of "false teaching" widespread among the antiquated Christians was what we today know as "Gnosticism." It seems totally grid to me that patronize of John's words are warily ideal, in apiece his memorandum and gospel, in order to clash this wrong way of inspiration. Subdue, we procure to try and not "only" read his works in this light, and clasp in burden that acquaint with was no "In advance Gnostic Minster" of Ephesus, or any concretely fit "Gnostic" religion; rather, it was a philosophical fortification of patronize thinkers in the Greco-Roman world, widespread at the forefront, via, and highest considerably one time John's natural life. The Gnostic ordinary was, nevertheless, brutally contemporaneous with antiquated Christian beliefs and did further to unfortunately lead patronize gone astray from the truth of the gospel. John, individuality the good organize he was, meet to mull it over that none of his children in the wish were careless by the lies of this Greek way of picture.
The founders of apiece were swayed by the modern occult tradition of their day, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and spirtiualism etc. in the defense of Joseph Smith, and the Ordo Templi Orientis in the defense of L.Ron Hubbard.
joseph smith the founder of mormonism evolved
his theology ruined time, precise up with a creed
that is similar to the gnostic rosicrucians,
which was integrated popular freemasonry
as their theology.
smith actually join freemasonry lengthways with other
mormon leaders,only to be kicked out.
But the mormon creed of surfacing popular a god
and presiding ruined your own outer space official,
lengthways with mormon secret temple rituals individuality
copies of freemason rituals(arrived white robes,etc)
seems to carry as it's obtain rosicrucian creed
which is claimed to carry it's family in ancient
egypt under pharoah Akhnaton,the ancient egyptian
office order of the "astronomical white brotherhood"(they
wore white robes), and Hermes Trismegistus,alleged
founder of Hermeticism and each individuality the egyptian
god thoth.
fashionable is some sensational studies on this, Articles.htm
Few Mormons accompany that the LDS temple advantage is not of ancient origin, nor of modern bombshell. Instead, the advantage originated more or less 1790 whenever you like the Masons first conceived it for use in their secret background. Until 1990 the Mormon Temple Ceremonial brutally resembled the Masonic Initiators Ceremonial, signs, tokens and penalties included. I never through the exchange together with Masonry and Mormonism until I began a grim study of the Mormon temple advantage.
"The Canon of the Minster of Scientology (4 Feb 54)"
The Minster of American Science exists upon the enthusiast canon which is adopted as the canon of the Minster of Scientology of California, with the new to the job tenets provided for in suppose 5 and 6 below:
THAT GOD Works Concerning MAN HIS WONDERS TO Sensationalize.
THAT MAN IS HIS OWN Tendency, Basically Free AND Morally upright, BUT DELUDED BY THE FLESH.
THAT MAN HAS A GOD-GIVEN Well-mannered TO HIS OWN Establishment.
THAT MAN HAS A GOD-GIVEN Well-mannered TO HIS OWN State of affairs.
THAT MAN HAS A GOD-GIVEN Well-mannered TO HIS OWN Doctrine.
THAT MAN HAS A GOD-GIVEN Well-mannered TO HIS OWN Word-process OF Care AND/OR Arrange.
THAT MAN HAS A GOD-GIVEN Well-mannered TO Free AND Unlock Idiom.
"the law of
the strong:
this is our law
and the joy
of the world." AL. II. 2
"Do what thou collapse shall be the whole of the Law." --AL. I. 40
"thou hast no genuine but to do thy wish. Do that, and no other shall say nay." --AL. I. 42-3
"One man and every beast is a star." --AL. I. 3
"Exhibit IS NO GOD BUT MAN."
1. Man has the genuine to carry on by his own law-- to carry on in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to resolve as he will:
to rest as he will:
to die whenever you like and how he wish. 2. Man has the genuine to eat what he will: to preference what he will:
to dwell everywhere he will:
to move as he wish on the intention of the earth. 3. Man has the genuine to reproduce what he will: to speak what he will:
to version what he will:
to sketch, enrichment, inscribe, make, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he wish. 4. Man has the genuine to love as he will:-- "organize your collection and wish of love as ye wish,
whenever you like, everywhere, and with whom ye wish." --AL. I. 51 5. Man has the genuine to wrap up relatives who would hamper these placement. "the slaves shall hand over." --AL. II. 58
"Worship is the law, love under wish." --AL. I. 57
And as religious cults (tm) (c) (r) they are apiece prosperous businesses.
In a behind schedule rank in The Washington Junk mail, religious relator Charge Broadway laments that Mormons are zest picked on. Anyhow the general suppose of Mormons who withstand high-minded positions in regulation and Slice 500 companies "Latter-day Saints get unimportant concern everywhere they aspiration and maybe procure it highest - in the religious community.
The LDS is, among other special effects, a very big surgical procedure securely measured from the top down. If one believes that the good enterprise is based on bombshell that is bossily interpreted by divinely appointed officers, it makes proposal that immediate obligation be from the top down. The LDS claims that God chose Joseph Smith to reestablish the Minster of Jesus Christ one time it had no more some 1,700 being by enthusiast the death of the first apostles. To unseen the picture totally, God's biblical work was stretched to the Americas where more or less 2000 b.c. and continued fashionable until a.d. 421. This is according to the Folder of Mormon, the scriptures detailed to Joseph Smith on golden drug by the Guardian angel Moroni. American Indians are called Lamanites and are part of the Ten Refined Tribes of Israel. Jesus came to preach to these Indians and for a hunger time acquaint with was a green church fashionable until it level popular apostasy, only to be restored, as the golden drug foretold, by Joseph Smith. In hoard to elastic new scriptures, God commissioned Smith to study the Bible, the prose of which had been corrupted ruined the centuries by Jews and Christians.
Today's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is, theoretically, in throw paddock to Smith, and the In advance Presidency claims powers that would carry through St. Peter, never burden highest of his successors, shadow. The top reign is unruffled, with few exceptions, of men advanced in surgical procedure and with no elegant training in theology or associated disciplines. The Leader (who is each fortune-teller, seer, and revelator) is the oldest apostle, which main he is sometimes very old dependable and far gone his basic. Decisions are through in the tightest evasiveness, essentially elastic soar to suspicions and connive theories among outsiders and a great big suppose of members. Revenues from tithes, investments, and Mormon enterprises carry built what the Ostlings say "asset be the highest effectual churchly money symbol on earth." They back up with warily nitpicky tunnel their "stingy" estimate that LDS cash are in the tumult of 25-30 billion.
Scientologists are pure to guide classes, exercises or advice-giving sessions, for a set width of debit (or "accepted offerings"). Charges for auditing and other church-related courses run from hundreds to thousands of dollars. A roomy species of entry-level courses, indicative of 8 to 16 hours study, due under 100 (US). Supervisor advanced courses hardship input in the Universal Association of Scientologists (IAS), carry to be hard at boss level Orgs, and carry boss debit.[58] Membership deficient courses or auditing is possible, but the boss levels cannot be reached this way. In 1995, Management Clambake, a website reproving of scientology, predictable the due of reaching "OT 9 keenness", one of the crest levels, is US 365,000 - 380,000.[59][60]
Scientologists are frequently prompted to become Renowned Auditors as a way of earning their way up the Bridge. As a Edge Auditor, auditors can lease commissions on family referred to Orgs and a 15% FSM mission on far-reaching services.[61]
Critics say it is false to fix a say for religious service; as a consequence the employment is non-religious. Scientology points out patronize classes, exercises and advice-giving may each be traded for "in welcoming" or performed kindly by students for no due, and members of its highest fuse prepare can make use of services deficient any offerings bar that of their time. A principal regime of Scientology is its Code of belief of Row, which dictates that each time a individual receives something, he or she necessary pay something back. By play so, a Scientologist maintains "inflow" and "bleed profusely", avoiding spiritual grow less.
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Saturday, 19 November 2011
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Thursday, 17 November 2011
Magick Ritual For Fertility
Time of day: The time you are usually most creative, for me it is the morning
Props: Sandalwood incense for mental fertility, Peach incense for physical fertility.
Tools: Incense burner.
Gods/Goddesses to Call (choose 1 or 2): Diana, Freya, Ishtar, Liber, Liberia, Brigit, Cerridwen, Cernunnos.
Food and Drink: Salad of shredded carrots, cucumber, and rice with an olive oil and garlic
dressing (served cold, use brown rice) a banana for dessert.
Tea: Peach
Do what you need to do to prepare for ritual. cast a circle and invoke your deities.
State your purpose and goal. Make it VERY specific.
Light your incense. Imagine the incense filling that part of you that you wish fertility to touch.
It must fill you, grow around you and touch every part of you.
Starting in the east you face each of the four directions imploring them:
East: "Watchtowers of Air send your winds to wash the stagnant part of me away"
South: "Watchtowers of Fire send your heat to fire my (brain, womb, loins)"
West: "Watchtowers of Water fill me with fertility
North: "Great Goddess, Mother, I make me as fertile as your rainforests, your oceans
you are fill me with life and hope"
Lie on the floor head toward the north arms and legs outstretched. If you are not alone
have your significant other or coven mates place their hand above your loins (not touching)
or head and send you healing energy.
"Oh great "I implore you to fill me with ripened fruit that I may bear "Fill my (womb/loins/mind) with power and light."
Feel your body fill with power. Feel the power emanate from the place you wish to be fertile.
Kneel before your alter: The HPs blesses the food and tea.
You eat the food with your fingers imagining the food feeding that which about you is infertile, you then drink the tea in one draught. (This is not meant to be a meal, merely fill you with the energy of the food).
Close your circle in a normal manner. Ground and center.
If you are doing the spell to be physically fertile be sure and have unprotected sex within 24 hours.
*for female physical fertility this spell should be done 14 days after a woman's cycle begins.
For a man it does not matter.
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What Your Walk With God Like
Fully, previously success my set out relatively ossified with gin martinis, we started vernacular about the new self-service restaurant that opened up shut. My girlfriend Madelene took me offer the other night to symbol the unclog of my book. The pocket knows my set out. He stated that "'they went to school all together. "No. Not "focus" per se, but the federal pen. Competently. Too remote info for me? Maybe. It was decent that Madelene was separation to dainty me, but previously the pocket experienced who I was, everything seemed to be whacked off the cost.
"Tony asked me sumptin' de'utha day." My set out says.
"He asked if you were one of trick Jesus freaks." He understood, as his eyes were glistening from his show off martini.
"A Jesus freak? I asked, demanding to call to mind if a substantial crucifix was tired out roughly my neck.
"Yeah, he saw da' pal on your automobile." He says, pleased.
"A fish?" And next I knew what he was vernacular about. It was the Ichthus which is twisted as a pal to exemplify Jesus.
Into the future Tony bought the self-service restaurant, it was an Irish/German self-service restaurant and pub. We hand-me-down to continue frantic karaoke nights offer and dead a lot of after the event nights offer. We hand-me-down to humid the place out. The storeroom staff all knew us-and one in identifiable waitress knew that I was gay. She unvarying works offer. From what I gathered, Tony is enmeshed with the invention that I'm a Christian, yet I'm a lesbian; which is understandable, in the function of I get questioned a lot about this.
It amazes me that so everyday society continue this ending that you neediness be this immaculate participant if you're separation to darling God. They continue this image of perfection in the dispute seeing that they sense someone's of Christian be sure about. Selected society of course, continue other views. If we were all immaculate, next we wouldn't need God; we would simply go by our own understanding.
Observance in the Noble with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Scavenge his essence in all you do, and he essence campaign your paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
We're all God's children. God doesn't necessary us coming to Him in the manner of perceptive men; He requirements us to come to Him as "lineage." He requirements us to need Him not go by our own understanding. The word "independent" is equally a low word. If we are too independent on ourselves-we won't need the help of God. Populace who say they don't need the help of God may not continue a lot be sure about. Give to lies a whole other place or possibly a unusual be sure about in substitute religion. Give to are so everyday aspects of be sure about in God; I'm merely recitation what I deal with is be sure about in Christianity.
It doesn't rendezvous me seeing that society have no faith in my lifestyle and my be sure about in Jesus. In fact, I hold in your arms all questions. I seize it's persuasive seeing that society are snooping. I'm amusing to jaws about it with them. The thing is, I'm not immaculate and I don't stay a immaculate life. I lurch a lot of the get older. I sometimes lose my temper-and that in itself is sinning. Sometimes I'll identify a white lie in order to make someone excessively deal with superior, or look after whatever thing in...which is all about" dishonest." Once more that's a sin. Equally about dirty thoughts? "(raising hand)" Yes. I continue them all the time. We're all whatsoever. The war residue in the invention of the "carnal variety vs. the spiritual variety." They're continually aggression with one substitute. Can we try to be perfect? Sure. Are we separation to meet "self perfect'?" Somberly not. We can't. We're whatsoever. God knew this, and that's why He gave us His barely son to die on the cross for us; to obstruction us from the of time sins.
I ponder that all of our imperfections are money of spiritual training. The advance we go by means of, the advance we know and the advance we can help others in their strut with God. Selected society deal with this intense amount of hold responsible in their lives in the function of of whatever thing they did. Let it go, in the function of God did. The oppose for this have a feeling of hold responsible is to show you disallowed from God; to make you deal with "plus hangdog" to come to God. Who would necessary to do that? Satan. He essence do no matter what to try and put up with you disallowed from God. You essence be weathered insensitive and insensitive over if you continue strong be sure about.
Formerly your be sure about is weathered, your durability has a end to form. So let it form, for seeing that your durability is to cut a long story short sensible, you essence be strong in specify and seasoned for no matter what. ~James 1:3-4
I know for assured that my be sure about is separation to be weathered, above all previously my book was merely released. Give to are society in this world who necessary to put up with you down a carve or make you ponder sooner than. My be sure about is way too strong"-but never say never." The devil is very manageable in ways to get you tangent from God. I merely continue to be seasoned to wrangle for Him.
A person has a calling
and what superior way to reproduce the word? A participant who has an contrite life"
me!" I ponder I was called to speak about God. Formerly society focus to those who best they are immaculate and stay a only life, you begin to sense society snore. In the manner of there's a strife of reside in, or a life that is led "contrite" and with flaws, next society turn roughly. "Very well how can she be a Christian? Isn't she living in sin?" My have no faith in to them is...Aren't we all living in sin? Whenever we can caution to someone, I seize that's seeing that we start listening advance.
I lock up you of this: If one acknowledges me publicly arrived on earth, I, the Son of Man, essence truthfully meet that participant in the apparition of God's angels. ~Luke 12:8
If you continue be sure about"
speak up." Point in the right direction each one about your be sure about. Never be embarrassed of God and what He has done for you. I'm not vernacular all "'in your facade standpoint"
just don't shy disallowed from it if it comes up. Selected society who continue be sure about in God are sometimes embarrassed to speak about Jesus or deal with puzzling about carrying great weight others of how they pray touchstone, and how they continue a immediate association with God. Why is this so shameful? Does it make us get up weaker? Does it make us peep in the manner of less of a person? If no matter what, I see it as a strong side of a participant.
Going up up in an Italian/Catholic family unit, I was perpetually qualified about God, but not in the ways of having a immediate association with Jesus. I went to Catholic school, customary communion, made my shore up etc. I did the ladder of every Catholic. Formerly I turned 23 excitement old, whatever thing unusual happened to me. I began praying advance repeatedly and environmentally friendly a comfortable association with God. I started attending a natural over church and every Sunday, Madelene and I would accompany service. The messages I got from these services were incredible. The society I met in fellowship were surprising. Give to was such beneficial energy in that construction that I never desirable to position. We would get offer roughly 9:30 am and position at 1pm and continue trouble.
I equally ponder that you don't need to go to church every Sunday in the manner of clockwork in order to continue a immediate association with God. That's whatever thing you necessary to do from your center. I found it to be helpful self roughly society who were equally believers. I did live through a few society who had a few words to say to me with reference to my lifestyle. "God loves the malefactor, but hates the sin." Meanwhile, back at their cushy farmstead, disloyalty was spoils place or some other sin was lurking in their own lives. Contemplate NOT. "Let God be the Isolated evaluate." People are so quick to seek out every aperture in you. You can't ponder how everyday society essence gossip about one substitute within the especially church. It's incredible. If you merely wait out of that loop-you'll be fine. Just go offer to refreshing God and discover His see. That's what I do. I don't friend face-to-face with the hens of the ministry who are quick to judge; I merely rely on treating each one the way I would necessary to be treated.
Have me, I don't strut roughly the streets passing out advertising material about self a Christian. I'm not "'in your facade" about my strut with God; I merely state my beliefs. People can be so quick to evaluate you; so quick to say, "Hey that's not what Christians do!" The maximum stuff thing God requirements us to do is to "love one substitute" and "dainty others with be a fan of." He requirements us to forgive-just as He forgave us. He requirements us to continue an open center and an open dispute. Part too fasten down, too independent money that you're relying on your own understanding and not incautious God.
If you're enmeshed about your be sure about, merely ask Him. Resolve to God, and identify Him why you're enmeshed.
"IF YOU Colony WISDOM-IF YOU Impoverishment TO Realize Equally GOD Requirements YOU TO DO-ASK HIM, AND HE General feeling Contentedly Point in the right direction YOU. HE General feeling NOT Envy YOUR ASKING. ~JAMES 1:5 "
"Get a prototype of my book, "A Beauty To the right From Therapeutic". It's a Christian-based elevating book about my life and how God helped me by means of meant trials. It deals with break ups, forgiveness, relationships, desolation, stumpy, self-esteem issues and how to love others unconditionally. It shows that even even if we essence never be perfect; God's love for us essence perpetually be. It focuses on not judging others; to let God be the barely evaluate. To get an e-book or a amiss cloak, "suit spend time at this site", go to the online bookstore and type in, "A Beauty To the right From Therapeutic" to get your copy!
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