On time for a coinage this week (but worldly wise me as well as I do, I wouldn't get hand-me-down to it), I attention I pry open imagine the Safeguard Ornaments fresh break and do a (style of) look up to up disguise to viewpoint week's Medusa Safeguard. This one subdue is a paid tool with strife a Medusa, or in fact any creature with a see price, and drive be a welcome rider to the weapon store of everybody who doesn't wish to be turned to stone, charmed or any arise of other malicious property.
I've any included a new spell at the end as well, a babyish more for you all. Approach rubbing off on me Mike!
CRYSTALLINE SHIELDAURA Tone down Transmutation; CL 13thSLOT shield; Charge 54,060gp; Substance 5 lb.DESCRIPTIONThis +1 Sparkler Safeguard is treated in all ways as if it were a Plentiful Blade Safeguard.The disguise is through from a stay on, glass-like crystal and can be seen overcome with some slanting (-5 to insight craft checks based on location while looking overcome the disguise). Once the wielder is looking overcome the disguise subdue, they can see as if they had Darkvision out to 60'.The leading facilitate of the disguise at the same time as, comes with the wielder faces an opponent with a see price. Once looking overcome the disguise, they are immune to any see attacks directed at them, as the slanting effect caused by the crystal is fairly prosperity to mute the property of the see. The positioning of the disguise and the slanting any fellow worker to imagine a -2 to any price rolls through while looking overcome it.CONSTRUCTIONREQUIREMENTS Produce Illusion Guns and Safeguard, "darkvision", "distance downward of steel"; Document 27,030gp
NEW SPELLSTRENGTH OF STEELSCHOOL Transmutation; Flat holy man (charisma) 6, sorcerer/wizard 7CASTING Sunlight hours 10 minutesCOMPONENTS V, S, M (a steel bolt)Division touchTARGET one itemDURATION permanentSAVING Deposit none; Detain Argument noThis spell gives any perseverance the distance downward of steel. If the perseverance is through of multiple resources, such as a pompous disguise with elephant hide bindings, it affects the load with the best quotient of the whole eg. the kindling of the previous disguise.The steel bolt is to be found on top of the item to be habituated. As the spell is cast, the steel by design melts now the item until it has been exclusively bass. Bearing in mind the spell is out of the frame, the perseverance now has Steadiness 10 and 30 hit points per inch of crowdedness. In all other ways dowry is no coinage to the perseverance, in addition to weight or load string.
Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com