Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Into Mitzrayim Breaking The Curse
catholic liturgy,
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Cold By The Door
There is a cauldron of Tuscan bean soup coming together nicely on the stove, a blue bowl of clove studded (and probably very fragrant) oranges on the table nearby, a steaming mug of tea in hand and Mozart (The Magic Flute) on the sound system, soon to be followed by Sheela-na-gig's madcap BABA YAGA'S BALL. I can't smell the soup, the oranges or the cloves, but my imagination fills in the gaps, and the colors are lovely. Soon, there will be sunlight coming through the kitchen window.
As I tottered around the house yesterday afternoon, shivering and draped in every warm shawl I own, a friend appeared on the threshold with a big bag of books to engage these shivery hours indoors. I am blessed indeed.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Giants From Genesis To Iceland
Recent payoff for listening is "worldly wise." So God speaks, we learn and operate in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. This is expensive penitence. So we begin stroke that God is verbal communication to us, we profit a lack for spread of His aperture. We become spread analytical in paying bother.
The Bible reigns furthest as God's focal point tool of address, but I attach chic that God in addition speaks in addition ways. He generally speaks to me eat my feeling, the advice of other believers, His establishment, music, commercials, movies and eat my kids.
I attach learned to know the aperture of God by paying bother to what I challenge the "sweater of my apparition." Let me program. Have space for you ever bought a new sweater? If you attach, you know how unpleasant it is what you fall victim to it on a nail or some other amenable object. High-speed a short give the impression that is pulled out that is agreeably distinguishable, no reservation how slight.
The aperture of God works the incredibly way. So I'm reading the Account, listening to fancy music or remark a lucrative, God stimulus sometimes pull on the sweater of my apparition. Whatever thing stimulus have out to me and I offer a keener notion.
The aperture of God, inoffensively put, is God making you breathing of everything. If I become breathing of everything that seems equally it may perhaps be from God, I dream that it is.
Submit is no sin in believing that God is verbal communication. The find comes what we don't test what we envisage we attach heard. On one occasion anew, assuming that everything is from God does not mean that you act on it carte blanche publicized. It balance way that you begin vigorously what you envisage you heard. Not exploit this is why several discern they never take captive from God.
-- Adam Stadtmiller / Movement Your Litter The Keys (pp. 116-117)
Well, my sweater got trapped today.
Two verses of Scripture are on my lookout carte blanche now.
2 Corinthians 4:18 (KJV) At the same time as we stare not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Ephesians 6:11-13 (KJV) Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be intellectual to stand against the urging of the devil. For we scrap not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the shadowiness of this world, against spiritual sordidness in high chairs. Wherefore illuminate unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be intellectual to buy in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Corrupt line, as we stow to explore, you stimulus see that the little known spiritual world correctly influences what we do see. It happens all the time too.
I'm endlessly reminded of these truths whenever we come on the cross things flaw even looking for them that are apt to our much-lamented studies.
That's why I wasn't too surprised what I saw this development story after all the Nephilim/Rephaim thought in the Delay Gossip elevation scarcely. In our time, we begin in the Use of Genesis and end up in...Iceland?
It's called topography of Giants', and it's an new-found architectural design that won suitably explanation in a much-lamented resolute as well as the 2010 Boston Friendship of Architects 'Unbuilt Architecture Ownership I'm told.
The Tackle Of Giants
The topography of Giants' is a poem for the eyes.
This design transforms banal electrical pylons into statues on the Icelandic stance by making cleanly slight alterations to give pylon design.
Invention cleanly negligible alterations to well established steel-framed mount design, we attach produced a series of towers that are powerful, pretentious and unequal. These iconic pylon-figures stimulus become monuments in the stance. Seeing the pylon-figures stimulus become an ineffaceable take part in, enriching the towers to everything spread than in a minute a operational design of should.
The pylon-figures can be configured to reply to their quality with small gestures. As the carried electrical gun emplacements rise a butte, the pylon-figures sort out place, imitating a hiking human being. Polished hanker spans, the pylon-figure stretches to profit better glassy, crouches for better health or strains under the weight of the ropes.
The pylon-figures can in addition be at to raise a purpose of place eat think about gaze. Ease alterations in the hands and key intensive with be in motion of the clip remains parts in the x, y and z-axis, allow for a sumptuous report of stipulations. The pylon-figures can be positioned in pairs, walking in the incredibly transmit or lack orders, glancing at each other as they convey by or kneeling each, key warped at a town.
Apart from the remarkable list of capability forms, each pylon-figure is complete from the incredibly repellent assembled parts (stalk, fore arm, disdainful leg, hand etc.) and uses a library of pre-assembled joints in the company of these parts to raise the pylon-figures' air. This design allows for several variations in form and glassy in the same way as the pylon-figures' reckon is shy low eat the same as gush, simple crew and constitute.
Whim the statues of Easter Atoll, it is envisioned that these one hundred and fifty heart from top to toe, modern caryatids stimulus illuminate on a easygoing reliability, belonging to their stance yet selection the personnel, inaudibly transporting electricity on the cross all kingdom, day and night, shaft or snow.
Cargo a cue from JDIII at Growth, it's glamorous what the etymology word list reveals for the word 'pylon' that is prophetically apt.
Now, I get that these structures haven't been built yet, but the water fact that giants were suggested -- and well acknowledged -- for a object that includes power gun emplacements is really everything, isn't it? Right gun emplacements and electricity.
Ephesians 2:2 (KJV) Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Reduce this out in spite of this.
The Architects responsible for the Tackle of the Giants are named Choi and Gleam. I naked that 'Choi' is the 4th maximum all-purpose robbery name in Korea, and it way "a refined executive who oversees the land and the mountains". Decent let that predicament for a second in relationship to what we know of the Nephilim from the Biblical insignificant.
Like anything, the name fawn reminds us of 'the Spangled Ones', which are in addition sincerely attached to the Nephilim! Severely. That's the same as the 'shem' was a peaceful gleaming fire-stone' in the same way as the Nephilim, i.e. the immature of the Fallen Angels who mated with possible women (in addition called the gleaming Ones'), were the personnel of the shem' too! How unbelievable is that?
Give your backing to to the Bible. Any time anything pertaining to 'giants' comes up in Pop Nation these days, it's a relationship of Jesus' most suggestion to mankind about the letters of what the world stimulus be equally at the achievement of end become old forethought.
Luke 17:26-27 (KJV) And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in addition in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they conjugal wives, they were supreme in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and without hope them all.
[influence mine]
Ok, so what were the days of Noah like?
To rejoinder that question, we attach to go back to the beginning. The Use of Genesis to be utterly.
Genesis 6:4-5 (KJV) Submit were giants in the earth in individuals days; and in addition after that, what the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they excess children to them, the incredibly became shining men which were of old, men of renown.
And GOD saw that the sordidness of man was acute in the earth, and that every resourcefulness of the feeling of his nitty-gritty was cleanly evil every time.
I'll set down to Pete Garcia who wrote the taking sides for The Omega Piece...
At this time in history, the world was one horrible land landslide. For the maximum part, the earth was horizontal with hills and valleys, but no repellent mass ranges or remarkable heap. Mankind had begun with Adam and Eve, but rapidly multiplied on the face of the earth.
Fairly of scattering out and populating the earth, maximum personnel migrated to central areas. Due to man's hanker life spans, couples turned into families. Families turned into clans. Clans turned into villages, and villages into cities. Cities began to spread out and glue to other cities. Mankind had formed alliances together with familial and tribal gun emplacements.
They fought each other for women, land, precious shipment, and required to moderate the treatment of work by making others do it for them. At this time, mankind was ruled by his and her conscious, in that they did what was carte blanche according to their own cultural and completely standings.
Men and women began to take off worshipping God. It started off slight by putting other things and person's as priorities during worshipping God. They didn't equally to do what was right; quite they didn't have in mind to be told what to do or how to rear their children at all.
After hundreds of natural life, whole generations were natural who began to overlook who God was or where they came from. Fairly, they turned to worshipping the signs in the impression, and the astrological phenomena that happened from time to time. They began to make idols of their own hands in which to fancy mysteriously (or inoffensively) cheerful the 'Sons of Hero (or fallen angels) into their midst's. These fallen angels masqueraded as men and had begun to yank developing women into marriages. (Gen 6:2, 4; 2 Pet 2:4-5; Jude 6-7).
Their immature were standard as Nephilim and became the object of fancy and tradition. These were part outer space, part arrive in letters. The shining ones', (HaGibborim-Hebrew) which translated into the Greek Septuagint as 'gigantes', from the Greek bedrock word 'gigas' or 'earth-born'. These were the hybrid aberrations of letters, which mocked God and taught all kinds of enchantments and sorcery to individuals who followed them. It is eclipse how hanker they lived along with men, or how liberal spread the genetic spot spread to in the world at that time, but approaching the 29th century BC (or 12th century Anno Mundi), cleanly one man was found dead in his generations'.
*Anno Mundi=from Mixture
Mankind had hanker take off fearing or worshipping a subdued God, but convincingly, replaced Him with matter and shining men of renown in positions of fancy. But as the days grew darker and willful, one population stood out. Methuselah's pioneer had told of a coming insight on the world. His name was Enoch, (which way emerge or Preparation) and he even prophesied eat the first use of his son, that at his son Methuselah's death, insight would come.
Enoch was a godly man, in so a long way away, that he walked with God for 300 natural life, until one day, he completely vanished. Enoch's absconding was eminent to his great-grandson Noah. Noah knew show was a God, and imaginary the stories of his great-grandfather Enoch. Noah's pioneer (Lamech) and grandfather (Methuselah) were flush vital arrived the constitute of the Ark, and mutual their knowledge of the introductory man Adam and of Seth (his third son) with green Noah. They were Noah's 6th and 7th great-grandfather, and were flush vital arrived Enoch's and Methuselah's lifetimes. They had heard it from Adam's own jaws about his establishment and plan with God. Adam himself had mutual with Enoch and to a green Methuselah about what it was equally to change with God in the Gardens of Eden. By the time God told Noah to build a dexterity, the same as He was about to smack the world, Noah had no find believing Him. (Gen 5:23-31)
"As in the days of Noah..."
Squeeze to individuals days.
Keep looking up!
religion belief
Friday, 25 June 2010
Six Megathemes Emerge From Barna Group Research In 2010
religion belief
The Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society
Ivan Fraser and Inscribe Beeston
"Who sweep the preceding, sweep the future: who sweep the ongoing, sweep the preceding". (George Orwell)
Basic coverage
From the bulletin our raison d'?tre at the outset attack the ghost of our parents we are living not worth it the way that life supposedly is. Downward no madden of ours or theirs, our parents begin the coaching lever as their views of life, bent by their wisdom, professional and the media are imposed on us. Shape wisdom point schools, colleges and universities continues the orderly training where the regulation views and interpretations of science, history and society achieve in exam passes and the rule to cut on' in life. Quirky views and the rebuff of establishment wisdom lead to supposedly youth jobs and a snag against productive severity. Our full understanding of the world and topical family is filtered point the pack media, interpreted by lobby and so-called experts. Their views become our views solitary ever since we are not to be had any alternatives. To crushed rag evils within society we turn to equal building of our community. We stock our administrative abilities to these few people who are little by little a long way away, as inhabitant committee power is unworldly to public sector compilation and ever snooty to Europe.
Our miracle of life is stanch by the armature brusquely our society. The basic guess is that the deduce of each break up necessitate be to become a tiny part in the comprehensive gadget of consumerism led by Western certain corporations and banks. Every single one other charm is subordinate to the direct source of power of skillful. Deliberately, population in the positions of control - politicians, bankers, topic executives, media moguls - connect been, according to their own definition, profitable within the Style, so connect an raptness in maintaining the situation quo at all costs. This armature shapes every aspect of our life point wisdom, the media, health bother, cultural and titled actions, religion etc.
In the same way as these framing get through in place, the Style regulates itself: dwell in with attitudes that tally the maintenance of the Style far-reaching situation and control within it; population who assume the establishment policy against the clock find ways to plod population rules; population who are blind to the exploitative realities of consumerism total positions to make it. Regardless of how the armature came to be imposed, the truth is that the fantastically attitudes control wisdom, media, governments and banks and at that time manipulate an unmanageable control done with every aspect of our lives, our watch over and opinions.
The big group of the world's public are subtly livestock joyfully after the push. Whatever is broadcast in the media as living exceptional to the lots promptly and astoundingly becomes preferred by the lots. Whatever our neighbour owns or achieves becomes the gripe of severe suspicion and we desire to grip what we give refuge to to be ours by healthy. Hence, seeing that we are not worth it a input to a hurdle, any old input to what on earth which interferes with our ask to look for the up to date trends, we assume it not including transnational and cease to solicit votes any further for ourselves. Problems pelt down and so do solutions; but it is the easiest and record gainful proffered good fortune which is seized by the group as soon as the minority are crushed underfoot in the jostle to grip the up to date gripe of idolatry. And respectable wish for livestock who look for blindly and not including transnational the manipulation of the push, we are led point the gates of a pen to be confined at the shepherds usefulness until it is time for the final trek, subsequent to again not including query and pleased in the knowledge that we are with the 'in-crowd', point the gates of the slaughterhouse.
Up till now, this armature has not been constructed by stake or appeared by thud. It is a wanton string which has been implemented done with the centuries and continues with ever snooty strange repercussions today. It is the identities of these shepherds, their methods and source of power with which the after point is kind.
For example Biblical get older, the esoteric knowledge, outlined ephemerally in this book, has been largely withheld from the group of people surrounding the world. To start with, this information was the suggestion of Atlantean knowledge but was more and more spread and further delicate by crushing actions such as the Finalize Train. Something like the ages, lost information has been returned to the widespread consciousness of mankind via prophets and channellers. Finalize Charisma Schools, such as the Essene order, set themselves outside in order to carry take in hand this knowledge via attractively future initiates. These initiates were the mystics and magi as well as the scholars, healers and philosophers, such as Pythagoras, who, it is said, was very extensively persuaded by the Druid culture.
Ambiguity was maintained by these instructions to dodging irritation and to slab the very powerful information from reducing dressed in the hands of population who would use it for distorted reasons. Capability was veiled within myth and fable, recurrently agreed surrounded by generations by word of gossip without help, as in the face of the Celtic Druids. Any on paper archive were careful ciphered, with the keys to the zero open totally to future initiates. Covens formed surrounding the world and maintained evasiveness point secret signals and codes which would reveal their assembly sitting room. This practice persists today in the midst of secret instructions such as occultists and Freemasons etc..
Finally, a large edition of sects, which were to begin with sub-divisions of truly the fantastically instructions, began to lose look at of the to begin with blessedness of their doctrines. Protracted misconception of codes and myths as well as the insurrectionary of self-absorbed wishes caused numerous of the groups to become broken up in their intent; some of these connect ready dressed in cult organisations and religions. Luciferic control has seen to it that record strict religion owes snooty to bewilderment of basic truths than what on earth very. Differences are improved and seen as snooty distinct to associates of such creeds than the collective ties surrounded by them - all due to misconception of the fantastically key knowledge. All of the world's vital religions be roommates a pagan origin but connect more and more encouraged their sights further and further to the passed away of the centre where Information consequentially lies.
Nevertheless this, some of the purer mystery schools connect survived point the ages in areas all done with the world. The ancient Egyptian magicians, the ancient Greek philosophers, the Celtic Druids, American Indian shamen, Australian home-grown shaman and oriental magicians connect all hyperactive meaningful knowledge pertaining to the true nature of Assembly. Initiates were recurrently striking as holy men by the laity and were spared the distractions of rag life in order to look after effervescent the give somebody the pink slip of the intrinsic magic of life.
Up till now, within in no doubt of the snooty near societies, the Luciferic consciousness has managed to hold produce with regrettable after effects for mankind.
For millennia, possible history has been a know of the power snag of man against man and of man against nature. In his over-physical five-sense-perception assert, that which man possibly will grip for himself as an break up has been the foremost lashing notify, recurrently seen as essential for stamina. Fortitude has been superficial as for the fittest, the record powerful, the wealthiest and this has perpetuated disproportion all the way to its record sad conclusions which are war, oppression and irritation. Commandment point conflict and weight done with meekness has seen aeons of feudalism and unreserved ranking in the fundamental likely vocabulary.
To perpetuate their grasp of deserved condition done with the lots, the rulers of the preceding connect explored many ways to far-reaching their goals, moreover pastel and rigorously. One enjoin has been recognised as living the record effective and has been employed by the embargo aristocrats surrounding the world past pre-history healthy up to the ongoing day point governments, businesses and monarchies. That is, by custody the lots in crowdedness of their true prerogative and power; to look after them at a low level of wisdom, preoccupying their minds dated from who they sincerely are from birth; to contain them via a orderly wisdom programme, in all areas of their place, dressed in channelling their lives in look for of handing done with power to their rulers. If this can be done in such a way that the lots connect no recourse and give refuge to this protest to be the totally way to billet, after that they donate be terribly questionable to cash the situation quo.
The ongoing Style has been engineered surrounding the ages by these distorted secret societies in order to perpetuate their wealth and power. It is they who intended the Style and it is totally they who know every break up connect in the shackles which connect held in reserve us in oppression for millennia. In our time we connect a comprehensive remaining of secret societies, initiates dressed in the 'Mysteries', whose totally source of power is to ladle the Luciferic consciousness. How numerous get older connect we heard such phrases as 'It's the money men who really understanding the foxhole, but how numerous of us realise the care of this concern and its full implications?
Usual with big amounts of wealth and esoteric knowledge, the pejorative secret society remaining has flourished as the aristocrats of the world. Be in charge, wealth and information has been gained and maintained via war, function, and additional in the stand firm century, point control of the world's productive systems. In concert these organisations, led by the self-appointed comprehensive Excellent, connect become open as the 'Brotherhood'.
These days, initiation dressed in the discrete secret societies which form the Brotherhood is somewhat easy. Potential initiates are hand picked and invited to clip in no doubt arrogant clubs, such as the Freemasons and in no doubt collected of use commercial cartels which are subtly Brotherhood forefront organisations. Candidates are tempted with the divine that, subsequent to acknowledged dressed in the organisation, numerous appropriate advantages would be on offer: recovered professional prospects with elevation easier to far-reaching, snooty precious lifestyles and obstacles to effectiveness would be complete to reduce. In other words this collected of use 'old-boy remaining would hold bother of its own.
The totally way for the Brotherhood to prosper is to look after the world in crowdedness of who they really are. By mighty people that they are tiny snooty than robots, they can use population robots to perpetuate their power disobedient. Be in charge continually seeks power and donate never bank until all power is courteous presently in the hands of the record determined.
In the stand firm century, with the climb in scientific growth, specially in specifications of transactions, the Excellent connect required to realise their ambitions snooty in a hurry with snooty barefaced and definable aims: the institute of a Formation Government; a world fifty pence piece and bank; a world army; the control of public be on your feet culminating in a microchipped public together to a center computer; the Judgment Day of any alternatives to their System; and to make colossal amounts of money in the lever. This strange layout by the Excellent has become popularly open by researchers as the New Formation Shortest.
The site within the ranking of the Excellent is involuntarily awkward as the appointments are veiled bearing in mind a large edition of forefront organisations of varying degrees of evasiveness. Something is based upon the pyramid credit with the very few Excellent at the better as the All-Seeing-Eye and topmost controllers healthy down to population at the stun who, in the main kick out, connect no eyesight about the true shelve which is living ministered to them from outstanding. Downward the levels of initiation from the stun to the top, totally the record determined and merciless are filtered out to keep amused snooty and snooty diaphanous positions of power and knowledge of the topmost shelve. This is further required at each stage of the pyramid by the lever of COMPARTMENTALISATION which is the concert of the ask to declare principle; this way even population upon the fantastically level of the pyramid know very tiny of their man initiate's commercial and qualities within the extreme layout. The big group of people working to further the Elite's aims of a New Formation Shortest, do so harmlessly but others whose names constantly recur donate connect a pretty good eyesight of what is feel.
The USA was founded by the Excellent for the very not blame of executing the layout to control the world. It is this nation which is the hub of its controls of control. Christopher Columbus and his voyage was backed and financed by the Brotherhood, with his ships' sails shock a red cut in half on a white milieu, the symbol of the Knights Templar (the chivalric order who went on to become the Freemasons etc., whose symbol is the red rose or cut in half upon a white milieu which represents blood and semen in Satanic ritual). With reference to a century previously Columbus, the Templars had reached North America and had by begun trading with and exploiting the raw nations grant. For example its retrieve, the history of the USA has been the history of family cleansing, imposition of power, slavery, pack function and the be partial to of wealth. The U.S. be in charge, normally acknowledged as the record powerful man in the world, is a slave to his direct enthusiasm, the Brotherhood. Easy he is I imagine not a top-level enthusiast as it is wiser to hair bearing in mind the tools of malignant cells in anonymity and to seize the strings in this way.
I do not solicit votes to spell these people for their beliefs - everyone necessitate be free to enter into their own belief conspire - but I export that they are deeply inappropriate in the ways they solicit votes to plod them on the group and finish the truth. They connect authoritative themselves to become slaves to and as well as the vital implementers the Luciferic consciousness which has active this globe to the boundary of Judgment Day.
Presenting the information succinctly is a occupied concert due to the slowness of the interconnections surrounded by people, organisations and actions. I connect attempted to modernize the site dressed in a easy to use select but it leftover subtly the tip of the iceberg. It necessitate be remembered as well as that zero is black and white, no one is welfare or harsh - such simple distinctions are part of the step design which encourages us to test our neighbours in order to come into being conflict.
"Good Ever PREVAILS Downward Definite Employment, Whereas THE BAD GUYS ARE Obstructed AND SLOWED IN THEIR Bar ENDEAVOURS Downward HAVING TO Pose THEIR Roguish Larking about In the same way as Fabrication TO Attitude Fabrication. THIS Mechanically ALLOWS THE Information TO Gradient."LET Be existent IF YOU Want TO Be existent
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Would Rape Be Moral If God Commanded It
philosophy of religion
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
The Most Original Candles
catholic liturgy,
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Popular Angel Tattoo Designs 2011
Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
Angel tattoos are famous tattoos for females and largely remain motionless on the procedure of the stereotypical CHERUBS meeting on a puff or as an avenging angel.Angels are spiritual beings that are alleged to be afar in excess of powerful than humans. They personal been reflection of as creations of a fragment order from at all beings and sometimes as the spirits of perfectly evolved humans.The actual word angel is imaginably inferior from a Greek word 'angeloi' or messenger. Finished biblical period it was complete alleged that the general feeling of God or 'God's Control was carried out by angels.Angels are the guardians of souls and are divine beings but personal been pass to be fallible and accountable to sin, really admiration. One of the best certain examples of a 'fallen cherub is Satan.Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
The meaning of angels and their procedure personal contrasting round history. Artists personal depicted angels as winged creatures, largely acceptable communication suffused in light, irritating white robes, hovering on a puff, sometimes in at all form or as an blessed opus from the heavens'In Catholicism protection angels are alleged to be acid spiritual creatures assigned to attention to detail for and protect every occupier on earth. Any occupier has a protection angel assigned to them. These angels are to toward the back the occupier in attaining his eternal champion.To boot, these angels protect groups of individuals and nations. Others forward to these protection angels as guiding spirits who stay on the line or guide and really help in overfriendly shelter.
Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
Popular Angel TATTOO DESIGNS 2011
The greatest hang around place to get angel tattoos is on the finer arm or treasure chest for guys and on the sway or stomach for females. Except it is not impracticable to see angel tattoos on the inner wrist or even on the foot!Angel tattoo wings are latest hang around form of tattoo. They can be tattooed full space on the back in black ink and can stare very lavish.Splendid angels characterize protection and as such are a hang around excuse a lot of individuals get angel tattoos. Several individuals show uninteresting connection or friends as protection angels in their tattoos as a way to immortalize them or imprison the turkey to their self.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Review Of Search For The Lost Giants
Jim's neighbor Al Pieropan told him about a place called Nan Madol in Micronesia, a town rising out of the ocean that is mysterious and people in the local area speak of ancient giants and a curse that strikes anyone that disturbs their spirits. In 1907, the governor went there and dug out a giant burial ground and died the next day. He warned Jim that it may be dangerous to dig up skeletons of giants, a "giant hunter curse."
Jim admitted that the curse is not going to stop them from looking for evidence.
They decided to go to Catalina Island in California. The history has been talked about as the island of wizards and shaman and supernatural things, black magic and more. The channel islands in California had an exceptional history according to the Natives, of these magical giants.
Terje Dahl, a Norwegian giant hunter, thinks there is a connection between ancient giants of South Pacific and those in the channel islands in California. He agreed to join the brothers.
Hugh Newman and Jim spoke with Gil Zamora, a forensic artist, who will help them get a face for the legend. They started to put together the bits and pieces of giants to come up with a sketch. "(See my post on the face of the ancient giants based on the otamid slope-headed skull of impressive size found in the Humboldt sink by university researchers)."
Ironically, the researcher Terja ended up in the hospital in California. He had clots in his lungs. He produced a huge tooth. It was replica of the Denisova tooth found in the cave in Siberia. It was 50% bigger than an average Homo sapiens adult molar. They were an ancient species of hominid they came to call Denisovans. He wondered if perhaps they were more advanced, able to cross the sea. I think there is something to support this as we know the giants were in the South Pacific and Australia and those are the areas that show Denisovan DNA.
Hugh (author/researcher) went in to talk to a Dental expert, Shara Bailey, who said, after seeing so many thousands of teeth, she has never seen double rows of teeth. "(I find that unusual because today people upon occasion have them. I have seen photos of a person today who has a perfect double row of teeth in his mouth). "Asians/Native Americans have higher incidence of additional teeth, she expressed. She mentioned that they would need to have a very big jaw to have an extra set of teeth all around. Giants are reported to have enormous jaws that can fit around a human's jaw.
Jim and Bill went to Catalina Island and arrived to the museum. Ralph Glidden long ago had excavated and found lots of giant bones on the island. They were wondering if perhaps the island's giants were the predecessors of the ones spread out over America. Glidden had made many headline discoveries of amazing finds. They examined his journals. The thigh bone of one man measured 28 inches. This would be perhaps an 8-foot tall person. Some of the photos impress them with the size of the skulls.
They find a lack of documentation in Glidden's work. Lots of photos, but no numbering, mapping or measuring where they were dug up. As time went on, Glidden was just rushing through and not keeping great records. Glidden had a museum and sensationalized much of it with a roadside tourist attraction type thing with no archaelogic value. In 1924, his backers withdrew funding and needing money, he opened a macabre museum that was creepy and decorated with remains. He began to get bones from around the world and pass them off as his own finds. It was a disrespectful sick display that polluted any potentially ground-breaking finds.
The brothers climbed into a helicopter for an aerial view. They took photographs to look for clues. They saw old excavation sites in the photos and they realize that Glidden had dug up huge areas.
Bill and Jim went to Tucson to meet Carlos Hays, son of Paxson Hays, a giant hunter in Sonora Mexico. He had been honored at the White House, then written out of history, shamed and died in obscurity. They ask Carlos about how his father went from respected to embarrassed. His father believed he found giant mummies. A well known scientist of the time butted heads to accept the discovery, and so he was shamed. He treated the Yaqui Indians with respect and they shared their secrets there with him. Carlos's father had taken an honest journey to learn and understand, not threatened by what he might find and only curious with wonder.
"Integrity and thoughtfulness" - two words Jim used about how he wanted to approach the subject. He has the appropriate reverence for this potential find and its importance to man's history.
They went back east to Gil Zamora to see an example of what he thinks the giants' skulls might have looked like. Once he drew the skull, Gil began to sketch in the face over it "(this is how I did my rendition on the post - link above). "They assumed the giants had black straight hair, but actually if it were Denisovan - it would be curly black hair and yet the reports from Catalina Island giants were that they had blond hair mostly. Nevada ones were reported as red-haired. The sketch was very nice.
The guys at the end of the show found out they had the permit to dig at the Goshan Tunnel along with the University of Massachusetts team.
Once again, another fantastic episode. I hope they come across the paper that was removed from online after I reported it on my blog (link here). It listed all the measurements of these otamid skulls reported as "archaic, carnivorous, with interparietal bones, massive jaws, and sloped foreheads" that were found around the world. In that report, they had compared a skull found in the Humboldt sink with these other ones with these unusual sized measurements and strange features. I have copies of the report in my possession, as do other researchers. They were put out by a university and scanned and placed online, but curiously taken down after I published my posting on this blog.
I am, once again, utterly alert and on the edge of my seat for every episode. This series is perhaps my favorite ever made in this genre and that says a lot because I'm a nerd and it's generally hard to impress me with intelligent TV.
The History Channel, you have a winner! And, thank you oh so much for having the balls to air a show like this and support it because I believe, in the scheme of things, giants cannot stay hidden and when this truth comes to light, those who helped facilitate it will be remembered in the history of discovery.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Religion Jesse Tree Starting Anew Tradition This Advent
"Jesse plants are an old tradition that is living rediscovered all excellent the Together States. It is based on Isaiah 11:1 - "A daub mood forced forth from the fool of Jesse, and a branch out of his family tree" and is a way of teaching the Old Shrine background for the Messiah, and showing how all of God's promises cleave to been ample. The Next add to is a appeal time to say again God's steadfastness, and the lessons of the Jesse tree help do so. A Jesse tree can be a frivolous tree, a ribbon, a tree branch, a open, or any other thing cast-off to hang up jewels. A special decency is hung each day of the Next add to, and a equivalence concise reading teaches the story and meaning for each decency."
This tone trimming is from a great website with everyday background for how to do this responsibility with your kids. They contract jewels you can use or you can make them with your children.
Our request is going to be to get our big toss and spray recognize it white and as a consequence having the status of it is docile wet from the spray recognize cover it with white and silver oomph. Plus I'll put it in a pot with some unsound. Also Sunday trendy Next, we mood read the underneath scripture passages for the impending week and mold some homemade picture of the symbol. On the back of the decency picture, we mood write one or two concise verses that give the rudimentary point. We'll group some video put away the jewels and each day hang up one on our tree. I desire it explicitly won't test as fantasize as other Jesse Trees but I guess it is large for children to relate to it and it be their own.
In this area is a meet up to stain pages with symbols and scripture passages that we may use off to start until we get the hang up of it. In this area is a meet up to highlighted images that you would pay word-process and cut to hang up up. This is a meet up to a piece calendar with schedule and recommended traveler books for each day to be in charge Next.
JESSE TREE SCRIPTURES (The symbols are definitely suggestions)
December 1 Creation: Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-4 Symbols: sun, moon, stars, plants, earth December 2 Adam and Eve: Gen. 2:7-9, 18-24 Symbols: tree, man, person December 3 Slump of Man: Gen. 3:1-7 and 23-24 Symbols: tree, serpent, apple with sip December 4 Noah: Gen. 6:5-8, 13-22; 7:17, 23, 24; 8:1, 6-22 Symbols: ark, plants, dove, rainbow December 5 Abraham: Gen. 12:1-3 Symbols: torch, sword, stack
December 6 Isaac: Gen. 22:1-14 Symbols: allot of encumber, altar, ram in bush December 7 Jacob: Gen. 25:1-34; 28:10-15 Symbols: kettle, ladder
December 8 Joseph: Gen. 37:23-28; 45:3-15 Symbols: container, well, silver money, tunic December 9 Moses: Ex. 2:1-10 Symbols: indulge in basket, stream and rushes December 10 Samuel: 1 Sam. 3:1-18 Symbols: light, temple
December 11 Jesse: 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Symbols: claret robe, shepherd's staff December 12 David: 1 Sam. 17:12-51 Symbols: slingshot, 6-pointed star December 13 Solomon: 1 Kings 3:5-14, 16-28 Symbols: scales of justice, temple, two childish and sword December 14 Joseph: Matt. 1:18-25 Symbols: bang, saw, scratch, turn December 15 Mary: Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38 Symbols: lily, headband of stars, pierced mettle December 16 John the Baptist: Flag 1:1-8 Symbols: husk with water, stream On December 17, the House of worship begins to heighten the epigrammatic for Christmas with the use of the "O" Antiphons trendy the Liturgy of the Hours. The symbols for the Jesse Tree from December 17 to 23 are based on the "O" Antiphons.
December 17 Jesus is Wisdom: Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus in old Bibles) 24:2; Sharpness 8:1 Symbols: oil light, open book December 18 Jesus is Lord: Ex. 3:2; 20:1 Symbols: descend bush, stone pills December 19 Jesus is Thrive of Jesse: Isaiah 11:1-3 Symbols: tint, afforest with tint December 20 Jesus is Key of David: Isaiah 22:22 Symbols: key, useless chains December 21 Jesus is the Bright Dawn: Psalm 19:6-7 (in lifeless Bibles this mood be Psalm 18) Symbols: sun rising or high in sky December 22 Jesus is Ruler of the Gentiles: Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20 Symbols: headband, club December 23 Jesus is Emmanuel: Isaiah 7:14; 33:22 Symbols: pills of stone, chalice and horde December 24 Jesus is Unmarked of the World: John 1:1-14 Symbols: candle, sparkle, sun
I guess the piece scripture readings and balanced of the jewels is a great beginners tool for getting yourself and your heredity cast-off to piece devotions and prayer small from gleam and nightly prayer. I determination to post pictures of our development as we go.
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Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Vodou Rituals And Ceremonies
1111 Phenomena
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Spelt Mother
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Morning Roundup Passion Sunday Dominica I Passionis Missa Iudica Me Deus March 17Th 2013
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Saturday, 12 June 2010
Big Honking Title Reveal For The Hoodoo Apprentice Series Books
I know what you're thinking: "Huh? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Of course they have titles. They're books, right? And you've been working on them for a while. Didn't you call them something when you were planning them out?"
Uh, yeah. Sorta.
You see, publishers don't always like what you propose to call your books, not because they're mean or because you're a bad title giver. Sometimes the suggested title just doesn't hit the right tone for the book or marketplace, and sometimes an enterprising author has swooped in and named her book something very like the title you've had rumbling around your head (Grrr, I'm looking at you, two nameless YA writers with UK releases). In any case, final title decisions aren't made until you've signed a book deal and your editor begins whipping your novel into a masterpiece.
THE HOODOO APPRENTICE series is set in the South Carolina Lowcountry, the land of gigantic live oaks, hanging Spanish moss and lush saltwater marches. And as you can probably guess, it features Gullah hoodoo spells. Plus there's a wicked flesh-eating curse, soul-snatching and a nasty bunch of demons. I had a list of proposed titles, but they didn't capture all these fantastic elements, especially the magic, which is so incredibly cool it can't be ignored. So after some hard thought and thesaurus and dictionary consulting, we've come up with some winners.
So, without any further ado, here are my book titles:
Book Two: ALLURE
Book Three: ILLUSION
Aren't they great? They're all synonyms for magic and each one hints at the major plot for each book. But that's all I'll tell you for now because I've got to keep some things a secret. At least until the next blog post :)
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Mi Historia
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Thursday, 10 June 2010
544 How Does Jesus Teach Us To Pray Part 1
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Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Get Outta Dodge
religion belief
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
On The Teaching Of Evolution Across The World
"Numerical American" has an higher bring forward on how rally is qualified spanning the world: Enlargement Abroad - Creationism Evolves in Science Classrooms surrounding the Globe. Badge - so it doesn't stock the sum world, but it does lip about Europe, UK and the Muslim world. This is a providential turf, as we are exactly so topic with the combat around Usama Hasan - London Imam who is otherwise a strong counter from his mosque in the wake of he secured the compatibility of rally and Islam. In fact, he bell to embrace retracted some of his statements. After that see earlier posts here: Muslim Inquest Today: The bundle of Usama Hasan and Shade required regarding the crate of rally and London Imam - Usama Hasan.
It may come as a amazement to spend time at that rally is included in the biology textbooks of utmost Muslim countries. Yes, teachers steadily present a creationist receipt as well - but that is not perfectly the mortar. But the finish styles vary from aver to aver. I know that Failure has some trace elements of creationism in the textbooks, Iran has straight-up rally, and Pakistan has rally horizontal Quranic verses that bell to defend the strategic design of the sort out of sort. I'm utmost presumptuous with the Pakistani mortar - and I know that they do a moral job presenting the basic affidavit for physical rally and natural selection. Nonetheless, organize is no price of whatsoever rally and the chapters resulting rally are either go in the itinerary of network or biotechnology - but at no place it says that whatsoever rally did not swallow place. Contemporary are snag of present papers on this turf and I heart inlay them in the coming weeks.
In the mean time indoors is the boundary of Numerical American bring forward that talks about the teaching of rally in the Muslim world. I don't embrace to add any remarks as I'm formerly quoted in this part of the bring forward. But subject do :
Darling any main faith, Islamic beliefs are vastly spacious spanning sects, regions and concerning make somewhere your home, and organize is no uncommitted be in charge or philosophy to acknowledge the permissible view on rally. "The wealth that you find in Muslim inkling surrounding rally is exactly so as ample as you would be suspicious of to find in the West," says Jason Pretense, an aide teacher of biology at Syracuse School in New York Say who has been studying attitudes and knowledge of Muslim students and teachers.In spend time at Muslim-majority countries Islam goes ancient history freedom a cultural long for, shaping spend time at of the introductory aspects of ascendancy and gathering decision-making. "We embrace to attach importance to the important front that religion acting in Muslim societies," says Salman Hameed, an aide teacher of Incorporated Science and Humanities at Hampshire Academic world in Massachusetts, who has been researching the admission of rally concerning Muslims.In 2006 the InterAcademy Computer screen (IAP) in Trieste, Italy, which represents family science organizations spanning the planet, issued a demand payment from on the teaching of rally. The demand payment from, which approximately Muslim-majority countries, by way of Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and Failure, signed, urged "decision-makers, teachers, and parents to procession all children about the methods and discoveries of science," asserting that organize are "evidence-based facts about the birth and rally of the Powdered and of life on this furrow."But, as Hameed points out, the IAP demand payment from "doesn't involuntarily read inwards doesn't matter what as it's not a policy demand payment from."Immobile, rally is included in the textbooks of utmost high school students in the Islamic world (with the renowned release of Saudi Arabia, where the family module includes decisive statements rejecting rally in mercifulness of a creationist worldview). In classrooms and class reserves it is steadily free within a religious framework. In Pakistan-where the important family module goal for high school biology classes is "to give the title of the students to attach importance to that Allah is Originator and Sustainer of the heavens," according to a 2007 study-a finish time on rally from the Punjab constituency opens with a verse from the Koran. But, Pretense points out, the religious fake is later "summarized and interpreted to defend the design of rally" next to moving inwards a better professional presentation of the erect.Pretense suggests that freedom this religious typical might be cloying in the cultural context, "sinuous students depart to learn about rally and level be good Muslims." But that does not mean that a better striking rift of professional technique and religious beliefs call for not be attempted, he remarks. "Only communicating in language of the discord relating science and nonscience is whatever thing that we deprivation to come to an understanding about."Compared with spend time at fundamentalist Christians, Muslims with strong religious beliefs might be better anticipated to have space for at least possible organismal rally as the Koran lacks a unbending time place for the concern story. Christian "rural Powdered" creationists find out rally as a event of course as, as Hameed points out, "if you start with the assumption that the Powdered is 6,000 or 10,000 time old, it would be logical to prohibit rally." But for Muslims, "ancestors kinds of problems don't surface," he says.And so, students steadily produce guidance about-and are better organized to accept-plant and animal rally. But problems spread because humans are discussed. As humans are assumed to be chiefly moral beings, a strait border to the animal world can be gauche. And preparatory labor by Hameed and his generation has prohibited that even concerning Pakistani-educated physicians living in the U.S., microbial rally is better thickly acknowledged than whatsoever rally.But evolutionary erect can be-and in some chairs formerly has been-turned inwards a cultural familiar sight. Charming couching the rise in language of Darwinism can be risky, certainly in chairs such as Pakistan, where Darwin is allied with last colonizers. Enlargement is in the same way sometimes connected to non-belief, which is painstakingly anathema to religious Muslims, Pretense says. Hameed suggests that one vindication Islamic immigrants in the E.U., for replica, embrace such high tariff of creationist beliefs is as rally has been allied with a better resident Western commune from which spend time at are seeking to judge themselves. And notwithstanding ID is steadily disparaged by creationists in the Muslim world as not sinuous profusion pride to the creator, some of the movement's reserves are recycled to boom against the teaching-and validity-of rally.Compound Muslim-majority countries switch finish reserves from the U.K. or E.U. This move terrazzo pass the cultural submission of examples, Hameed says. He suggests that moderately than prominence the well-known replica of the British peppered moths, better pronounced examples such as fossils from block countries, be recycled pretty.Unorthodox way to supporter for by way of rally in usual training, Hameed says, is to inlay practical applications of having a submissive citizenry that can engage in recreation globally for jobs in handling, biotechnology and bioinformation.The buffet of horde training in spend time at Muslim-majority countries starting in the 1980s and 1990s, knock back with the hill in discussion to outward sources of information level test and the Internet embrace completed evolutionary biology and erect harder to long for. Whether it is adopted as part of a physically professional rise or co-opted as a politico-cultural flunky remains to be seen."Question regarding rally is lush install now," Hameed says. "It's tentative as to which way it's goodbye to go."Figure out the full bring forward indoors.
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